Most just said they were told to come here. Paisley had been given a bus ticket. She woke up in a hospital and a doctor put her on the bus. We’d tracked him down, and he told us he’d gotten a note too. That he was helping his patient.

There was more there to his story and hers. Haley believed she was getting over a rejected bond, but we didn’t have proof of that. The doctor that sent her here was renowned in the Werewolf world as a surgeon. He was the very best. Why would he have a patient that didn’t require surgery? We thought he could be part of the circle group, but there was nothing to confirm it.

Haley suspected that the blue circle group helped him, and now he helps them. He has four pups, two daughters and two sons. One daughter had basically withdrawn from her life for six months. She was slowly coming back to herself and we were monitoring her.

Haley even spoke with the doctor. She’d given him her card. She knew what was going on with his daughter. They had skype sessions, but of course she couldn’t say much. She took her oaths very seriously.

I casually asked, “Your letter mentioned me specifically?” Paisley nodded, “Yes, it said you would help me, and that your mother in law would too. I was also told that you would always keep my secrets.” Rhea linked, “Mmhmm, I knew it. She said told.” I reasoned, “That could’ve been in the letter.” She sang, “I’m riiiggghhhtt.” I was thinking she was.

Paisley continued, “And that you are what a Luna was supposed to be. That you are a true protector. Just like Haley.” I agreed, “All that is true. You can always come and talk to me. Whatever is said will stay between us if that’s your wish.”

Paisley smiled, “You might think that Luna’s are always like that, but they aren’t. Some lie and make you think you can trust them only to let their mates use it against you.” I frowned, “What do you mean?” Paisley looked around then whispered, “This stays between us?” I nodded, “Of course.”

She sighed and contemplated for several minutes before whispering, “I questioned things happening in my old pack. Things that shouldn’t have been happening. I went to my Luna in confidence. She always seemed like such a nice, caring woman.”

“I was called into my Alpha’s office the next day and punished. She sat there smirking as if she’d won something. After my punishment, I was declared a rogue. The second I crossed the border I was ambushed and taken.”

I gasped, “That shouldn’t have happened. Whenever you’re ready, if you tell me the name of that pack, EJ and I will take over with our allies. I won’t push you to tell me though.” Paisley sighed, “I wish I was braver, but that punishment is something I still remember.”

Rhea told me, “Something about that story is off. I think it happened but not all those details were right. Her heartbeat tells me the part of the Luna story is a lie. Her wolf even whimpered.”I asked, “Why would she lie about that part?” She replied, “I don’t know, but she did.”

I took Paisley’s hands, “I’m so sorry that happened to you. How long after that did you get out?” Paisley smiled, “I was lucky I was only there for three months after that. Some of those girls on my bus were there for years. Even one guy. There were more guys, but I guess they just took off. I worry about them sometimes. All of us had different stops, you know?” I nodded because I did know that.

They rotated between our territories, but anyone like Paisley was here. Someone knew us well. Eric was worried about that. I asked, “Is it common knowledge that Haley Conners escaped the Ring?” Paisley laughed, “She is a famous double Princess. Everyone talks about her. There are rumors but most outside this area think anyone would be crazy to have done that to King Titus’ daughter.”

She paused, “I used to be one of those people. I doubted those rumors and stories. I looked up to her though. Now, I do even more than before. If she can rise up from the ashes and stand as she does, I can too. I don’t even know how she juggles it all. She’s a double Princess, has twenty pups, is a therapist, a mom, and a mate.” I nodded.

Paisley snorted, “Not to mention highly desired. I always believed the rumors about people wanting to take her and her pups. I bet Alpha Eric is quite busy, as she is, about those threats.” I gulped but nodded. Those threats always scared me, and I knew I didn’t know them all.

EJ didn’t even know because if it wasn’t a credible threat he didn’t want to be informed. There were enemies of the Fae that desperately wanted to get their hands on EJ and his siblings, along with Haley herself. We had fought against several, but I knew that Haley and Eric thwarted many more attempts ever since EJ, Cassie, and Alexander had been born.

Rhea snorted, “Yeah, but we know those attempts have dwindled since we took over.” Which didn’t make sense. Rhea snickered, “Unless someone like the circle group is stopping them.” Then I liked them even more than I already did.

Paisley left the kitchen. I sat back in my chair. My phone started to ring. I smiled and answered, “Hi, Cass.” Cassie replied, “So, did my big brother manage to stay out of Red Run today?” I snorted, “As far as I know Alexander hasn’t left the pack. I haven’t even made it there myself yet. No one listened to my directive.”

Cassie tisked, “How much do they regret that?” I admitted, “I think it’s safe to say they realized they’d monumentally messed up. I think your brother has a personal countdown until tomorrow.” Cassie chuckled, “I, for one, can’t wait.” I squealed, “You’re coming?” Cassie sounded surprised, “Uh hell yes. Dad is having to turn people away from dinner, so we don’t overwhelm the imaginary Melanie. We can’t have her not like Black Mountain, now, can we?”

I snorted, “She will love it. She’s wanted to come here for sixteen years.” Cassie grumbled, “If only it was common knowledge why EJ and I are so excited for this to happen.” I laughed, “I still can’t believe people haven’t picked up on it.”

Cassie snorted, “I’m not. Alexander is good at hiding his emotions from others. It’s harder to do that with EJ and me. The younger siblings have an idea I’m pretty sure.” She added, “Well, not Angela of course. Honestly, I’ve been tempted to tell her more than once. She would just pop to our house in New York and happen to run into Melanie.” I snorted, “Someone should put a pin in that plan.”

Cassie sighed, “The only reason I haven’t done it myself is because Alexander wants Melanie to live out her dream. Damn my parents and their respect for other people’s choice mantrathat I’ve adopted.” I laughed, “In this one situation only I agree. Damn that mantra.”

Cassie confided, “I’ve decided, that if she gets into Julliard and they haven’t met by her senior year I’m at my limit. I’ll take a mission in New York and wander around until I find her.” I laughed, “I like it.” Cassie sighed, “This whole ‘it’s her dream’ just gets me. I’d never want to take someone’s dream from them. Thank god for Karina’s cookies.”

I ate one as she said it. I told her, “I feel the same way. She’s like my little sister. I want her to be happy. I just know she’d be happy here too. If not happier if she’d just meet Alexander. He could pop back and forth to see her once they’d met.”

Cassie snorted, “Right? Stupid ass rule.” I saw EJ in the living room. I told Cassie, “I’ve got to go. I’m going to go see Mel. I just want to see her wolf before tonight. Hell, I might spend the night there just so there’s no way she can’t not make dinner tomorrow.” Cassie laughed, “Sit on her if necessary. I’m a call away if you need a charm or twenty to ensure dinner happens. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up and ran into the living room.

The bond told me how amused EJ was over my feelings. Rhea grumbled, “I want to leave right now. The only reason we weren’t already there was because of pack disputes.” I agreed, “They will listen to us next time.” She agreed, “They’d better.” I knew she was excited to see Melanie too. She’d grown so attached to her.

I had a quick chat with Alexander, who was smiling as we discussed dinner. This was absolutely happening. I’d literally put it on her calendar and mine. Ok it was ok EJ’s and Alexander’s too. I had no chill. I even put it on my dad and Drake’s calendars.

EJ grabbed me and popped us to my parents’ house. My heart dropped the second we got there. Drake was crying. I noted Sam was outside with my mom. I could see them on the porch.The only person I didn't see was Melanie. Had they fought after her shift? No, that was unlikely. She might still be out running around enjoying her first run.

Rhea asked, “Then why are they crying?” She sounded dejected but it just wasn’t possible that Melanie wasn’t here. It just wasn’t. I was firmly in denial. When Drake told us she was still in New York tears sprang into my eyes. Rhea growled in my head. I wanted to scream at them and demand to know how did happened.

Dalton linked, “Sis.” I shouted, “Melanie and I had plans! We’ve been talking about them for months!” He replied, “The plane…” I cut him off, “I heard dad explain! Why didn’t she call me? Huh? I could’ve had EJ go get her. This was obviously an emergency that no one would or could have argued over. EJ can pop TO THE DAMN AIRPORT!”