EJ is Eighteen Years Old

EJ was standing in Alexander’s room. My brother was virtually humming with energy. Elise and I were trying not to show our amusement. His emotions varied because he was happy, but also missing Cassie. She’d gone dark on a mission after she left a week ago, but she should’ve been back today. That was the plan since it was our eighteenth birthday party. We’d delayed it past our birthday hoping Cassie would be back, but so far nothing.

Elise’s phone rang and she stepped out of the room but not before I saw Melanie was calling. Alexander asked me, “What about this shirt?” I rolled my eyes, “I think that is the sixteenth shirt you’ve asked me about. Said shirt happens to be just as nice as the past fifteen, little brother. Why are you changing your shirt so much?” Alexander flushed, “I just want the shirt to be perfect.” I raised an eyebrow, asking again, “Why?”

I tried to listen and hear Elise talking on the phone, but she must have gone into my room. All our rooms were charmed so you couldn’t hear us, giving us privacy. I was growing impatient about everything coming up in my life soon. Elise’s birthday was soon, and then she’d be with me forever. I’d never have to leave her side again. My room would become ours. She’d already started leaving some stuff here to make the transition seamless.

I somewhat pleaded, “Come on, little brother. Just tell me. Somewhere inside you I know that you want to.” Alexander looked down, “I need a new shirt. This one isn’t right.” I rolled my eyes, “You do NOT need a new shirt.” But he’d already conjured a new pale green shirt. The color of MelanieMcAlister’s eyes. Which he must know seeing as Jason is one of his best friends.

I dryly commented, “That’s a unique color.” Alexander hurriedly asked, “But it looks nice right?” I told him, “If you change your damn shirt one more time, I’ll fight you until you tell me what the heck your problem is.” Alexander looked up, “I can beat you in a fight, big brother.” I smirked, “I don’t plan to fight fair.” Alexander snorted, “Whatever man.” I pushed, “Are we sticking with this shirt? Or are we heading to the gym?”

Elise came back in and I already noticed she was not happy. Brutus growled, “Who upset mate?” That was a good question. Alexander muttered, “I guess this shirt is fine. Elise, thank god. Does this shirt look ok? Wait...” He trailed off asking, “What’s wrong?” Elise was wiping tears from her eyes. Her phone rang before she could answer.

I wrapped my arms around her. She answered, “Dad… but….” I cursed the day I charmed her phone. She sighed, “It’s not fair. You know she didn’t do it.” I locked eyes with Alexander. I watched him deflate completely.

Elise screamed in frustration, “I don’t know why... I know that! I just know this... you know why this isn’t true. Dad it… FINE! But this is ridiculous. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know I’m beyond over it. I WILL get to the bottom of this once and for all.” She hung up the phone and threw it at the wall.

Alexander was vibrating. I asked Brutus, “Is he going to shift?” He replied, “Oden is just growling.” I gently called, “Little brother.” Elise interjected before he could answer, “Melanie got grounded. She’s devastated that she can’t come to the party.”

I asked, “Why did she get grounded?” Elise sighed, “Uncle Christopher’s border patrol said they saw her cross the border. The older kids are saying they dared her. Since one of those people is Charline, everyone thinks that’s crap. There are tenWarriors who saw her cross though. Sam and Drake asked her why but….” I interrupted, “But she said it wasn’t her.”

Elise rubbed her temples, “I don’t understand what’s going on. I know she’s not lying, but ten Warriors wouldn’t lie.” Alexander ground out, “I’ll be back.” I frowned, “Where are you going?” Alexander’s eyes were flicking back and forth from black to his normal color with a tinge of gold. I waited for him to gather himself enough to answer.

Finally, Alexander said, “To see Uncle Bjourn.” I replied, “Be back for the party please.” Alexander snorted, “Why?” I reasoned, “Cassie might make it back and she’ll want to see you. Plus, Mom worked really hard on the party and Angela will be sad if you aren’t there.” Alexander snorted, “I’m sure she knows I’ll be there, or she’d pop in here convincing me to come back for it. I just need…”

I gritted my teeth snarking, “Space. I got it. Just so you are aware, I’m running out of goddamn space Alexander.” My brother clenched his jaw, nodded, then popped away. Elise started sobbing. I held her tightly, “It’s ok.” She cried, “Why doesn’t this ever work out? I should’ve just stayed there with her. If I was with her, they’d know she hadn’t done it. They wouldn’t say I lied.”

I assured her, “We will get it figured out.” Elise questioned, “How? We had Cassie question the warrior’s last time. They said they saw her.” EJ admitted, “I know, but Cassie didn’t get to talk to Melanie because she’d left for a dance competition. Just because they believe they saw Ladybug doesn’t mean actually saw her. I believe her too. We both know something is going on there.”

Elise whispered, “Poor Alexander.” Brutus huffed, “Poor all of us.” That was accurate. Alexander was going to be moody for the rest of time at this rate. My dad walked Alexander’s room frowning. He asked me, “What happened? Your mom poppedto Alexander, but he was already in the gym with your Uncle Bjourn. She’s worried.”

I explained, “Well, I don’t officially know the problem but it’s that Melanie can’t come to the party. She’s grounded again.” My dad ran a hand through his hair, “Let me guess, she supposedly crossed the border.” It was the age old excuse at this point.

Elise sneered, “Charline dared her.” My dad raised an eyebrow, “No one would believe her word. Those two have been going at each other for years.” Elise acknowledged, “They don’t believe her. Warriors saw her though.” My dad frowned, “Melanie said she didn’t cross again, right?” Elise nodded.

My dad sighed. I asked, “What’s going on dad?” My dad frowned admitting, “I don’t know. I can’t tell someone else how to discipline their pup. I have files in my office for you two to go through. I pulled pictures of the pups in the surrounding packs. Maybe you two can spot someone who looks enough like her. Maybe that’s who they are seeing.”

Hope filled me as I pressed, “You did that?” My dad answered, “Of course I did. That's all I can do. I can’t question Alpha Peter’s people. Besides, Cassie did. They at least believe they are seeing her. I don’t think you’ll be able to get through it today, but if you get through it later, things could be different. She won’t be grounded, and we can invite her to the celebration with your sister for your birthday.”

I stalled, “Cassie’s not going to make it back?” My dad’s eyes twitched as he said, “Angela says she won’t.” I sighed, “But she’s ok?” My dad nodded, “I’m monitoring her closely in our bond. Angela assured me Cassie is fine.” I threw out, “Maybe we should delay the party again.” Brutus said, “For my sanity, please.” Oden must still be growling.

My dad shrugged his shoulders, “Angela said the party needs to happen today. She won’t say why, but your mom agreed with her. You know your mom feels strongly when you kids say you’refollowing your instincts, and we all believe in Angela’s abilities.” I groaned knowing he was right.

I also knew that Angela didn’t get clear visions of the paths of Alexander and his mate. Probably because she’d never met her. She said there were shadows or blurs in Alexander’s path. She didn’t understand them, but she was only four years old. There was only so much she could do with her sight. My dad left the room and I realized we were still in Alexander’s room.

I walked over to my room with Elise. She’d gone quiet, and I didn’t like that. I held her tightly and ran my hands up and down her arms. I whispered, “It will be ok.” She turned into me, and I just held her. When she looked up at me, I couldn’t resist her lips. I leaned down and kissed her. She tasted so sweet.

She pulled back exclaiming, “We don’t have time for what your eyes are telling me.” Brutus purred, “There’s always time.” He was right. I disagreed with her, “We do. It’s my birthday party. Surely, I get a special having sex with my mate late pass.” I pushed her back onto the bed and snapped us both naked. I kissed her neck where I’d mark her soon. She whimpered.

I moved my mouth and whispered in her ear, “Soon Elise Kyle, you’ll officially be mine. I’ll mark that spot, and never let you go. No curfews or nights I have to leave you. If you go to bed before me, I’ll come up to our bed and you’ll be here. You’re mine forever.” She moaned and arched her hips into mine.

I slid a finger inside her. I teased, “And you said we didn’t have time. My girl is soaking wet for me.” I withdrew my finger and lined us up. I entered her in one swift move, the way she liked. Her hands clutched the sheets as she moaned and wrapped her legs around me. I pulled her to the edge of the bed, so I was standing. I gripped her hips and quickly pounded into her. I moved my right hand and began moving my thumb in circles over her clit.

She cried out, “Please, God. EJ, oh I’m close. So close.” I smirked as I kept going. She thrashed on the bed and her legs tightened around me as her walls clamped down on my dick. I couldn’t hold myself back as I came too. I might have tried if the party didn’t start soon.

I slowly thrust into her as we finished. Elise was breathing hard when she looked up at me lazily and smiled. I leaned down and kissed her softly. I pulled back, “I love how you look right after you come. My girl is so hot.” She flushed.

I added, “I love that you still blush when I say things like that. I have seen every inch of you. You are mine.” She growled possessively, “You’re mine too.” Brutus purred, “Rhea is all fired up.” Of course she was. I smiled agreeing, “Yours.”