I told Uncle Jackson, “Saied is looking for you.” He nodded and went in search of her. My Aunt Shana walked in. She asked,“What happened?” Darrin kissed her, “One of our pups found her mate.” Shana looked around, “Please Moon Goddess let it be Daisy and Zoe. Daisy will mope if it’s not.” Darrin laughed interrupting, “It’s Daisy and Zoe.”
My Aunt Shana clapped, “Thank the Moon Goddess! I nearly threw a party when Zoe came back without a mate.” Uncle Darrin laughed and they walked out together. I popped Elise home and I kissed her. When I pulled back I whispered, “Your birthday is so soon.” Elise smiled, “I left a suitcase in your room.” I kissed her.
I pulled back, “It’s our room, babe.” She smiled and whispered, “Our room.” I smiled, “I’m thinking we have your Luna ceremony after I fully take over the pack. It will probably be around your nineteenth birthday. What do you think?”
She smiled, “I think that’s nice. I’ll do what you guys are doing. I’ll spend time with your mom figuring out the Luna position.” I brushed her shoulder, “That’s a good idea.” Elise laughed, “Of course it is. I’m just stealing yours. I might even rope in other mates of the Alpha’s.”
I whispered, “I want to have our mating ceremony soon though.” She shivered, “Ok.” She seemed nervous. I assured her, “If you want to wait that’s fine.” She shook her head, “NO! That’s not that. It’s just that I’ve been thinking a lot about….” I prompted her when she stopped talking, “About?”
She sighed, “Pups.” Her tone confused me. I knew she wanted pups, but her tone was saying something else. She rushed, “I’m not ready for pups.” I was relieved, “Is that all? That’s fine, babe. Whenever you’re ready, we can have pups. It’s your body, and it’s your choice.”
She whispered, “You aren’t mad?” I laughed, “We will have centuries together, Elise Kyle. I won’t rush you. I’ll give you anything you want. We are going to be busy taking over the pack and figuring out our balance. You’re also making a big movechanging packs and taking over some Luna duties. I understand that’s a lot at one time. I know both of us are excited for you to finally be with me. It’s still a big change.”
I offered, “We still have time for you to change your mind. If you want to run things here, I’m all in Elise. I’ll be by your side as your Alpha Male.” She kissed me passionately. She pulled back, “You’re perfect EJ Conners. Thank you, but no. My place is as your Luna. I know it’s our destiny. My brother's destiny is here.”
I smelled Melanie McAlister and heard her running faster than any wolf I’d known. She launched onto the porch panting. Elise laughed, “Mel?” She looked nervous as she looked around then handed me a present without saying anything. She just took off after. I saw her run back to her house, climb a tree, and hop back inside through her window and quietly shut it.
I laughed, “Is she still grounded?” Elise nodded, “Still from the same thing. They told her if she admitted it, she could get out early but she refuses. I get it because…” I finished, “She didn’t do it so she shouldn’t admit it.” I looked down at the gift.
I chuckled, “It’s for Alexander.” Elise laughed, “I’m shocked.” I fake pouted, “I didn’t get one.” Elise laughed, “You did. I brought it to your party.” I asked, “Why didn’t she have you bring this one?” Elise mused, “I’m sure she wanted to give it to him personally.” I nodded, kissed her, then popped home.
I found Alexander in the gym. I cleared my throat, but he kept hitting the bag. I cleared my throat again. He looked over his shoulder, “Brother.” I waved the present. He inhaled and stiffened. He turned, ran over me, and ripped the present away. He read the card and smiled. I asked, “What does it say?” He handed me the card. I read it quickly.
I saw this and it reminded me of you. I just had to get it for your birthday. I was hoping to give it to you in person, butthat’s apparently not happening this year. Happy eighteenth birthday. I’m sorry that Charline tried to ruin it… but I’m glad we got to text. Plus, I’m glad you’re ok... not that I doubted that… I knew you could call up your other sides to avoid her… that’s a thing… that I knew…
Melanie McAlister
P.S I didn’t know if I signed Melanie if you’d know who it was…. since we’ve never met. One day though… Hopefully. Well... you said we would….and you can’t lie so… yeah... umm… bye. God why did I write in pen... that’s dumb stop reading this. STOP WRITING MELANIE AH!
I laughed unable to help it. I looked up to see my brother smiling at a necklace. It was a platinum chain with a black canine tooth on it. There was a wolf on it too. Damn. She had to save her allowance for a while to be able to buy that. Alexander put it right on. He smiled, “Thanks, EJ.” I shrugged, “She practically threw it at me and ran back to her house. I was merely standing there.” Alexander laughed, “Still. Thank you.”
Time passed by quickly for once. Alexander and I were working with Daisy and our other cousins to implement a hybrid Alpha style. Saied challenged for the Female Lead Warrior position. We were having the tournament the day after Elise’s birthday.
Alexander bumped me, “Get to stepping, big brother. It’s eleven thirty at night.” I looked up, surprised. My dad laughed, “You’ll get better at it. I had to implement a firm end of work day time when I met your mother.” My mom snorted. My dad chuckled, “Maybe there was Fairy Hijinks involved in that revelation too.” He kissed her forehead. He encouraged, “Go on then and bring Elise home.”
I smiled at the sentiment. We were going to our treehouse in her territory then I’d bring her home. I popped into the Kyle’s house. I looked around surprised that I saw Tristan first. I asked, “Where’s Mel?” Tristan smiled, “She’s been crying her eyes out about Elise leaving all week. She signed up for a dance competition. It’s how she copes.” Brutus growled, “I don’t like her crying. We need to protect her.”
I reasoned, “Ladybug can come see her anytime. I can pop Elise back here and she can go see Melanie. We aren’t disappearing from the face of the earth or anything.” Tristan nodded, “I know. She just loves Elise.” I felt bad because I didn’t want Melanie to feel left out. Maybe she could have a sleepover one night at our house. I’d pop her in myself and end this shit with Alexander once and for all.
Elise ran downstairs and flung herself into my arms. I laughed, “Hi, babe.” She whispered, “Hi.” Tristan was excited too. I knew he wasn’t going to find his mate here though. She was still seventeen and lived in California. Finally, midnight hit. Her spring scent intensified more than I could’ve imagined. Brutus purred. Then I locked eyes with my mate. Elise and I both growled, “MINE!”
Tristan announced, “I got nothing.” Drake laughed, “You’ll find her, son.” I ran outside with Elise. I popped her to our treehouse. I kissed her, “MINE!” She growled, “MINE!” right back. Our tongues battled each other for dominance. I snapped her naked, then popped us to the bed.
I started to kissing down her body. She pulled me up to her lips. She writhed under me, “We’ve had eighteen years of foreplay, EJ Conners. Mark me.” I kissed her, “We can take it slow.” She flipped us over and sank herself down on me. I groaned, “Fuck, babe.” She began to ride me.
I flipped her over and took over. She screamed, “YES, EJ! HARDER!” I grunted and gave her what she wanted. I growled,“Fuck, Elise. I love how hard and rough my girl loves it.” I pushed Brutus forward and she did the same with Rhea.
When she came, I sank my teeth into her neck. When I came I felt her canines pierce my neck, I honest to god roared. I saw stars as I came, unable to stop my light from wanting to connect with her. I put my hand on her chest. She came for ten minutes. Brutus purred, “Mate is finally officially ours.” Yes, she was.
Elise smiled lazily at me. I licked her neck as her eyelids fluttered shut. I whispered, “Elise.” She murmured, “Need sleep. Marked by an Alpha. I’m sleepy. Take me home.” I nuzzled her asking, “Do you want to spend the night here then?” She murmured, “No, our home.” I couldn’t stop my smile.
I snapped us both clean, then snapped her into my shirt. Brutus snorted, “You torture us both.” I replied, “She does looks sexy in my shirt.” Brutus agreed with me. I grabbed Elise and popped back to her house for her stuff.
Peter was sitting on her bed. He smiled, “Take good care of my little girl.” I nodded, “Always Mr. Kyle.” He laughed, “I’m still Peter to you.” I shrugged, “My mom raised me to respect people. At this moment I’m the guy bringing your daughter home with me. I’m her mate, but I want you to know I respect you, and I respect Elise.” I grabbed her stuff.