We didn’t have a solid theory, but for the first time since Melanie left, I was glad she wasn’t here. She’d try to figure it allout. As smart as she was, she’d confront the sniper alone after she solved it all. Since we didn’t know what this sniper’s game, I was glad Melanie was safe in New York.

We needed to resolve this so we could get her home, safely. Her safety was what mattered. If she knew the danger Jason was just in, she’d flip out. I shook myself because she didn’t. We had time to get this figured out. Then we’d all be reunited. It would be great. We just had to solve this puzzle and find a sniper. How hard could it be?

The Ring Resistance

EJ is Twenty-One Years Old

EJ watched Elise practically hum with excitement. I smiled at her. She clapped excitedly, “Can we go now? Ladybug should’ve shifted and come back from her first run.” I laughed, “You’re very excited, babe.” Elise squealed, “Of course I am. She hasn’t been home since she left! I haven’t seen her since before my Luna Ceremony. She’s finally home and the ONLY reason I was not there the second she got home was because NO ONE heeded my warning about not filing disputes today.”

I told her, “I think our pack seriously regrets not listening to you about that.” Alexander snorted, “I know they do. You will too if you listen to the pack link. ‘Don’t mess with Elise’ is basically the topic of conversation.”

Elise snorted, “I have NO sympathy for any of them. I WARNED them.” Rhea took over for Elise and added, “We did. So many times.” I laughed, “Rhea, give Elise back control.” She immediately did. Max called, “I can guarantee they will listen next time.”

Brutus chimed in, “I warned them all too. This is on them. Mate is beautiful and kind. She warned them and they didn’t listen. Now they know.” Elise shrugged, “Then they learned their lesson.” She turned to me, “Please EJ, I want to see her and her wolf! I’m going to give her such crap for getting so busy she couldn’t ever come see us!”

I smiled agreeing, “Alright, let’s go. She’s still coming over for dinner tomorrow, right?” Elise nodded, “It’s technically today since it’s pretty early in the morning, but yes. That’s all scheduled. I’m going to get her and bring her back heremyself.” Alexander smiled and I nodded to him. Finally. This was happening.

I grabbed Elise and popped to her parents’ house. Brutus growled at the sight that greeted us. My heart felt like it sank into my feet. Drake was sobbing in Peter’s arms. I could hear Sam sobbing outside with Chelsea consoling her. Tristan and Jason were drunk, but their eyes were rimmed red. There was also a glaring absence in the group. I didn’t see Ladybug.

Elise asked, “T? What’s going on? Is Mel ok?” I knew in the bond Elise was getting a sinking feeling, but she was clinging to hope. Jason threw his glass against the wall that shattered. I snapped the area clean. He told Elise, “She’s fine.” That stopped all conversation.

After several minutes I asked, “Where is she then?” Drake pulled away from Peter and wiped his eyes. He whispered, “She’s in New York.” Elise yelled, “WHAT?! NO! She…” She trailed off. Brutus said, “EJ, mate is devastated.” I knew that because I could feel it.

Elise cried, “We have plans!” Peter sighed, “Her flight had mechanical problems. She stayed at the airport as long as she could trying to get on a flight out of there. She barely made it back to pack lands for her shift. Her wolf is a beautiful golden brown named Ember.” Mother fucker!

I linked Brutus, “I needed the universe to give me a damn break.” He was angry and confused. I linked my dad, “Have I mentioned before that I hate people?” He asked, “What? No, you don’t.” He was wrong, I did.

I asked, “Can I ask how this was not declared an emergency?” Tristan answered, “We didn’t know. We were told her flight was delayed. I was worried we were going to be running out of there with Mel screaming and writhing in pain. We got called when she made it back to pack lands at midnight.” Elise started crying.

I locked my jaw as Drake sat down, looking completely broken. He whispered, “I did this.” Peter argued, “No, you didn’t.” Drake insisted, “I did. I held her too tight. Now, her teachers don’t even want us to come visit her so she can focus. I should’ve pulled her out of that damn school the second they sent that letter!” Sam walked back inside.

She hugged him and whispered, “Ladybug begged you to let her stay. She’s living her dream.” Drake sighed, “If I hadn’t held her so tightly, this wouldn’t be happening. How can she not even want to see us?” No one had an answer.

My dad linked, “Is there context to this conversation? Because I have theories I don’t like.” I replied, “You’re going to hate it.” He growled, “FUCK!” Yeah, that about summed it up. My mom linked, “EJ, are you ok?” I answered, “Yup.” I felt her sigh across the bond but accept my evasive answer. I was physically fine, but emotionally I was not great. Alexander was going to be worse though.

Drake broke our silence, “Did I really fuck up that badly that my own daughter doesn’t want to physically be in my presence? God, I fucked everything up.” Brutus said, “Pepper is howling in agony.” I winced hating this for both the man and wolf.

Jason assured him, “Dad, that’s not true. Ladybug loves you and she misses us. They are dangling Julliard in front of her every five seconds. If she does this extra thing and this competition it makes her resume look better. I hate those assholes.” Wait, what?

I frowned, “That’s why you guys haven’t seen her? The school told you not to come?” Drake snorted, “We would be, and I quote ‘a distraction to her.’ We can watch all her recitals and competitions online, they send us links. I should’ve told them to shove that idea up their ass! THAT’S MY DAUGHTER!”

Sam wiped her tears away. She took his hands saying, “We agreed because she begged us. It’s what she wants.” Drakeargued, “I’m her goddamn father. We missed our youngest pup's first shift. A fucking border patrol found her out there. She started out shifting alone. FUCK THIS!” He looked nearly sick.

Tristan reasoned, “She’s fine though. We all talked to her. She was excited. Granted, she was upset she didn’t make it home to shift but still fine.” Brutus linked, “Not to state the obvious but the girl who had to get POPPED back home during three day long competitions is totally fine missing being at home for her first shift?” Yeah, he had a point.

Drake threw a glass against the wall that also shattered. I snapped that clean too. Elise sent me he gratitude in the bond which I let her know was not necessary. I’d do anything for her. Drake bitterly said, “And now we will NEVER see her. This was the ONLY time she was scheduled to come home. I ruined our family.”

Sam whispered, “No, you didn’t. She’ll come home.” Drake laughed humorlessly, “When? She hasn’t come home in two years. The last time I physically saw my little girl, we fought. She’s staying away because of me.” Sam said, “If she’s staying away because of you, she’s staying away because of me too. She never called you dad monster. I was the mom monster.” What?!

Brutus linked, “That seems weird, yes?” I asked, “Mom monster?” She answered, “She’d always call me that.” Tristan muttered, “Only after you ate a cookie and stopped believing her.” He grabbed a trashcan and threw up. I urged, “Maybe back off the whiskey, T.” He shrugged and hugged the tiny trashcan to his chest.

I looked at my watch noting it was five in the morning. Pain hit me like lightning out of nowhere. I dropped to the ground like a rock; unable to breathe. Elise screamed, “EJ!” The pain was blinding. I felt through my connections trying to find who it was.

My parents were panicked. Cassie was down like me. That took me to Alexander’s bond mostly to brush it off. It was too hard to physically hurt like this with his enforcer status. Our bond had my heart stopping. It was Alexander who was in this much pain.

Alexander was down. Brutus howled in agony calling for Oden. What on earth could do this to my brother? They were going to die. Elise screamed, “EJ!” She had my hand. I gripped her hand, “Alexan…” My mate’s howl of pain had me stalling my effort to tell them who needed help.

I watched in shock as everyone in the room went down. What the fuck?! I crawled over to where Elise had fallen away from me. It took a great amount of effort as Brutus cut himself off from me in pain. Elise whimpered in pain as I reached her.