I plowed on, “I want the truth because you're not still mad.” Melanie sighed, “No, I’m not. The teachers here are saying I have a real shot at Julliard. They told me I need to work really hard. There are a few competitions around here over the holidays. There’s a Julliard talent scout going to them, and I want to get on their radar.”

I was stunned, “You think you might go to college there in New York too? What about…?” Melanie interrupted, “I’m really sorry Elise, but I have to go. I’ve got another class. Can I call you later? I might have more time to talk then.” I agreed.

I looked at the phone after we’d hung up. I sighed, “But what about your Xander?” Rhea growled, “Or her personality change.” My head pounded with pain. How had everything gotten so intense in New York already? Juilliard was a big deal. It would be an honor.

I shrugged it off and the pain in my head went away. I just must not have realized how far Melanie wanted to take this.Time went by and it became more frustrating. I’d try to go see her, but the timing didn’t work out with pack duties. EJ said I could just go, but I couldn’t. I’d just taken over as the Luna. I needed to be by his side.

The McAlister’s hadn’t made it up there either. Freak weather storms and cars breaking down. Drake got deathly ill once until they returned to Red Run. My dad even called Haley in, but nothing was wrong with him when they got back.

Dalton told me that Drake, Sam, Tristan, and Jason were getting sick at times, but Drake was the most often. Honestly, I was beginning to think it was some big cosmic joke again. That had to be it.

Near the holidays a new addictive drug to supernatural’s came into play. We kept it out of the area for the most part. We weren’t perfect, but we were doing our best. We were trying to get a meeting with a dealer for it. Finally, it happened.

I was on pins and needles because Jason and Ben McAlister were going. Those men were family to me. I was stunned when EJ agreed that Julian would go with them. He was literally my family now and that gave me three reasons to be nervous.

I was waiting outside when Jason pulled up to meet Julian the day of the buy. I hugged him, “You be careful and come back without so much as a scratch. Do you hear me? I’ll kick your ass if you get hurt. Does Mel know about this?”

Jason shook his head, “Nah, the drugs aren’t up in New York. We talked to the family we’ve got keeping an eye on her. We all agreed to keep her out of this. She’s having such a good time.” I nodded. For once, I was glad she was out of the fray here.

I hugged Ben McAlister. His eyes looked despondent and sad. It was becoming the standard McAlister face. If only Melanie could see how much everyone missed her. She was the spark of joy in her family, and they were missing it.

They left and I sat in EJ’s office with him. Tensions were mounting the closer the meeting time approached. Haley linked me, “They are going to drive me fucking insane.” I told her, “Maybe they need a Haley rant to kick them out of their funk.” She tried and even warned them about what would happen if she started cleaning.

I didn’t even know she knew how to clean anything by hand. Oh god. Someone was going to have to show her. I linked the pack, “If Haley asks any of you how to clean something, you’d better remember the entirety of that conversation and take a video.” Several snickers came back as they said, “Yes, Luna.”

Dread filled me when EJ reached for the phone. Our bond and his actions told me something happened. I wondered what EJ felt. If it was danger, he’d have popped to Julian. Rhea told me, “Brutus said they know something happened, but not what.” I retorted, “That’s all of us.”

She teased, “Ok sassy pants who is frustrated with everything except our wonderful life with mate. Breathe.” I retorted, “I’m just frustrated about everything surrounding Melanie and this drug buy is a stressful situation. We should’ve gone and been their backup.” She agreed, “Next time.” I liked having that plan.

I quickly pulled up a skype call with Red Run as the situation progressed. Their room was just as tense as ours. I locked eyes with Drake knowing he was worried without words. He also looked like he wasn’t sleeping. His eyes looked like he’d been beat up.

My dad was beside him looking tense along with my grandpa. While they talked someone linked me, “Mrs. Blanch just got Former Luna Haley cleaning supplies. She’s reading the directions and cursing up a storm.” I nearly laughed but kept it in.

Eric linked me, “Did you get a link about Haley cleaning?” I answered, “Yup.” He sighed, “We are all dead.” Metaphorically.I added, “And quite possibly getting pranked.” He snorted, “Bjourn is linking me because she told him to remove the lying bald man from their realm if he was there.” I questioned, “Do you mean Mr. Clean?” He answered, “Yup.”

Bjourn and Astrid had joined the pack along with all of Haley’s Hackura brothers. Some of her nephews had too. They all probably would at some point. Linking was a handy communication tool. That moment passed and we were back to waiting.

Rhea grumbled, “Waiting is terrible. We were not meant to wait. We have ALPHA blood. Waiting is a Beta trait that I don’t possesses.” We weren’t the only ones struggling. Even the Beta bloods were nervous. I maintained my composure outwardly though.

I was relieved when I finally heard a pop. That relief was quickly washed away when I saw all of them covered in blood. Dalton linked, “ARE THEY HURT?!” I answered, “It’s not their blood.” He relaxed, “Oh. Well then what the hell?” I answered, “You know what I know.”

It was unsettling seeing them this way and I didn’t like it. Julian showed us a picture of a circle with a line through it. Neither of us had seen it before. I asked, “Rhea, have you seen that in any past life?” She answered, “Not that I recall.”

My jaw dropped when they said there was a sniper. WHAT? Rhea growled, “A sniper not after them, but they might not have known that when the first shot was fired.” I argued, “Julian would’ve. He could hear farther than them.” She conceded that was true.

The sniper protected them. Was there a backup plan I didn’t know about? Were the Hackura there? The bond and EJ’s face told me he was just as confused as me. I noticed Eric had gone pale before he spoke. Rhea linked, “Yeah, that blood needs tobe gone before Haley pops back in her. She’d lose it.” I wouldn’t blame her.

Poor Eric and Drake seeing their pups look so bloodied. Alexander immediately snapped them clean after Eric asked. Julian threw a baggie of the drugs down and explained what went down. I was not alone in my growl. I raised my eyes mentally saying, “Thank you Selene for watching over them.”

Jason told us the shooting started when they said they were going to die. Dalton linked, “That’s weird.” They put down a listening device. I replied, “At least we could track that.” Dalton replied, “Yeah, but wouldn’t someone in this theory shoot when they saw the drug dealer? Not when they were going to kill our guys?” He had a point.

Micah seemed to groan looking over the tracking device. Rhea told me, “It must be common.” I replied, “Or something he hadn’t seen.” Which meant he’d probably have a hard time tracking it down. I believed in him though. He was smart.

The conversation went on around me while I tried to think of theory that felt right. They all fell flat. If Bjourn knew about that circle symbol, then Eric would. He didn’t which means they didn’t know. Was this a new group rising up against the drugs?

When Tristan came back with information, I was more confused. Rhea linked, “Why give us the correct code on a note? Why not just come talk to us? Why the cloak and dagger with the signs?” I agreed, not understanding why they were helping without requesting a meet. We were obviously on the same side.

They started going over suspects landing on a Witch or a Fairy. Jason and I locked eyes and I knew we felt the same way. It didn’t feel right. Six shots being fired was personal. Who did all three of them have in common? An ally wanting to protect us? Why not just tell us?