Alexander answered, “Mom. When we were in Faerie. They don’t quite grasp how good our hearing is.” I could feel my dad’s fury in our bond. Tears filled my eyes, “It’s true then. They hurt mom! They tortured her?”
My dad closed his eyes and ground out, “What exactly did you hear?” Alexander said, “We heard that she was beaten up a lot. That someone Fabi, Forbie, or something like that, experimented on her with iron. They said that’s why mom is short. She’s the shortest out of all the Ribbon mom’s we’ve seen. Is it because they hurt her?”
My dad sighed, “Your mom’s story is one you will hear. Not until you’re a little older though. Your mom plans to tell you all about it. She’s not hiding it from you, but you’re only eight. I linked her just now and say this with her express consent. What you heard is true. Your mom did not have a good childhood there. Before you guys were born the Sky and Earth Fairies looked down on partials. They didn’t like that your mom lived in Faerie. They thought she should be in the human realm.”
Alexander frowned, “Why not the Hackura realm?” Dad ran a hand through his hair, “They didn’t know your Grandpa Titus was your mom’s dad. They thought he was human.” That didn’t make sense. I knew mom’s birth mother was the former Queen in Faerie, Alania. I also knew mom didn’t like her.
Just like I knew that when gifts showed up randomly for mom from other Fairies, Alania was one of them. Mom always pulled back in the bond when they came. Alexander and I locked eyes. Alexander linked, “We need to learn more about Alania and this Fabi person.” I corrected, “Fabian. They said his name was Fabian.” Alexander shrugged.
My dad warned, “I know that look. Please, give your mom and I time here.” I questioned, “How much time?” My dad answered, “Your mom wants to explain it when you are sixteen.” Alexander groaned, “That’s so old!” My dad laughed, “It’s not. You two must think I’m ancient.”
I teased, “Yeah, you’re an old man.” My dad smiled, “One day you’ll be just as old as me.” I scoffed, “In like forever.” My dadrolled his eyes, “Go see your friends and your mate.” Alexander and I popped back upstairs.
Jason and Alexander split off after an hour. Cassie and Elise got tired, so I walked Elise to Cassie’s room. I kissed her forehead, “Sweet dreams, Elise. You’re my girl. You know that, right?” Elise blushed and nodded, “I know because you’re my guy. Good night, EJ.” She turned but I grabbed her hand.
I looked into her eyes declaring, “There will never be anyone for me but you.” She giggled. Cassie said, “I’m just…” We didn’t say anything. Cassie snickered, “Yup. I’m going.” I smirked. Elise smiled, “How are you and the rest of the boys going to handle Cassie finding her mate?” I growled, “She’s eight.” Elise laughed, “She’s older than I am.”
I grumbled, “That’s different. She’s my little sister, and you’re my girl. Her mate will treat my sister like a Queen if he knows what’s good for him.” Elise touched my shoulder, “Just like you treat me.” She kissed my cheek and ran into Cassie's room.
I touched my cheek as the door closed. She’d never done that before. I smiled and made my way back to my room. Tristan and I played video games for a while. I casually asked, “So, your supposed sister threw Robert in the mud. Please tell her I’ll give her whatever she wants for that.” He snorted, “Ladybug is not fictional, and I’m not telling her that. She doesn’t like Robert and doesn’t need any encouragement.” She might.
The next day I popped everyone home and spent some more time with Elise. We were in a field when she asked me, “Can you shift into Brutus again?” Brutus begged, “Please! She asked!” I told my mate, “He’d love to.” I ran behind a tree and quickly took my clothes off, then shifted.
Brutus ran out from behind the tree and lightly nipped at the bottom of Elise’s shirt. He loved playing with her. She giggled and started to chase me. We’d been playing for an hour when her mom came outside, “Elise, it’s time for EJ to go home.” My matepouted, “But we just got back.” Her mom smiled, “You got back a few hours ago.”
Brutus huffed and ran back to the tree. I snapped my clothes on and walked back out. I hugged Elise, “I’ll see you soon, ok?” She nodded. I pulled back and she quickly wiped tears away. It was like a dagger to the heart. “Please don’t cry.” She whispered, “I just miss you when you’re gone.”
I tapped her nose, “I miss you more than you could ever know when I’m not with you. Do save up all your imaginary Melanie stories for me. Ok?” She laughed and pushed me, “She’s not imaginary.” I teased, “So you say.” I still wasn’t sure. I popped home.
The next few weeks passed in that pattern. My grandma had apologized to us all. I honestly didn’t want her apology. I wanted her to apologize to my mom and mean it. I didn't think she ever would at this point. It’s like she forgot we knew her motivations. I knew my dad had agreed with my mom because apart from the apology she stayed away from us.
School was boring without Elise. I kept asking dad if I could transfer to their pack school, but he said no. Alexander and I pulled pranks to make things interesting. Cassie would join in on our fun every so often. She was stealthier than we were.
Uncle Bjourn started us training with swords. I boasted to all who would listen that Cassie was really good. Everyone said she was a natural. Alexander and I were so proud of her. Uncle Bjourn said she favored mom in that skill. Alexander and I preferred a broadsword, whereas Cassie used samurai swords.
Wesley ran into the gym shouting, “Mommy’s in labor! Tim and Brody are on the way!” I thought that may be the case based on her feelings in the bond. We all dropped what we were doing and ran to the hospital with Uncle Bjourn right behind us. The rest of my siblings were waiting. My grandparents were there and my aunts and uncles.
A portal opened and my Uncle Harper stepped through with my Grandpa Titus and Grammy Veronica. Cassie squealed, “Grammy!” She popped into Grammy’s arms and then to Grandpa Titus. He kissed her head, “Hello sweet girl. How Grandpa’s favorite granddaughter?” She giggled, “I’m your only granddaughter, Grandpa.” Grandpa smiled, “How silly of me. You’re still my favorite granddaughter.” She laughed.
Dad came out and smiled asking, “Do you guys want to meet your brothers?” We all yelled at the same time, “YES!” I picked Parker up off the floor and carried him inside. He smiled at me even though he could walk, but he was two and let me carry him still sometimes.
I turned to see Cassie had Cole and Alexander had Calvin in his arms. Mom was holding both of our brothers. My dad walked over and picked up one of them. He made introductions, “This is Brody. Your mom has Tim.”
I set Parker down. He toddled over to our mom, popped up into the bed, and studied Tim. Cassie walked over to our mom and gave her a hug. Uncle Aiden popped in. He threw confetti, “More Conners boys! Ahhh, yes. More stubborn Alpha Fairies for me tease my brother in law about. Congratulations, little sister.” She smiled, “Thank you, Aiden.” He blessed the twins and hugged us all.
He studied Alexander and me. Alexander linked, “He must know what we heard about mom.” I nodded. Uncle Aiden looked back at my mom and dad then tilted his head to us. We walked outside and he immediately spoke his space unheard chant.
He sighed, “I heard that there was something you weren’t meant to overhear just yet.” I frowned, “Did dad tell you?” Uncle Aiden laughed humorlessly, “He knows? What am I saying? Of course he does. He’s your father after all. He and I are quite alike in that way. He would not like that comparison I fear.”
He waved, “Nonetheless no, your dad didn’t tell me. I heard about it from another source. You will hear the whole story one day. I know you will have questions then. I just ask that you come find me for them.” I frowned, “Of course, Uncle Aiden. I promise.” Alexander nodded, “Me too. I promise.”
Uncle Aiden laughed, “All of you are so like your mother in some ways. But in other ways your father shines through. Your looks certainly are your fathers, but those hearts you boys have are so like your mothers. Don’t lose that.” I smiled, “I don’t plan to.”
Uncle Aiden told us, “You are both are welcome in Faerie anytime. You know that, right?” Alexander nodded, “We know. It’s bad, isn’t it? Everything that happened to mom.” Uncle Aiden looked away, “It is bad. Things are different now though. That would never happen again, but it shouldn’t have happened then.” His sorrow called out to us.
I put my hand on his shoulder, “It’s alright, Uncle Aiden.” Uncle Aiden said, “I just hope one day you boys don’t hate me.” Alexander stiffened, “We could never hate you.” Uncle Aiden acknowledged, “I truly hope you do not. Some days, I hate myself.” I frowned, “That’s not very Fae like of you.”
Uncle Aiden laughed, “That is very true. You keep an eye on your mother for me, will you? I expect a call from one of you if your grandmother” His dislike for Grandma Cassandra was obvious, it always had been, “is rude to you kids. I’m just stunned by her behavior given all the warnings and lessons she’s had. It’s about Cassie, isn’t it?”