Iolaire gave a sad hoot in agreement.

There was a sparkle in Tezcacoatl’s eyes as he leaned towards the reporter almost conspiratorially and said, “I think we all know that Illarion saysmanythings that are just wishes. I believe that Iolaire is its own, and will choose which one of us as its special someone. I most definitely am putting my hat in the ring!”

What?! No! That is not what’s happening here!Caden felt the frustration of not being able to speak right now. He looked at Valerius, who met his eyes.Tell them that’s not what’s going on, Valerius!

He was half afraid that Valerius would allow this idea to stand just as punishment for them not going home. But he was wrong.

“Black Dragon King Valerius, are you putting your hat in the ring as well?” another reporter asked.

“Illarion is not the only one who speakswishes,” Valerius said curtly with a repressive look at Tezcacoatl who did not shrink at all. “As said previously, Iolaire wishesno mateat this time. My fellow Dragon Shifters have come here on a fool’s errand if they think that Iolaire will be going home with them.”

“Yes, but some are saying that therealreason that Iolaire has no interest in revealing themselves and meeting with the other Dragons is that it has alreadychosensomeone. Namely…you,” the red-haired reporter said.

Everyone went still and silent at this. Caden could only hear his heart thumping like a jackhammer in his chest. What did he want Valerius to say? That yes, they were together and the other Dragon Shifters needed to get stuffed? But if he did that, then he and Caden could never openly date because they’d know he was the White Dragon! But if Valerius completely denied that they were together then… then Caden’s heart might break. Even if it wasn’t true!

And it wasn’t true, right?

No, it wasn’t.

Valerius met the reporter’s gaze steadily. “My personal life has always been off limits to the press.” His gaze swept the entire crowd. “As you all are well aware.”

The reporters looked a little chastened, which for reporters was probably pretty amazing. Tezcacoatl was looking at Valerius speculatively though. It was clear that he wouldn’t be put off by some stern words and an even sterner glare.

“Thorin,” Valerius called to the police chief who stepped up with considerable alacrity.

“Yes, my king?” Thorin bowed low.

“He’s bowing!” Maccauley let out an excited whisper. “That’s so cool!”

“Of course he’s bowing. Everybody bows to Valerius. Well, not the reporters, but everyone else. Besides he’s a Werewolf,” Tilly whispered back. “They’re big on rank.”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Maccauley answered.

“Please have your people escort the press from the park,” Valerius said firmly. “I believe you did tell them it was closed some time ago.”

“It shall be done, my king.” Thorin bowed again.

With a few terse words, his people were herding the reporters away from them. There were more shouted questions and cameras were still being turned towards Valerius and Tezcacoatl, but the police were making headway. Soon, the lights from the cameras were gone and only the soft twilight illuminated the park. The churr of night insects replaced the reporters’ calls and the three Dragon Shifters and three children all stared at one another.

Tezcacoatl turned to Valerius and said, “You are not too angry at me, Valerius!”

Valerius’ lips flattened. “After seeing what I did to Illarion, why would you risk my temper, Tezcacoatl?”

The Gold Dragon Shifter released Valerius from the hug and spread his arms wide. “I was coming to High Reach when I saw that Iolaire was in the park.” He shrugged. “I had to come.”

“And show off,” Valerius muttered.

Tezcacoatl laughed. “Of course! One must be the peacock with one’s potential mate! Oh, and look at those eyes flashing! I cannot believe the reporters did not press the question about you and Iolaire!”

“If you suspect that I am in love with Iolaire, it further begs the question why you would risk my wrath in coming here like this,” Valerius growled.

Tezcacoatl’s eyes widened. “Love?”

Valerius scowled, but said nothing. Had he admitted to more than he wanted to?

Tezcacoatl rubbed his chin. “Valerius and Raziel inlove?!” He shook himself. “My friend, I did not think you were, but if you are to tell me now that Iolaire is off limits, I will respect that. But I cannot help being flirtatious still. It is my nature!”

Caden and Iolaire were rigid. Tilly had even stopped breathing. They were both waiting for Valerius’ answer.