“Since you got back?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if being here triggered them. Maybe one of us made a decision that put them into motion, but I’ve seen us with more than one child.”
“More than two?”
He gave me a small smile. “I don’t want to spoil anything, plus things are always changing.”
I nodded and looked down at my half-eaten plate.
Knowing he’d had visions of our future made the idea that we could make it feel more real. In a few years, we’d look back and think of this as just a rough patch. Not the end.
“I think we should get some to-go boxes.”
He eyed my food. “Are you not feeling well?”
I smiled. “I just can’t wait to get you home.”
“Oh,” he paused. “Oh.” His brows lifted, and I nodded.
He straightened and looked around. “I’ll find the waiter.”
Sometimes I wishedI could pause the clock. Or calendar at this point. Time was moving too quickly. It felt like the guys had only been back for a couple of weeks, but it had been over a month.
I stepped off the elevator in our apartment building, ready to run to my closet and swap my work attire for the comfiest clothes I could find.
To think that I’d popped when I had the smallest of bellies. Now I felt like I needed someone to clear the way in front of me for my wide load.
It wasn’t that bad—or so I told myself. I was firmly in the maternity section of my closet. No more squeezing into my normal clothes, but that was fine. Good enough. It meant Lemon, who was now between a cob of corn and a zucchini, was healthy and growing.
Things between me and the guys had progressed quickly, returning close to what they had been before life took over once again.
Vince was traveling to the new school every week, only returning for one or two days on the weekend, if at all. Sky andLuca were on a special assignment, doing top-secret things that kept them working at all hours. Gavin’s department hacked into another AS system and found communication from members and personal information stored in a secret database. Noah was around the most, but each time he had a vision of use to the Society, he’d disappear for a day or two while they analyzed every aspect.
Gwen was usually in New Mexico with Vince, so I spent most of my time home alone—unless one of the mothers found me.
I was ninety-nine percent certain the guys were scheming to keep me busy. Not that I minded the dinners or shopping trips with Mandy, Tessa, and Renae, but sometimes I just wanted to collapse on the couch with a bottle of Ginger Ale and microwavable pizza bites.
I was practically drooling at the thought of pepperoni when I unlocked the door, and the buzz of too many voices greeted me in the foyer. I nearly jumped back, wondering if I’d opened the wrong apartment or was being robbed by the noisiest thieves in history, but the voices were familiar ones.
“That’s not where that goes.” Vince pushed Sky over. “I’ll do it.”
“Have you guys tried this yet?” Noah asked from the ground, where he was wrapped around an enormous pillow.
“Dude, let me try!” Luca tried to rip it from between his legs, but Noah gripped it like a snake.
“Um, what’s going on?”
They froze and turned toward me as one.
“You’re home!” Gavin beamed.
“You’rehome.” I slipped off my coat and hung it next to my purse. “What are you all doing here?”
“Building a glider,” Vince announced.
“It's Thursday.”