I assured him, “I’ll pop her back here whenever she wants to come. I won’t keep her from you. You’re welcome in our home anytime.” Peter stood and shook my hand, “You’re everything I could’ve ever dreamed of her. My advice is to lead with her always. She will see things you don’t and be your calming force. You’re hers too.” I nodded, “I will.” He kissed Elise’s forehead then nodded to me.

I popped us to my room. Alexander linked me, “Are you back?” I answered, “You know I am. I felt you monitoring our bond.” He replied, “Busted. How’s your mate?” I answered, “Elise is out cold.”

Alexander came into my room quietly. He smiled, “I won the bet. Everyone thought she’d be fine, but I said your mark would wipe her out.” I laughed, “I marked her and shared my light.” Alexander clapped me on the back, “Atta boy EJ. I’m happy for you and I’m glad she’s here with us now.” I nodded, “Me too.” He said, “I’ll go.” I smiled, “Thanks for coming in.”

Alexander laughed, “Cassie is ready to pounce on her tomorrow for your big proposal plans.” I chuckled, “I’m sure she is. The pouncing on Elise is just for me though.” Alexander snorted, “Thanks for the visual.”

I asked, “Why didn’t you tell me some she wolf from Alpha Theo’s pack kissed you?” He shivered, “I’m not even going to ask how you found out about that. I don’t want to remember it. I didn’t even know what was happening.” I nodded, “Fair enough.” He winked, “All systems go for you proposal.” He gave me two thumbs up then walked out.

I kissed Elise’s forehead, “I love you, Elise Kyle. Welcome home. Tomorrow I’ll ask you to be my wife and I can’t wait.” I planned a proposal I was hoping she loved. Brutus snorted, “You know she will.” I closed my eyes knowing my girl was finally home for good. I smiled and drifted to sleep with a smile on my face.

EJ woke up ready for the day. I kissed Elise gently on the forehead so I didn’t wake her up. She was going with Cassie to the spa today. If Cassie hadn’t made it back, then my mom was going to take her. I got dressed and walked into the hall.

My sister threw herself into my arms. I chuckled, “How long have you been out here?” She replied, “Since my mate fell asleep. He seemed to think I couldn’t just camp out here all night. Something about giving it away and being away from him unnecessarily.” I squeezed her tightly while I laughed.

I said, “We missed you around here.” She pulled back, “And now I’m back. By the way, I love your plan about being Alpha’s.It’s brilliant, but that’s not surprising since you are very smart.” I blushed, “Thanks.” She bumped me and then went to sit on my bed and wait for Elise to wake up. Which probably wouldn’t take long since Cassie was staring at her.

Brutus chuckled, “I think that’s our sister’s plan.” I was certain it was. I popped to the gym and ran several laps. Elise linked, “My first day here and you spoil me with the spa.” I replied, “I’ll spoil you every single day.”

I worked out for several hours until my mom popped in. She smiled, “Everything you asked for is set up.” I hugged her, “Thanks. I was worried I’d mess it up if I did it myself.” She shook her head slightly before saying, “I’ll do anyfuckingthing for you kids. You are an amazing man, and I’m proud of you. Congratulations.”

I pointed out, “She hasn’t said yes.” Now, my mom rolled her eyes. I mockingly gasped, “What? My momma raised me to respect everyone and their choices.” She told me, “Yes, but my children are smart. You know she’s going to say yes.” I winked.

I still found myself oddly nervous. I popped to our room and put out all the things she’d ever got me and the mementos I’d kept from the first time I could remember. I left several of them there and then left others with notes along the journey to our ultimate destination.

When I got to the small pond our family used, I stopped a moment to take it all in. Everything was arranged perfectly, exactly as I wanted. There were flowers all around the dock with candles, which made me chuckle. I’m sure my mom added that even though it wasn’t night. There were pictures of Elise and me in different sizes all over and hanging from the trees.

Theo linked, “I’m here and ready to take pictures.” I replied, “Thanks, little brother.” Cassie linked me, “We just got back. Get ready.” I conjured Elise’s engagement ring to me. I pulled it outand looked at it, not for the first time since I’d finalized it last year.

It was a four karat pear cut diamond, rose gold plated art deco style ring. Theo called, “I got to see it first! Go, me!” I chuckled, wondering if he actually was the first. My family knew I had it, but I’d had it designed in secret for my mate. So, unless someone conjured it to themselves, they didn’t know what it looked like.

Elise linked me, “EJ, this is the sweetest thing. I’m going to follow my clues and find you.” I smiled waiting for her to make her way to me. It took about thirty minutes. She spotted me and tears flowed freely down her face as she fanned herself.

I popped to her and popped us onto the dock. She cried, “EJ, this is all so beautiful.” I told her, “I’ll do things like this for you as much as I can. From the first moment I can remember, you were all I thought about it. Making sure you were safe, happy, and smiling was always my priority. I hated every moment I had to leave you. Even as a young pup.”

I chuckled, “Actually, my first memory is being told I couldn’t go see you and my stubborn ass popped to you anyway.” She chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. When our lips parted I whispered, “You have always been everything I have ever wanted. I can’t wait to lead this pack with you by my side because as long as I have you, I know I can do anything. You are my strength and the person who makes colors brighter in my life. You are my childhood sweetheart, and I can’t think of anyone better to spend my life with.”

Elise gasped when I knelt down and opened the ring box. I asked, “Elise Elanie Kyle, will you marry me?” She squealed, “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.” I slid the ring on her finger and conjured the picnic I planned for us. I spun her around, holding on tight. She was my forever, now and always.

Fighting for what’s Mine

Elise is (almost) Eighteen Years Old

Elise was biting back a laugh as Alexander kept changing his shirt for his birthday party. Rhea told me, “He is so nervous. It’s adorable.” That was true. Melanie had asked her about me outfit yesterday. She’d picked out a really cute one. She probably debated it a lot, but she’d just showed me the one. I couldn’t believe that finally Melanie and Alexander were meeting.

Rhea said, “I can’t even blame him for being nervous. Hell, I’m nervous for them both. This is so exciting. Oden is so nervous too.” Aww, I was already beyond convinced they were mates. The only thing that would’ve made today perfect was Cassie being here. Melanie had been inconsolable when they’d postponed the party. She’d been ready to go when I called to tell her. She’d shut herself in her room until I came home later that night. By then she was just sad and annoyed she hadn’t anticipated her parents reacting that way. She felt she should’ve, and I defiantly think I should have.

When my phone buzzed, I couldn’t stop my smile because Melanie was calling. I walked out and went into EJ’s room. I jumped on the bed laying down and accepted the call. “Hi Mel, are you on your way?” Melanie sobbed, “I hate them! Why do they do this to me?” I was instantly concerned, “You hate who?”

Melanie cried “All the border patrols and Charline! She’s the devil!” I was getting a very bad feeling, “Ladybug, what happened?” Melanie explained, “They lied again. They said I crossed our border….well I guess we have a lot… I mean the Two Peaks border that’s now ours. I didn’t though! I didn’t even leave my room much today because I was afraid this would happen.”

Rhea growled, “What’s going on with this?” I really didn’t know. She continued, “I only left for an hour. One hour to dance my nerves away. I should’ve stayed in my room. Why didn’t I stay in my room? Charline found me and dared me to cross. I told her in her dreams and came home…literally right home. Then they said I did it anyway.”

I reasoned, “No one would believe Charline.” Melanie sniffled, “They believe the Warriors. Why do they do this to me? I didn’t do anything to them. They all even look like they feel sorry they had to report it, but I didn’t do it. I swear!” I sighed, “I believe you. I’ll call my dad.”

Melanie kept crying, “Everyone going to the party already left. Only T stayed back because he’s doing something for dad. He believes me though. Dad wants to but…. why are they lying? I just want to meet my Xander. I saved my allowance for nine months to get his present. I wanted to give it to him in person. It’s a special birthday for an Alpha... I wanted everything to be perfect. It was going to be, and they ruined it!” I wiped some stray tears away. I whispered, “I’ll find out what happened.”

She cried, “They must hate me. Why are they doing this to me? They ruin every chance I have! There were ten of them this time. TEN! Mom and dad asked why I did it, and I told them I didn’t. I could see they were so conflicted! They want to believe me…then mom ate her mom monster cookie. They just don’t know what to do.” Neither did I. This was beyond bizarre.