Cassie had a few tears streaming down her face. I felt arms around me that I knew were my mate’s as her scent hit me. I whispered, “I told you to stay inside.” Elise had tears in her eyes, “You needed me, I could feel it. Ray came with me.” I nodded to Ray and held onto Elise.
All of us stood there for a while. Aunt Lexi flashed over with Chase. Cousin Emmaline popped in with Lucas. Jayden and Jacob went to them. Dylan brought Buttercup to comfort Wesley. Mostly I think he came to make dad laugh.
An hour later, cops showed up at the door with mom wearing scrubs. She ran to dad and threw her arms around him. She whispered, “I’m so sorry, Eric. I tried.” He held her tightly, “It’s not your fault.” The cops announced, “Eric Conners, we need to speak with Nathan Conners. Your wife said he would be here.”
My Grandpa stood, “I knew something bad had happened. Just say it.” The cop sighed, “We regret to inform you that there was an accident tonight. Your wife, Cassandra Conners, was declared dead on the scene.” My dad stiffened and looked at my mom.
The officer continued, “Your stubborn, strong willed daughter in law, received several cuts trying to get to your wife.” My mom argued, “I’m fine.” The cops sighed, “Next time, wait for the professionals. Those seven stitches in your elbow could’ve been avoided.” All of us were suppressing our growls because these were not supernatural police officers.
Mom replied, “I needed to get in the car.” The other cop said, “Then she crawled through the glass, and made a positive identification of your wife, Mr. Conners. I would suggest that you remember her the way you last saw her.” Dad looked wide eyed at mom.
I realized they’d taken her clothes and given her scrubs. That meant they were bloody and more than her cuts probably. Grandpa asked, “When can I…?” The cop interrupted, “Your daughter in law took care of everything. Signed all the necessary forms. She’s a…” He trailed off and rubbed his head, “Something. The body has already been released. I’ve never seen anything like it in all my time on the force. I’d hate to be standing in her way when she wants something. Anyway, we are truly sorry for your loss.” They left.
Elise stayed by my side. Mom snapped into new clothes and healed herself. She walked over to Grandpa Nathan, her eyes filled with tears. She apologized, “Nathan, I am so sorry. I was too late.” Grandpa Nathan shook his head, “She was dead on impact, I felt it. You couldn’t have done anything. There’s no blame for you here, so please don’t take that on.”
Haley frowned, “Where was she going?” Grandpa Nathan sighed, “She was buying gardening supplies.” Uh oh. My dad snarled and my mom looked away with tears in her eyes. Grandma died for the garden? The damn garden she couldn’t keep alive to save her life! Alexander popped away. I grabbed Elise and popped to him with Cassie. He was already punching a heavy bag. Elise had tears in her eyes.
I stepped behind him, “Brother.” Alexander whirled, “She’s SUCH A BITCH! Even in death! GOD! She’s so selfish! She doesn’t like Fairies, but she is more selfish than anyone I’ve EVER met! Dad and our uncles are wrecked! And GRANDPA!”
He punched the bag off the handle yelling, “Gardening supplies! She could’ve added it to the gardeners list! She could’ve asked ANY of us to help her if she didn’t want to ask mom. She died for no good reason. She’s so SELFISH! Grandpa Nathan doesn’t deserve this! She’s horrible. UGH!” He hit the next bag so hard it fell off too. I raised an eyebrow.
A portal opened and I was certain I knew who was coming before I saw them. Uncle Marcus and Uncle Bjourn stepped out. Uncle Marcus said, “Come on, guys. Let’s leave Alexander and Uncle Bjourn for a minute and get back up to the house.”
I popped us back thinking over my brother's words. He was right. Grandma Cassandra was really selfish to do this to us. Aunt Shana and Aunt Jessica had tears rolling down their faces. People came and went. Grandpa Nathan started drinking and disappeared for several hours. Mom had us go to bed.
When we woke up Grandpa Nathan still wasn’t back. I knew Mom was worried. She offered to pop to him, but my Dad knew where he was. He was in a different territory. Eventually at lunch time dad told mom to go get him. He came back freshly showered. It was a song and dance we went through every day leading up the funeral. I’d never felt so helpless.
Jayden came to see me. We sat down in our place on the mountain. He asked, “EJ?” I said, “I’m going to lead this area one day.” He agreed, “You are.” I whispered, “I don’t know how to stop her toxicity. Everyone’s motivations and sorrow call out to me, but it’s all centered in guilt. Honestly, she would’ve loved it. She would love everyone feels guilty when this is her fault.”
He agreed, “She would.” I scoffed, “I found her shopping list. The gardeners had all the supplies she left to get. We all know my mom is the one keeping the damn thing alive. I’m eight and I know everything she does kills that damn garden. She died and there’s so much guilt, but barely any genuine sorrow. I don’t want to live a life like that. People are relieved she’s gone, but they don’t want to say it.”
He replied, “I’ll say it. I am relieved she’s gone. She never liked me and tried to chase me away from you and my other cousins. She wasn’t nice to you guys, and even got you making promises she shouldn’t have.” I glanced up sharply.
He winked, “I know things too, cousin. She was a bad person, but she’s gone. The guilt and sorrow will fade along with her memory. She left probably after a fight with your Grandpa. My mom said your mom was trying to organize a former Luna welcome for new Luna’s and wanted my grandma and yours to spear head it. Your Grandma probably found that offensive somehow and left after fighting with you grandpa. I know that because she ALWAYS fought with anyone, especially him, about ridiculous things that should make her happy. She just wanted to be angry and wasn’t happy unless she found something to pick at.” He was right. We sat there for several moments in silence before he popped me to my home then went to his.
The day of the funeral Elise and her family arrived early. She sat by me, and I held her hand. Buttercup ran over to Wesley the second they were popped in. We sat through the funeral quietly. Practically everyone I knew came.
Alexander linked me, “This feels so fake. Grandma Cassandra would’ve loved it.” I cracked a smile and tried not to laugh. Uncle Aiden and Aunt Lucinda walked up. Aiylee popped in when they made it to us. I smiled because Aiylee was forever running late. Plus, she’d make no effort to be on time for Grandma. They didn’t get along. Aiylee hugged us all.
Another pop sounded, “Your Majesty.” Dad growled at said Fairy. Aiylee made a strangled sound. I turned to her, “Are you ok, Aiylee?” She was staring at the Fairy who’d popped in. The man nodded to my parents, “I am sorry for your loss. I am here on business and business alone….” He trailed off when he spotted Aiylee.
Uncle Aiden laughed, “Exsis, are you causing trouble? Holy mother of Azoney!” I stared between Aiylee and Exsis. Cousin Emmaline gasped. Exsis popped over to her, “You.” Aiylee grinned, “Me. I'm Aiylee.” Exsis gaped.
He barely faltered, “I should've met you long ago. Damn Fabian in his grave! I would’ve known you since you were a baby if not for him. I didn’t see your father for years until you were spending time in this realm. We talked on the phone, but never in person. I’ve been on assignments ever since. I’m barely home.”
My mom cooed, “Aww!!! Aiylee and Exsis?” Uncle Aiden smiled, “Welcome to the family, my friend.” Exsis smiled, “I do actually need to see Heath Scott.” He held out his arm to Aiylee, “Care to accompany me, my Queen?” Aiylee blushed fiercely. She nodded, “Of course.” They walked off.
Grandpa Nathan actually laughed. He looked surprised at himself then shrugged, “Only Fairies. I honestly didn’t think I would laugh for a long time. I thought it would’ve been Dylan that got me to for sure.” I squeezed his hand and he smiled at me.
Dylan ran over, “You need a laugh? I am ALL over this. I will NOT be dethroned by Fairies. Can you imagine SGAP’s head exploding if we needed them around all the time to get a chuckle out of you? I bet we can get him to admit he’s grateful to me once I have you cackling like a hyena.” He led my Grandpa away.
I walked over to my dad. I linked him, “Can Elise spend the night with Cassie tonight? I just want her close by.” My dad’s eyes were rimmed red. He answered, “I’ll go talk to Peter now. We’d already discussed this though. I’m sure it will be no problem.” He walked off.
A few minutes later he linked me, “It’s fine. She’s staying, and so is Buttercup.” Which meant Dylan and Lacy were too. Finn would be staying as well unless Jayden needed something. I noticed Alexander had disappeared so I popped to him with Elise.
I found him in the gym again. He was fighting a Warrior and winning. My Uncle Bjourn was in the corner. I asked, “Isthe warrior letting him win?” Uncle Bjourn shook his head, “No, your brother is one of the best fighters I've seen in quite some time. He has been since he was walking. You and Cassie are good at fighting too, don’t get me wrong. Alexander’s just on another level.” I smiled, proud of my brother.
When Uncle Bjourn called the fight, the Warrior stepped back looking at Alexander with a lot of pride. Alexander walked over to us. I urged, “Take a walk with us, brother.” The three of us left. I linked Cassie, “Pop to Alexander.” She immediately did. We walked without saying anything for several moments.