She kissed my cheek, “Bless you, son. I’m the fucking party planner around here. Astrid gave me the damn title and everything.” She popped away. My dad was suspicious. “Son,why did you just get rid of your mother?” Everyone looked at me in surprise.

I sat down at the table and gestured for them to do the same. Everyone sat. I told them, “Because there’s not a single person here who wants mom to hear what Alexander and I have to say. We have been looking into Fairy things.” My dad frowned, “What are you talking about?”

Alexander said, “We have been looking into tying life forces.” My dad stood, “Why? Do NOT do that!” Alexander motioned for him to sit back down. Once he did Alexander explained, “We weren’t looking to do it ourselves.” I added, “I asked Uncle Aiden how Alania died.”

Everyone quickly went silent. Alexander said, “He was evasive, so we looked into it. We know there’s no way Alania died that quickly after Fabian. She should’ve lived for some time. I think. We think that someone in this room killed her. Uncle Aiden can’t lie so I think…” He paused and glanced at me.

I picked up our theory, “Alexander thinks Aunt Megan got involved so Uncle Aiden didn’t have to lie. We think he saw a body disintegrate to dust that looked like Alania. But it wasn't her, was it?” They didn’t say anything.

Alexander explained, “We aren’t mad about it. I was mad before we found this thinking Alania did all her deeds and got away with an easy death. I just want to know the person behind the suffering of the people I love most, paid for it all. Immensely. Tell me one of you tortured her for seven years or longer then killed her. She almost took Preston, William, and Julian from us with her stupid tricks.”

My dad’s jaw ticked. He didn’t look around and he didn’t say anything. I gave my theory, “I think it was you.” I pointed at my Grammy Veronica. Finally, Grandpa Titus spoke, “Your grammy removed Alania from Faerie. Since Megan was pregnant with Lila she could get in and out of Faerie.” I knew it.

He added, “We all took turns torturing her. I was on the phone with your mother when I heard her screams and felt her pain when she took that toy from Cassie. I heard both you boys cry, along with Cassie’s screams. Alania was always your Grammy’s, but I couldn’t stop myself that day. I killed Alania for what she’d done to my Princess and my grandchildren. To my sons, my love, our family. When she almost killed Julian, William, and Preston, that was it. I lost it.”

Grammy added, “I was going to torture her for seven years. We didn’t quite get to seven, but I assure you she suffered. Your grandpa did what he had to do that day.” Alexander nodded, “That’s why no more gifts come from Alania. She stopped them before she died except the ones about Angela.”

My grandpa hit the table in anger. I knew what it was about. Alania evaded with him and he felt bad he missed it. He admitted, “Apparently. That fucking cunt and her loopholes! I knew better. I was too specific. I focused on your mother not thinking...” Bjourn interrupted, “It’s not your fault, dad.”

I agreed, “It’s not. You avenged what happened.” Alexander asked, “Dad, you knew right?” My dad admitted, “I did. I came and tortured her too. I figured out she wasn’t dead. The letter she wrote your mom after she died didn’t make sense. Not after your mom found out she was a part of the promised siblings prophecy. That letter that appeared was like Alania, not the one from the funeral she got.”

He looked away jaw clenched, “Your mom couldn't destroy that letter no matter how much she tried. Alania told your mom to run from us all. After the other one told her to stay by my side.” Who wrote it then? It clicked for me. I’d found that note as a pup and read it.

I looked at my Grammy stating, “You wrote it. That final letter from Alania when she died was from you. You can imitatepeople’s penmanship. I’ve read that letter, and dad’s right. It is far too nice for Alania to have written.”

Grammy nodded, “Yes, I did write it. I kept the important things Alania told her. The note before was not worthy of your mother. She deserved better. Alania’s letter was a pittance, and I couldn’t stand that for my little girl.”

I asked, “Why doesn’t mom know? Alexander and I figured it out, but it’s clear you don’t want mom to know. She won’t be upset with you.” My dad frowned and pinched his nose, “Your mom...”

Uncle Marcus cut him off, “Would blame herself. Alania emotionally abused your mother. She would feel guilty over the fact we took revenge for what happened to her. She would think it was her fault. We don’t want that for her. I’m tired of seeing my little sister re-victimized by Fairies. I will NOT allow Alania to do more damage. Your mother has come such a long way, but Alania and Fabian REFUSE to leave her alone. I won’t add this to her conscience.”

I nodded, “Ok, I understand that. None of us will tell her.” My siblings were nodding right along with me. I added, “I’ll tell Cass though. She looked into it with us briefly and she’s curious.” My dad nodded, “That’s fine, son.”

I stood and hugged my Grammy. I whispered, “Thank you, for being you, Grammy.” I hugged my Grandpa next. All my siblings did. My mom popped back in smiling. I felt my heart tugged in my chest. I still didn’t understand how anyone could hurt her. I hugged her tightly. She laughed and hugged me back. The bond told me she was confused but didn’t care because she loved getting hugs from me.

She stepped back assuring the room, “Have no fucking fear. I fixed the disaster they were planning. Honestly, brother, no one is allowed to plan a party here without me. It was literally a catastrophe.” Uncle Bjourn laughed, “Of course it was.”

Max went stiff as a board as the possessiveness began to fill my bond with him. I cut a sharp glance at him. Angela clapped, “YAY MAXY!” Micah walked around the corner. He called, “Hey dad.” He stopped dead in his tracks when Max roared, “MINE!”

My brother jumped over the table and ran to Micah. Uncle Gunner’s jaw dropped. He muttered, “No way.” My Uncle Harper clapped him on the back, “Now we know why you always felt drawn to have kids with your co-parents. Max and Micah were meant to be.”

I knew my Uncle Harper and Aunt Calista considered Micah their child too. It didn’t matter to either of them who the biological parents were. Gunner’s kids were Uncle Harper and Aunt Calista’s kids. Uncle Gunner considered their kids his too.

Uncle Gunner smiled while Max kissed Micah. My brother pulled back, “How have I never met you?” Micah wiped tears away, “It’s my fault. It’s just that, well you’re hot and I…” Max tilted his head, “You’ve seen me?”

Micah blushed, “In pictures. I was always with my mom’s if you were here. I didn’t want to see the girls fawning over you. My dad said you’re bisexual which would’ve been harder to see you with another guy because I always wanted you.” Max kissed him again.

Micah whispered, “I thought you weren’t coming today.” Max turned, “Angela, you little minx!” I linked him, “It took you far too long to clock that.” He winked at me in reply. Angela giggled, “Maxy is happy!” I ruffled her hair and she giggled.

Max turned back to Micah, “My little sister said I had to be here. Now I know why.” He started kissing him. My dad said, “Go upstairs, son.” Max didn’t need to be told twice. He portaled Micah out of the room.

Uncle Gunner laughed, “Micah’s just so shy.” Uncle Harper said, “He takes after his moms and dad. He’s just as good at computers.” Gunner proudly said, “He’s better. I learn thingsfrom him.” Uncle Harper kissed him. When they pulled back Aunt Calista kissed him next.

Uncle Gunner’s phone rang. He laughed, “His moms are calling.” He answered and went out into the hallway to explain the feelings they felt. I asked them, “Micah’s sixteenth birthday was a few days ago, right?” Uncle Harper nodded, “Yesterday actually.” I smiled as I looked around. Then I realized Alexander was missing along with Elise.

I waited and faded back. Then I used my bond to find Alexander. I could feel his guilt, excitement for our brother, but also some bitterness. I found him crying with Elise. I spoke softly, “Alexander.” He looked up, “I’m happy for him.” I hugged my little brother, “I know you are.” He cried into my neck. Elise rubbed his back in a sisterly way.

I told him, “You will meet your mate, Alexander.” He snorted, “Will I?” I assured him, “Yes, you will.” He stepped back and wiped his eyes. He shook himself, “Sorry, guys.” Elise smiled softly, “You don’t have to be sorry.” He nodded and composed himself.