I evaded, “Why would you say that?” Uncle Aiden laughed, “You cannot evade me, nephew. That answers my question all the same. It was about Cassie.” Alexander nodded, “She hurt her feelings.” Uncle Aiden frowned, “Well, I might just have to charm her brush so that all her hair falls out.” Alexander and I laughed. That would actually be funny.

After Uncle Aiden left. Alexander looked at me, “That can’t happen again. We can’t let Cass get hurt like that. I asked her about Grandma hurting her feelings and she said it’s been going for a few YEARS.” I frowned, “Years?” Alexander nodded. My hand clenched into a fist.

I shook my head, “It won’t happen again. We will protect Cassie. Even if it’s from family.” Alexander nodded, “Daisy and Austin are pretty upset too. Austin agrees with Daisy that grandma was saying they shouldn’t have been born.” I sighed, “I don’t understand why she does this. It’s not what she means in her heart of hearts, but it’s what she’s saying.” Brutus said, “Or she does mean it.” Ok, I hoped she didn’t.

Alexander shrugged, “She doesn’t think she does anything wrong. As far as what she thinks, you’re wrong. She does believe it. She’s happy about our cousins though. I’m not sure she is about any of us.” I frowned, “She hurt your feelings too.” She did love us, but she couldn’t show it. Alexander couldn’t be right about her not wanting any of us around.

Alexander shrugged, “It stopped bothering me a long time ago. I don’t love her.” I jerked my head to him. Alexander met my gaze. I asked, “You don’t love grandma? Don’t you mean you don’t like her?” Alexander said, “No, I mean I don’t like or love her. She wishes mom wasn’t a Fairy. Her blood runs through our veins.” He wasn’t wrong. She’d tried to keep us from using our powers, but mom put her firmly in place for that.

Alexander added, “I think if she was honest, she’d tell us she didn’t like us because we have Fairy blood. She’s always so careful around dad and us, but she doesn’t like Uncle Aiden. She thinks Cassie looks too much like mom. Plus, any time I’ve offered to heal her, she’s jerked away from me as if I was going to burn her. I have this memory I think of...” He trailed off then said, “Never mind.”

I grabbed him, “No, what memory?” Alexander sighed, “Sometimes I swear I remember when Mom was pregnant with Preston, William, and Julian. There was a pink rabbit. Grandma Cassandra was going to give it to Cassie, but mom stopped her. It hurt mom and dad was mad. I just remember Oden and my light telling me to save our siblings.” Oden was Alexander’s wolf.

I frowned pressing, “That’s all you remember?” Alexander shrugged, “Yup. Do you remember that?” I thought about it, “Not right now, but I’ll think about it. We would’ve only been three years old.” Alexander nodded, “Mom’s said that I saved the triplets before.” I argued, “Dad wouldn't have let Grandma Cassandra near any of us if she tried to kill them.”

Alexander shrugged, “I don’t think it was her. I think it was one of those Fairy gifts that showed up that year. Besides, it was Cassie that was the target not them.” I didn’t like that I could see the difference. He shrugged, “I just don’t like how Grandma Cassandra acts like she’s better than mom. Mom isn’t as expressive as other Fairies. She’s got a lock on her face, but I feel her so strongly. I know Grandma Cassandra hurts her feelings a lot. When Cassie said that mom ignored how Grandma Cassandra made her feel she felt so ashamed. She’s stopped doing it too. She calls Grandma Cassandra on all her snide comments now.” I had noticed that.

I nodded, “We will find out the whole story one day.” Alexander shrugged, “I don’t know that it matters. You hurt my mom like this and….” He didn’t finish but I nodded anyway. I knew exactly how he felt. We went back inside.

I was excited to discover Cassie invited Elise over for a sleepover for me. Cassie popped in with Elise. I ran to her and hugged her. She smiled, “Congratulations on your little brothers.” I kissed her head, “Thanks, Elise. What’s been going on in your world?” Her Spring scent filled the air bringing mea sense of calm. Our Cousins Jayden and Jacob popped in. We quickly greeted them.

Jayden encouraged, “Go on, Elise. Tell us what’s new in Red Run.” Elise laughed, “Melanie’s some dance prodigy apparently.” I asked, “What?” Jacob sighed, “This girl again. When do we meet her?” Elise shrugged, “I don’t know. Stop by and find out.” He chuckled.

Alexander walked in and sat with us. I encouraged, “You were saying the possible prank is a dancing prodigy.” Alexander teased, “She’s getting such a backstory.” Elise ignored our teasing, “Yup. She begged Sam to put her in dance classes and Sam finally did. The teacher talked to her afterwards and everything. They want to move her up to a higher level of classes and get her in private lessons. They are pretty serious about it. She’s already got a recital coming up.”

I tickled her saying, “Good for imaginary Melanie. Did you hear that, guys? She’s an imaginary dance prodigy.” Elise rolled her eyes. Alexander and Cassie laughed. Jayden raised his hand, “Does she want a partner? I am a good dancer.” Alexander growled.

We turned to him, and he shrugged. “Sorry, guys.” I knew he was linking Oden. I asked, “Brutus?” He told me, “Oden is being moody and temperamental.” That wasn’t like him. Elise told Jayden, “She’s not currently in doubles classes, but I’ll tell her if she gets in them.”

I chuckled, “I see it now, the excuses have expanded. Next time we won’t see her because she’ll be at a dance lesson.” Elise groaned, “Oh come on!” I kissed her hair, “I’ve already said if not for you, I’d be convinced that she was imaginary, and you all were pulling our leg in Red Run.”

Jacob said, “I agree. Maybe I should just ask mom who her mate is.” Jayden snorted, “She won’t tell you.” Jacob winked,“But the look on her face will tell me if she’s real or not if mom knows who her mate is.” Jayden considered his point.

I frowned because he was right. Their mom was expressive, but ours wasn’t. The conversations I’d heard flooded back into my mind. Elise rolled her eyes again, “I assure you all, Melanie McAlister is real.” Alexander laughed, “That’s what Jase says too. I gotta say though, I’m with EJ on not being convinced she’s real. Or Melinda. Never seen either one of them.”

I chimed back in, “I’ve seen Melinda.” Alexander shrugged, “I haven’t.” Jacob said, “I’ve seen Melinda too.” Jayden nudged Alexander, “You and I haven’t seen either of them. I feel left out.” Alexander chuckled.

Out of nowhere, we all heard a howl of agony. I bolted up. I ordered, “Ray, stay with Elise!” Alexander, Cassie, Jayden, Jacob, and I popped to the noise. I frowned when I saw who it was. I shouted, “Grandpa, are you ok?!”

I linked my dad, “Dad, where are you?” My dad answered, “Your mom and I just left. What’s wrong? Everything feels like something shifted and your mom has a bad feeling. I felt a pack link snap. Did someone leave?” I demanded, “Come back! Something’s wrong with Grandpa Nathan!”

My Uncle Jackson ran around the corner and grabbed grandpa, checking him over for injuries. Grandpa was just whimpering. Uncle Jackson frowned, “Dad?” He didn’t answer him. Uncle Jackson barked out, “Dad, what’s wrong? Were you attacked?” He whispered, “She’s gone. She’s just gone.” We all looked at each other.

A pop sounded. Mom shouted, “Nathan, are you ok?” He cried, “She’s gone.” My mom jerked back. My dad asked, “Who?” Blade ran out and grabbed my mom as she popped away with him. Dad growled. Uncle Jackson frowned, “What’s going on?”

My Aunt Molly knelt down, “Haley just popped to her. She’ll do everything she can.” My dad stiffened and lockedeyes with my Uncle Jackson. They were talking about Grandma Cassandra. My dad ordered, “Pups, go back inside.”

Cassie wrapped her arms around Grandpa Nathan. She could make people calm down without speaking the charm to grant it. She just had an innate ability. He immediately cried, “She can’t save her this time boys.”

My dad growled, “What are you talking about?” My dad said, “She’s gone. I felt her die.” I could feel my dad's sorrow and my mom’s shock. Grandpa Nathan was right. Grandma Cassandra was dead. My dad closed his eyes. He said, “She could’ve just severed her pack tie.” Everyone shot him a look of disbelief. The bond told me he didn’t believe that either.

Alexander took his hand, “I’m sorry, dad.” Jayden put a hand on my shoulder and our eyes locked. We shared a similar outlook on life. We were going to lead our packs, and it bonded us. He knew exactly how I felt about Grandma Cassandra. This wasn’t as hard to hear for me because I didn’t have a great relationship with her. Honestly, it might be for the best.

Uncle Darrin and Uncle Harold came running. Uncle Darrin was in denial. “No, Eric it can’t be mom.” My dad cringed, “Haley said there was nothing she could do. She tried but….” He trailed off. Uncle Harold asked, “But what?”

Grandpa Nathan said, “We need to know, son. What did Haley say?” My dad sighed, “It was a car accident.” Uncle Harold growled, “Was it really an accident?” Eric answered, “Haley says it was. She questioned those who saw it. Mom swerved to avoid a deer and overcorrected. Her car went over the hill. It rolled where that new construction is. She was impaled by some rebar.” I winced.

I asked, “What about Kena?” My dad sighed, “Your mom had been telling me we should have someone see if Kena was ok.” Grandpa growled, “What do you mean?” My dad rubbed his face, “She’s just been sleeping so much Haley wondered if she wasdepressed. I was looking for someone to help with that and talk to Kena. If I had to guess Kena was asleep or mom couldn’t have crashed.” That was a good idea, but my mom had a lot of those.