Luna Chelsea Kyle walked outside. She waved, “I thought I heard a pop. Would you like to come in for lunch?” I grabbed Elise and popped inside. Ray growled, “Pup, I swear you do that to annoy me!” I laughed, nodding my head at him.

Alpha Peter came into the room. He kissed Elise’s head and smiled at me greeting, “Hello, EJ.” I replied, “Sir.” Alpha Peter rolled his eyes, “Peter is fine, EJ.” I nodded to him. We sat down and Dakota and Dalton walked in slowly.

Luna Chelsea said, “You two sit at the table and don’t you DARE get in the cabinets again.” I smirked. Ben McAlister walked in smiling. He looked at Peter asking, “Where’s your dad? Esther just got back with MaryBeth and Melinda. They demand Nick’s presence to tell him all about their trip.”

Peter laughed, “He’s out back with Dane.” Dane was Peter’s youngest brother. Ben snorted, “That’s good because MaryBeth demands his presence as well.” That was predictable. Dane and MaryBeth were mates. The two families couldn’t have been happier about it. Cousin Emmaline was very popular among younger wolves. Everyone wanted to know if she knew their mate. I squeezed Elise’s hand.

Luna Chelsea said, “So EJ, I heard a rumor that your mom almost fought someone today.” Peter choked on his water. He managed to say, “The heavily pregnant Lead Luna of Black Mountain almost fought someone? Oh god. Did Alpha Eric lose his shi... stuff? Did someone get kicked out?”

I laughed because I knew the word shit. Luna Chelsea smiled, “What would you do if I was trying to fight someone right now?” Peter growled. Luna Chelsea was one month pregnant. Elise had been hoping for a sister, but she was getting another brother. She was still excited. I knew that was because she had MaryBeth, Melinda, and Melanie.

Elise nudged me, “Is that what happened earlier? That’s why you were upset when you got here, but you said...” She trailed off then whispered, “Uh oh.” Peter frowned, “What sweetie?” Elise grimaced, “You said your Grandma hurt Cassie’s feelings.” Luna Chelsea stiffened, “No way.”

I told them, “My mom challenged Grandma Cassandra.” Peter made a continue gesture asking, “And she did not accept, right? One does accept a challenge from a pregnant woman, regardless of rank. You link their mate and the Alpha. Though in that case it’s one in the same.”

I shook my head, “She accepted.” Peter’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Nick and Ben had walked back inside with Dane. All three paused. Dane said, “Dada, I wanna go see Beth!” Nick said, “Alright. Let’s go.” They both walked out, casting looks over their shoulders. Lots of people had those looks about my Mom and Grandma.

Elise asked me softly, “What happened?” I sighed, “Cousin Miley took mom’s place. Uncle Bjourn showed up and told Grandma Cassandra to take her acceptance back or she’d been fighting him.” Luna Chelsea paled. I continued, “She did. Take it back I mean.” We ate the meal in silence.

I knew Ray was mad because he really liked my mom. In fact, he was going to guard her until my dad assigned him to Elise. Ray was still very protective of my mom though. After lunch, I walked outside with Elise. We usually took a walk around the territory. I waved to Melinda, MaryBeth and Dane.

Tristan ran out of his house shouting, “Hi, EJ!” I smiled, “Hey, T.” Tristan and I were good friends. Alexander and Jason were pretty good friends too. Jason ran out behind him saying, “Alexander invited me over for a sleepover. When you leave can you pop me back?” I nodded, “Sure. Are you coming, T?” Tristan nodded, “If I’m invited, yeah!” I assured him, “You are.” He grinned, “Cool!” Elise sighed.

I hugged her, “If we were allowed, I’d bring you too.” She pouted. I frowned, “Don’t give me that look. It makes me want to do everything for you.” She kept looking up at me with pouting eyes. I sighed then linked Cassie, “Can you ask mom if Elise can have a sleepover with you?” Cassie giggled, “Sure.” I waitedfor several minutes. Cassie linked, “Mom said it’s fine if Luna Chelsea says it's ok.”

I tapped Elise’s nose, “Cassie invited you over for your own sleepover.” Elise clapped and ran inside to talk to her mom. Tristan commented, “You are so whipped.” I rolled my eyes, “You will be one day too. I just can’t stand to see her sad. She gave me the pouty eyed look. What was I supposed to do?” They didn’t reply.

I looked back over to their house and caught a flash of the curtains moving in the room facing us. I tilted my head, “I think your house is haunted.” They both turned. Jason laughed, “That’s Mel’s room.” Tristan chuckled, “He’s right, that’s Ladybug’s room. She’s probably dying to come meet you.”

I admitted, “I’ve never heard anyone call her Ladybug.” Tristan laughed, “Well she can either be a lady or she buzzes around like a bug.” I retorted, “Supposedly.” Tristan tilted his head, “Supposedly?” I snorted, “You do know no one has met her because she’s always in trouble. Or your dad didn’t want her to leave the territory. I’m here regularly and I’ve never seen her, or a picture.”

Jason snorted, “It’s not our fault you're unobservant. There are pictures of her everywhere.” No there really weren’t. It was weird and a lot of people thought so. Melinda came skipping up to us. She greeted, “Hey T, can I go play with Mel?” Jason replied, “Mel’s in trouble.”

Melinda sighed, “That’s what daddy said, but I don’t see why. Robert was mean and threw her toy in the mud.” Jason smirked, “She shouldn’t have hit him.” Melinda crossed her arms, “Really? What would you have done, Jase? Just let that go? NO! You have Beta blood, and so does Mel. It’s not fair!” She stomped her foot and ran off.

I concluded, “She has a point.” Tristan winced, “She does. Sometimes mom is harder on her because everyone else iswrapped around her finger.” Brutus commented, “That seems weird. Sam isn’t a super strict parent.” She really wasn’t.

Elise came running back outside with a bag, “Mom said it was fine!” Elation filled me knowing Elise was coming home with me. Brutus purred in my head. I picked her up and spun her around. She giggled, “I’m not allowed in your room though.” I shrugged, “Who cares?”

Tristan jumped up and down, “Pick me! I know! EJ doesn’t care. Plus, who needs a room to do stuff?” I growled, “Don’t talk about her like that!” We hadn’t even kissed. I wasn’t rushing anything. Tristan put his hands up, “I was just kidding, bro. You know I love her like a sister.” I barked out, “Go get your stuff. I’ll pop us all home.” They left.

I called over my shoulder, “Ray, are you coming too?” Ray came up with a go bag. He smiled, “Where Elise goes, I go.” Elise asked, “Are you excited to go home?” Ray smiled, “I have a house here and there. Home is where you make it, little Elise.” She was my home.

Jason and Tristan came back out with bags. Beta Female Sam McAlister yelled from their porch, “You two be on your best behavior!” Beta Drake called, “She means it boys!” They both replied, “Yes, sir!” Everyone grabbed hands.

I looked up and caught another flicker of the curtains. Maybe Melanie McAlister did exist. If not for Elise being so insistent, I’d say she didn’t. Brutus grumbled, “Mate would never lie to us. Even for a prank.” My mom was convinced Melanie was a prank they were pulling on all of us to get one over on her. Mom pulled epic pranks and she thought this was their way of getting back at her.

I popped us back into the living room where my dad was waiting. He told the group, “Alexander and Cassie are upstairs with Wesley and Max.” We all turned to leave. My dad said, “EJ, stay a moment.” I nearly cursed but nodded. Elise shot mea worried look, then went upstairs with Tristan and Jason. I walked over and sat on the couch.

My dad studied me before asking, “Why did you tell your grandma to leave you and your siblings alone?” I answered, “Because she should. Even mom said the same.” My dad sat back surmising, “You don’t like your grandmother.” I acknowledged, “No, I don’t. I love her because she’s my grandma, but I don’t like her in the slightest. She’s not a good person.”

My dad winced, “What did she do?” I frowned, “Mom didn’t tell you?” My dad sighed, “I haven’t asked her yet. I wanted her to calm down for the twin’s sake. Your grandma is cooling on ice in the dungeons waiting for us to all talk.” He’d put her in the dungeons? Wow.

I evaded, “You should talk to Cassie.” My dad’s jaw clenched, “I knew it. I knew this had something to do with Cassie. Go spend time with your friends and mate, son.” I got up to leave. I turned declaring, “I wouldn’t have let mom fight grandma. None of us would’ve.”

My dad smiled, “I know you wouldn’t. Your job is to protect your family, mate, and pack. I would’ve used my Alpha Command on your grandmother. I don’t care what is going on, no challenge issued by a pregnant woman is to be accepted. Especially not your mothers.” I turned to leave again then turned back.

I linked Alexander, “Come down here for a minute.” Alexander replied, “Coming.” He popped next to me. My dad raised an eyebrow greeting, “Son.” Alexander smiled, “Dad.” I gently said, “We heard some things.” My dad frowned interrupting, “About?”