Several people shot her odds looks over her prank comment. Surely, they knew she though Melanie was a prank. Everyone did. Jason sighed, “Anyway, it was going so well but Dante knew who I was. He had me transferred somewhere. I mean they were Hunters, it's not like my bracelet turning brown was a shock. I don’t know what Mel did to this damn watch, but I swear it shorted and shocked me. They worked me over pretty good. They were talking about sending me somewhere else.”

I growled, “Dante was there?” He nodded, “Yeah, I got a decent punch in on him when he declared my name before they had me down with wolfsbane. I looked him dead in the eye and said he’d die for what he did to Everly one day.”

He continued, “There were four of them, but two never touched me. They were arguing with each other. They said that they had to tell her about me. That she’d never forgive them. Then they argued about releasing me. It’s all blurry guys. I’msorry. Someone was angry though. Like fiercely angry. I heard punches landing on people and arguing, then I was being released from my restraints. There was more arguing. I felt a pressure on my thumb, and I was out.”

He looked up pleading, “Guys, I swear I heard Ladybug. I think I even saw her.” My mom raised an eyebrow. Alexander said, “You couldn't have though. She was at her recital. She can’t be in two places at once.” I glanced at my brother sharply because he sounded and felt incredibly confident.

My mom’s curiosity went back to being pissed that they weren’t letting the prank go in such a serious situation. Drake walked back up, “I asked leading questions, but she didn’t pick anything up. Melanie has no idea about any of this. She completely bought you’d misplaced your phone.” Jason frowned, “Ok.” I knew he didn’t believe it though.

We stayed for a bit longer, easing Elise’s anxiety. Drake hugged Alexander and held his hand out for my mom. She surprised us all by giving him a brief hug. We popped back to our area. I waited until Elise was asleep and walked to Alexander’s room.

I opened the door slowly and I walked in. He was so entranced by his computer that he didn’t notice me. When I looked over his shoulder I saw why. I cleared my throat. Alexander whirled around and slammed his computer shut. He was blushing.

I raised an eyebrow, “How do you have a video of Melanie’s dance recital?” Alexander rubbed the back of his neck, “I…” He faltered, “Well, you see. What happened was I…” I coughed, “You were so sure she danced tonight because you watched it. How?”

Alexander huffed, “I had Micah run a background software doodad thing on Jason’s computer. They all have login details to see Melanie’s performances. With the doodad thing Micah set upso do I.” I snorted, “Of course you do.” He shrugged, “I needed to see her. She’s so beautiful.”

I nodded, “She’s always been pretty.” He smiled, “She always has on red lipstick. When she dances it’s incredible.” I agreed, “It is.” He smiled, “I can’t take my eyes off her.” I questioned, “So have you been doing this for two years?”

Alexander shuffled, “Well, yes. I just needed to see her. I’m not showing everyone what she looks like. I just needed this for myself.” I nodded, “Alright. I’ll keep your secret.” He smiled and hugged me, “Thanks, EJ.” I nodded, “Uh huh.”

I changed the subject, “Do you think if I buy the sniper a bakery, she’ll reconsider us being friends?” Alexander snorted, “I don’t know. Then again, I don’t know why she thinks we wouldn't want to be her friend in the first place.” He had a point. I left his room.

I had no clue who thought we hated them so much their name would turn us all away. I knew there was something right there something I was missing. Sadly, no matter how hard I tried, like Angela with her visions, I just couldn’t grasp it.

Reaching Out

Elise is Twenty-One Years Old

Elise was beyond excited. FINALLY! I was going to see Mel in person and not just for a few minutes on skype. I swear that girl had only gotten busier these past two years. Rhea replied, “Seriously. I feel like we should investigate how she isn’t set to graduate this year.” I joked, “We should. With all her extra classes and extracurriculars she could be graduating. Right?” Rhea scoffed, “Easily.”

Honestly, I was ready to give her teachers a piece of my mind. I’d tried to talk to Mel, but she just kept saying it wasn’t forever. I knew that. The problem was they were manipulating her, and she was letting them. That part I didn’t understand. Melanie didn’t take crap from people.

Sadly, it all came back to her living her dream. It was like with that set of words we all just accepted everything. It annoyed me. I wanted her to be happy and live her dreams. Something about this bothered us all though, and we just all backed off once those words were spoken.

Sometimes it was like there was an itch on my brain trying to figure out what was so weird about all of this, and I just couldn’t scratch it. The more I thought about it the more it itched, or my head pounded with pain. Eventually I’d just give up.

I didn’t understand what was going on. The more I didn’t understand the more I would get confused. The whole thing made me want to throw my hands in the air. Then as if my mind knew I needed the reminder, the thought that this was her dream would flood into me. It was like cold water.

I was trying to stop her from living her dream for my own selfish reasons. I missed her and wanted her home. Of courseshe wanted to go to Julliard. It was an incredible honor to be accepted. I should be happy for her, and I was. Wasn’t I? Of course I was. I shook the thought off.

Today wasn’t about that though. Today I was going to see her. I could get more of a sense for her feelings today. I was finally going to see her in person. Technically, I should wait until our dinner tonight because it was very early in the morning.

Screw that though, I wanted to see her now. I missed seeing her face to face. It was hard with how busy I was, combined with how busy she was to even talk at all. Rhea chuckled, “But she’s coming for dinner tonight.” She was.

I was so excited about it. I told her Alexander would be there too and she seemed excited. Not like I thought she would be, but still excited. Honestly, everyone was ready for this dang dinner. This was finally going to be resolved. They were mates. Alexander still worried they might not be, but EJ and I knew.

Rhea chimed in, “Plus, Melanie has always been adamant about the fact that he is hers.” True. I told my dad I was going to pick her up my damn self. I was not taking no for an answer. Not this time. EJ was even going to send William, Wesley, and Buttercup with me. It basically came down to the fact that I was not leaving Red Run without Ladybug.

I had warned the pack not to bog me down today. My morning was fine, but I wanted to be in Red Run by dinner time. Did anyone listen to me? No. Did they regret that? I was positive they did. By the time I’d wrapped for the day it was well past dinner. I needed to eat myself.

One of the girls that had been sent to our pack walked into the kitchen timidly. I smiled at her, and she sat down by me. I couldn’t leave to see Mel now and I knew that. These pack members needed some tender loving care. That was my job as their Luna, and their needs came before my own.

I smiled at her, “Hi, Paisley.” She smiled, “Hi, Luna Elise.” I asked, “How are things going?” Paisley smiled softly, “It’s so nice here. It’s very different. Everyone is so kind. Haley is like a lifeline. The letter said you both would be.” I nodded.

The people that came to us usually had a letter. This was the first time I’d gotten any inkling as to what was in them. Rhea snorted, “It’s more than a letter with this one.” Rhea thought Paisley knew someone that talked about us.

There were moments when recognition would flare in her eyes. I’d swear she ran away from Alexander for some reason though. I’d sworn I saw disappointment in her eyes once, but that didn’t make any sense. I must have been wrong.