“Oh, girl, you’re glowing. I know you don’t like to flaunt it, but today, it’s an absolute must.”
“Fair.” I caved and wandered toward the spread on the kitchen island. I’d been to enough Castello events to prepare for anything from elite selections I couldn’t identify, like stinky cheeses to a half-dozen frozen pizzas for ravenous teenagers.
Renae knew how to adjust to her guests, but as I smiled and waved to the gathered women, I wasn’t sure which direction she’d go. Everyone in attendance was from the Society. I knew most well, but some I’d only met a few times. With five partners, we had more support than I could imagine. The guys were born and raised here and well loved. These women might not know me yet, but they wanted to show up for the men in my life.
“I put together a list of your cravings throughout your pregnancy,” Gwen whispered, as we grabbed plates. “That’s the theme.”
I cackled. That explained the eclectic combination of pizza, sliders, lasagna, teriyaki chicken rice bowls, and toast with an array of toppings. “I love it so much.”
Renae and Tessa waited for us at the other side of the kitchen, so I loaded my plate with my favorites and went to them.
“We asked the guys, and they said to skip the silly games. We’re just going to hang out.” Tessa pointed to the large flat screen. “The slideshow is baby pictures of all of you.”
I grinned at the baby with hair sticking up in every direction and a goofy smile. Skyler for sure.
“We have one game we can play before gifts. More like predictions rather than what candy bar is in the diaper,” Renae continued.
“Yeah. I vetoed that immediately,” Gwen assured me.
“As if we’d ever do that,” Tessa scoffed. “But I didn’t want you to endure standing up and them cutting string to guess how big your belly is either.”
I covered my bump with my free hand. “Yeah. No, thank you.”
“We just want you to have fun and let us all celebrate you, the boys, and the life you’re bringing into the world. Our families couldn’t be happier.” Tessa kissed my cheek. “Let’s find you a seat.”
Space was left for me and Gwen on the couch, so we took it and ate while chatting with the women around us. She made sure I knew who everyone was and their connection to the guys if I wasn’t already aware. I expected to feel awkward or out of place, but everyone was so kind and generous.
I planned on spending a few weekends at baby stores loading up on everything we’d need, but by the time Luca and Gavin arrived to drive me home, I was pretty sure we had more than enough to raise an army, including a crib, stroller, car seat, bouncer, and items I didn’t recognize. Some intimidated me, like a straw to suck out a stuffy nose and a breast pump with far too many attachments.
There’d been few occasions so far that made the reality of a baby coming sink in, and this was by far the biggest.
Our lives were about to change forever. Again, but in the best possible way.
The dark cloudthat had been looming over us for years finally dissipated, letting in the sun and brightening our world. We weren’t the only ones who noticed the change. The atmosphere in the office was 180 degrees from a few weeks ago.
My colleagues laughed and smiled, and the general pace slowed.
We weren’t fighting the clock. We didn’t stress about what might happen next.
The restrictions were gone. The AS leaders down the chain of command were detained and awaiting trial in over thirty countries. The Supernatural Council was now overseeing what remained of the group since they had available resources.
We were back to regular Society business, which left me and my committee in a strange position.
“What do you two think?” Daniel asked me and Gwen during our weekly meeting.
I put my hands over my bump and considered the options.
We could stop renovations and sell the property, allowing all teens to return home and attend traditional high schools. Or wecould continue as planned and give the teens the option of a Society boarding school.
Gwen glanced at me, and I gave her a nod before she started. “I think we should finish what we started. I know Avalon mentioned it already, but going to Drexel Academy was incredibly helpful for learning more about our abilities. I can only see the positives of providing a space where more people like them can gather and share experiences and ideas and train.”
I nodded. “Now it doesn’t have to be a requirement. Having a choice is even better than being forced to leave your family and home.”
Daniel looked at the computer, which showed Bruce’s video feed. “What do you think?”
Bruce grinned. “You heard the experts. We finish the school and make sure our members know it’s an option available to them. We can start with the extending the invitation to North America, and if there’s room expanding from there.”