He whispered, “I just want her so badly.” I waited, hoping this was the moment he’d admit everything to me. He didn’t though. I wanted to groan in frustration, but I still had a little bit more space to give him. Brutus said, “The problem is they relate to Max. Micah and Max should’ve met before now and he should’ve met Melanie.” That was all true.

He stepped back saying, “Let’s get back to dinner.” I took his hand and Elise’s. He popped us back into a room off the dining room. We walked back in. My dad and all my uncle’s seemed to notice we’d left. Angela looked sad. My mom was trying to cheer her up which had to be how she didn’t notice our absence. Then I noticed her sly glances towards us and realized she had noticed too. Dang.

All of us ate together. When we left Alexander went to our gym. Elise and I were sitting together when Angela popped to us. I smiled, “Hi ,Angela.” She sat down with tears in her eyes. I picked her up and put her in my lap, “What’s wrong, Ang?” She cried, “I can’t help Alexander! I’m trying but his paths are blurred about certain things. I don’t understand! Everything else is clear.”

I questioned, “What’s blurry?” Angela sighed, “His mate. I’ve looked for her, but it’s like there’s this block. I don’t understand it. He’s so sad and he just wants her! He cried and I can’t help him.” I rocked her back and forth, “Hey, it’s ok. You’re still working on your sight. You can leave helping Alexander to us.” She kept crying. Elise had tears coursing down her cheeks too.

I grabbed her hand and popped us to the gym. Alexander stopped mid jab when he heard Angela crying. He popped to us, “Little one, what’s the matter?” He took her from me and looked her over. He was confused, “EJ didn’t tell me to heal anything, and I don’t sense you are hurt with my light. What’s wrong?” She cried, “I can’t help you. I can’t figure out why your mate is blurry.”

Alexander frowned, “Hey, that’s not your fault. Look at me.” Angela refused until he tilted her chin up. He said, “I will meet my mate one day, Ang. When I do isn’t up to you to fix. You do so many good things with your sight already. You saved Cassie last year and you were only three years old then. We all had to work on mastering our Fairy powers. You’re doing so good and I’m proud of you. My mate and I meeting isn’t up to you, little one. You do not have to meddle with all you see.”

She frowned, “I fix things, not meddle.” I laughed, “Micah and Max would’ve met if they didn’t meet today.” Angela sighed, “But Maxy was so happy! Micah too.” I agreed, “Of course they were. Alexander is ok.” Alexander nodded. She frowned, “He’s upset.”

Alexander reasoned, “Not with you.” Angela got a stubborn look on her face, “With your friend. I’ve seen….” She trailed off and stopped talking. She did that when she was trying to see if paths were surer. Alexander frowned, “What have you seen?”

Angela answered, “You get very upset and so does EJ. You guys fight but I don’t know when. He tells you he’s out of space.” Alexander and my eyes met and his jaw clenched. Brutus asked, “Is he really going to push us there?” I replied, “Evidently.” It was annoying.

Alexander told her, “EJ and I will figure things out. We may fight, but we are brothers. I will always be by his side, and he will always be by mine.” I agreed, “That’s true. No matter what, all you guys are my brothers and sisters. I’ll always have your back.”

Angela pleaded, “You won’t stay mad long, right?” Alexander laughed, “Like he could stay mad at me.” Angela giggled, “Yes he could, silly! It’s me and Cassie that none of you can stay mad at.” I snorted, “I have no doubt that you two would cook something up if Alexander and I stayed mad at each other too long.” Elise added, “Count me in. I’d help you and Cassie, Ang.” I sighed, “Of course you would.”

Alexander nudged our sister, “See? It’s all good.” She sighed, “I want to help you though.” Alexander smiled, “Because, not unlike mom, you love helping people. You have a heart of gold, little one. I’ll be ok.” She sighed, “Ok. I’m going to figure it out though and I’m meddling when I do.” Alexander laughed, “Don’t stress out about it.” Angela stood up smiling. She walked away then turned, “You didn’t say not to meddle.” She popped away.

Alexander snorted, “She’s a cute little stinker and quite possible too smart for a four year old.” I asked, “Are you ok, brother?” Alexander shrugged, “I’m physically fine.” I pushed, “She’s right, you know? I am running out of space to give you.” Alexander nodded, “I know.”

My dad walked in, “Boys, I’d like to chat in my office.” Elise asked, “Do I need to go home?” My dad replied, “No, you’ll be EJ’s Luna so I have no problem with you hearing the discussion.” I smiled and kissed her. Brutus purred, “Our Luna.” I loved hearing it.

I popped us to my dad’s office. Alexander and my dad popped in a second later. My dad sat, “I spoke to Cassie about this already.” I jumped in, “She’s back?” My dad nodded, “She’s in the Hackura realm right now and will come see everyone later. You boys are ready to take over.” I blinked, “Really?” My dad nodded, “Yes, really.”

Alexander looked at me and sent me all his feelings. He was ready but respected how I felt about it since I was the Lead Alpha. He was leaving it up to me. I asked, “What did Cass say?” My dad said, “That she would help out as she could.” I nodded.

I sat forward, “I’ve thought about this a lot. Our pack already does things differently. I know you’d be there for us, but I think that would open us up for fighting about dominance. I know that happened with you and grandpa plus Alpha Chase and Frank Daniels. Any Alpha that took over younger has had that problem.”

My dad frowned, “I’m not your grandpa.” I held up my hands, “I know that, but we’d lean on you. I think” Elise took my hand smiling and I kissed her forehead. “since our pack has always been different I want us to do a hybrid style.” My dad grinned, “Explain.” His pride was already bouncing in the bond.

I explained, “Alexander and I would take on tasks of the Alpha with you still being the Alpha. I think Daisy’s ready to do this too.” My dad made a motion for me to continue. I threw it all out there, “We’d handle disputes and some paperwork on our own. We’d have you review our decisions. I think if we did a year of that with us slowly taking on more and more tasks and responsibility, we’d take full control.”

My dad nodded, “You can take that plan to your cousins. I’m sure Daisy is ready.” I warned, “Saied doesn't want to be an Alpha and I won’t make her.” My dad replied, “Nor would I. I want her to do what she wants. She wants to be the Female Lead Warrior. Encourage her to challenge for it. We want all you pup’s to strive for and reach your own goals. Austin can take over for your Uncle Jackson if he wishes to.” I nodded. I teased, “Are you ever not going to call us pups?” He replied, “You are adults and I acknowledge that BUT you will always be my pups. So, no.” We all laughed.

We walked out of his office. Alexander clapped me on the back, “It’s a good plan.” I smiled, “Glad you think so.” He hugged me, “I’m with you brother, always.” We went in search of Daisy. We found Dana and Saeid instead.

I asked them, “Where’s Daisy?” Dana laughed, “She’s on her way back to the pack. Fair warning, she’s in a tizzy.” I frowned asking, “Why?” Dana smiled, “The Omega she thinks is gorgeous had her birthday this week. Their family got back an hour ago. Daisy just can’t stand to think of her with a mate.”

I raised an eyebrow stating, “Zoe didn’t find her mate.” Elise asked me, “Mrs. Blanch’s little protege? That’s who Daisy likes?” Dana nodded, “Oh yeah.” I laughed, “Did you tell her Zoe didn’t find her mate?” Dana said, “I would’ve but she refuses to talk about it. She’s taken a page out of Alexander’s book. They’ve been in the gym training this week.” Alexander grinned, “It’s effective.” I rolled my eyes.

I asked, “Saeid, when are you going to challenge to be the Female Lead Warrior?” She gasped, “What?” I raised an eyebrow, “You want it and you’re old enough. So, challenge for it.” Saied shook her head, “No, I’m the oldest. All those women fought for the right to take over their dad’s spot. I can’t just turn my back on that.”

I argued, “You’re not turning your back on it. You’re following your dreams. We aren’t about traditions here. As your cousin and your one day Alpha, I want you to pursue your dreams. I’d better wake up to news about your challenge for the tournament.”

Elise added, “Orrrrrr the day after my birthday.” I laughed, “Whatever my girl wants.” Saied blushed, “Thanks, EJ.” I nodded, “Of course. Your dad and mine know your goals so just talk to yours. He’ll be so proud.” She smiled and walked off.

Dana smiled, “Austin will be all ‘I’ve said all that, but EJ says it and you listen.’ It’s going to be a whole thing.” I laughed, “Well, at least you know.” Dana laughed, “I do.” We heard a growl. I turned. Daisy had walked in the front door. She passed us as if she was on fire. She ran to the kitchen declaring, “MINE!”

I commented smiling, “It looks like Zoe found her mate.” I heard a lot of happy tears. Nana Blanch clapped, “I just knew it! Oh, this is just perfect.” I walked in to see her fanning her face as Daisy kissed Zoe. Alexander sighed, “I guess your chat is going to have to wait until later, big brother.”

I turned, “Alexander.” He walked off. I stopped Elise from going after him. I whispered, “Give him a minute. This is two mates found close together.” Elise frowned but nodded. My dad, Uncle Jackson, Uncle Harold and Uncle Darrin came walking up to us.

My Uncle Darrin smiled, “My little girl found her mate.” I nodded. I saw my dad put a hand on Darrin’s shoulder then he left to go after Alexander. My Uncle Darrin said, “Daisy, please take her upstairs. I’m still your dad and I don’t need to see this.” Daisy turned, her cheeks flushed red. She grabbed Zoe and led her upstairs.