A knock sounded on my door followed by yelling. “EJ and Elise. You’ve gotta come downstairs. I can’t find Alexander, and based on how angry he is right now I don’t wanna. So, you guys need to greet people that arrived for the party.”
I snorted and linked my little brother Max, “We will be down in a minute.” Max replied, “Like an actual minute? Or an EJ and Elise having sex minute? Because those are very different minutes.” I retorted, “In an actual minute.”
Max warned, “Ok, but don’t make me come in there, big brother. Angela is so excited about this party for some reason. Plus, I’m not going near Alexander with a ten foot pole right now. You’re my only hope since Cass isn’t back for someone whose birthday party this is to be in attendance.” I assured him, “Alexander will be ok.” Max retorted, “Sure he will. Right after he kills at least ten people.” I laughed out loud.
I pulled out of Elise and snapped us clean and into clothes. I just thought of her birthday outfit I knew she’d planned. I looked down and groaned, “You’re trying to kill me.” She smirked, “Not tonight, but I have a specific outfit that just might do that one day.” I bit her lip lightly, “Is that so?” She blushed and nodded.
Max linked me, “Your literal minute is up.” I rolled my eyes, grabbed her hand, and popped us downstairs. Alexander’s excitement, anger, and then intense rage hit me. I grabbed Elise to steady myself. I felt him quickly push his feelings down. Elise shot me a look as my eyes blazed for a minute.
The Red Run group came in. I kissed her letting her know, “I’ll be right back.” Max raised an eyebrow at me. He linked, “What the fuck was that?” I admitted, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” I was out the back door when my phone dinged.
Alexander:I’ll be very late to the party. I have something to take care of.
Me:What would that be?
Alexander:I need to verify some information.
Me:Stop being evasive. What information?
Alexander:Just let me verify it. I think it’s true, but if it is we have problems.
Me:Because we don’t now? Let me come with you.
Alexander:Uncle Bjourn and Uncle Marcus are coming with me.
Alexander:Spencer is coming too apparently.
Me:You be careful little brother. Tug on our connection if you need me. Ok?
Alexander:Ok. I’ll see you later.
Me:Great. Then you can explain that range of emotions you went through.
Jason, Tristan, and my cousin Levi walked up to me. I hugged Levi, “Hey cousin. How’s Uncle Drake?” Levi smiled answering, “My dad is good. He’ll be here later for the party. I portaled Tristan and myself here. He had to take care of something at home, so they left before he did.” I teased, “The playdates continue for the kids of those named Drake?” It was a joke whenI was pup that kept going steady. Levi snorted, “We hang out with Finn too.” I knew that.
Jason looked around for several minutes. Finally, he asked me, “Where’s Alexander?” I shrugged, “I don’t know. He has something he needs to check out.” Tristan nodded and began to feel his pockets. I raised an eyebrow.
He said, “Damn. I forgot my phone at home.” I laughed and conjured it to myself then handed it to him. He smiled and pulled up his messages and sent a text. I raised an eyebrow, “New girlfriend?” Tristan laughed, “Nope, I was just checking on Mel via her babysitter. She’s pretty upset.” I deadpanned, “I heard.”
Jason pulled out his phone, “Hey Tank. What do you mean she’s not there? You were watching the house. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHERE SHE WENT? She’s thirteen. Are you really saying a thirteen year old outsmarted you?! I know she’s smart, but YOU HAD ONE JOB!”
Tristan groaned, “I think we’ve got a jailbreak.” Jason hung up his phone. He grumbled, “She’s too damn smart for a thirteen year old. They followed her scent and have her location narrowed down. We need to get her home before she gets in even more trouble. Alexander and Cassie aren’t even here. She’s met EJ.”
I snorted, “I’m not the only Conners here guys. I’m not sure if you remember my whole horde of siblings running around.” Tristan pointed out, “It would take her a few hours to get here. She’d have to get a ride. She can’t drive and she can’t ask a Werewolf. Fuck. We’ve gotta go find her before she hitch hikes with a human.”
I smirked, “Would we classify this as an emergency? I could pop you to her?” Levi laughed, “That’s not necessary, cousin. Micah sent me her location based on the old phone she has for music. It connected to Wi-Fi. I’ll portal them there.” I wiggledmy eyebrows, “I’m definitely coming with you.” Levi smirked at me.
I linked my dad, “I’ll be back.” My dad groaned, “Sometimes, I think my pups don’t like me. Hurry back, son.” Brutus felt keyed up. He said, “Maybe we can fix this now.” Maybe but probably not. We walked through the portal Levi opened, into the Hackura realm.
I reached for my connection with Alexander realizing whatever he was checking out wasn’t here. We stepped through to Red Run. Levi chuckled, “I get to meet the elusive Melanie ‘Ladybug’ McAlister. This feels a little like this Christmas Aunt Haley makes us celebrate without the outfits and themes we dress to. I think we’ll have to keep that a secret from certain,” he looked around then said, “people.” I snorted.
Jason asked, “What people?” Levi laughed, “Ohh boy.” He stalled then asked, “You really don’t know, do you?” Jason frowned, “What are you talking about?” I laughed and pulled him through the portal from the Hackura realm.
We were at the very edge of the border with Red Run, but Melanie wasn’t out in the open. Levi pointed up into a tree. Tristan yelled, “Melanie Jane McAlister, you get down here right now.” I heard a sigh. Melanie dropped down from the tree. She asked, “How did you know?”
Jason answered, “I had people checking on you.” Melanie crossed her arms, “I’m not a little pup.” Tristan argued, “You’re thirteen.” Brutus commented to me, “Which is not a little pup but still a pup.” Her point stood though. No one would’ve checked on us like this, but they did it to her.
Melanie nodded, “Exactly, I’m thirteen not five, T. I’m a teenager.” Levi laughed, “I like her. I was also right, this is EXACTLY like Christmas.” I told him, “I like her too, cousin.” Melanie smiled, “Hi EJ.” She studied Levi then added, “Youmust be Duke Levi. Tristan talks about you. Ok, I’ve seen pictures… and…”