Page 93 of Agony of Our Regret

Now that I was paying closer attention, the four of them were brighter and lighter than I’d seen in years. The ongoing threat was gone. We could start our lives. No more fear. No more anticipation.

The AS would disappear, and we’d be free to live our lives.

It was going to take a while for that to sink in.

“Well, then.” Vince shook his head. “Let’s eat.”

I should have beensuspicious from the time I woke up to breakfast and a new outfit. Luca and Gavin had pancakes waiting for me and a new cream dress with a camel-colored coat that easily closed over my bump.

I ate and got ready, thinking maybe they had planned something with the guys. Maybe we’d see the new house now that it was under contract. Or we’d go baby supply shopping.


We ended up at Luca’s parents' house.

I should have noticed all the cars parked on the street.

I blamed pregnancy brain for being so oblivious.

“Surprise!” a group cheered, as soon as I stepped inside.

I gasped, putting my hands over my stomach as my body went through several levels of shock. I wasn’t sure if I was going to pee myself, go into labor, or cry.

Luckily, I landed on the last one.

“Oh, my gosh!” I stepped into Renae’s open arms as the floodgates opened.

“Sweetie!” She pulled back and wiped under my eyes. “Why are you crying?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting this.” I glanced around, stunned by how many people were here to celebrate our baby. “With everything going on...I didn’t––”

“We’re not letting the AS take away any more time or joy than they already have.” She pulled me in for another hug. “You deserve this.”

“Thank you.” I squeezed her back, then looked behind her to the banner that read, “Oh, baby!” The decorations everywhere mostly consisted of baby’s breath and lemons.

That had me laughing, and I pointed them out. “Lemon!”

“Gwen said we had to.” Renea smiled and led me deeper into the house.

I looked back and caught Gavin and Luca sneaking out. “Where are you guys going?”

“This is a mom thing,” Luca explained.

“Yeah, no boys allowed.” Gavin blew me a kiss, and they escaped.

“Come on, we have food in here.” Renae put her hand on my shoulder.

Well, that was enough to convince me to go into the surprise shower instead of running away.

Gwen ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. “Did you guess?”

I shook my head and slipped off my coat. She took it and laid it over a chair.

“Although I really should have guessed something was up when I saw this.” I gestured to the white cute dress. It was tight and accentuated my honeydew-sized belly. I probably wouldn’t have picked it out for myself, but it was perfect for a day celebrating the bump.

“I bought it,” she admitted with a laugh. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Did I say that?” I asked with a smile.