Tristan and I locked eyes. He linked, “I was a little glad she wasn’t going to be here to hear me scream in pain.” Yeah, I go that. I squeezed his hand for a brief second. I waited with bated breath as time ticked by. When midnight came around, I couldn’t stop my scream of pain. I heard Tristan’s too, but blocked his out because my pain was overwhelming.

I saw Melanie’s terrified face along with Dalton, Dakota, and Cooper’s. I tried to keep it in, but I just couldn’t manage it. Everything felt like it was breaking inside me. I felt arms around me and heard a purr in my head. I sighed in relief because that confirmed I had a wolf.

My wolf said, “Of course you have a wolf. You’re an Alpha. Speaking of our mate is handsome. I’ve never known the moment I’ve come to someone who our mate is, but your memories explain it all. It seems to be easier shifting with him here than this has been with my humans in the past.”

Curiosity got to me. I asked, “How many humans have you had? What’s your name?” My wolf purred again, “He’s just yummy. I’m Rhea. What’s his wolf's name?” I answered, “Brutus and I feel like you’re distracting me since you’d know that with my memories.” Rhea purred, “I’ve had ten humans before you and distracting the human always makes shifting better.” I told her, “Well, I’m glad you’re my wolf now.”

Rhea replied, “Likewise. This will hurt a bit, but then I’ll be out. After this first time it doesn't hurt like this again.” I could feel my bones breaking, but it wasn’t as awful as I thought with Rhea talking me through it. Or when it started before EJ wrapped me in his arms.

The next thing I knew I was standing beside Brutus. I looked down noting my paws were black. Brutus nuzzled my neck and Rhea did the same. My dad linked, “Go on sweetie. Have a good first run. I can’t wait to take you on one tomorrow.” I replied, “I love you, dad.” He wiped away tears, “I love you too. I can’t believe my little girl shifted.” He was going to cry, then I’d cry.

I let Rhea have control as we bounded off into the woods. Melanie linked, “You and T are so pretty! Can I have a ride later?” I agreed, “Sure.” Rhea felt fiercely protective over Melanie the second she heard her voice.

She howled with joy noticing EJ was chasing me. Rhea linked, “He’s teasing us. I mean I know that but whew hot damn! That wolf is hot. I know from your memories you want to jump his bones tonight. I am SO on board.” I laughed, “I thought you might be. I’m waiting on being marked though.” Rhea said, “That’s fine by me. I wasn’t expecting it since we usually aren’t marked until eighteen.”

Rhea and Brutus started to play together. I caught my reflection in the pond. I was black just like EJ. Brutus pinned Rhea and suddenly shifted back. Rhea purred, “Well my, my, my. Look at him. We are lucky. I’m going to let you come forward. I’ll walk you through how to shift back. Then you go get us some Elise Kyle.” I laughed, “I like you.” Rhea chuckled, “I like you too.”

The second I was naked in my human form underneath EJ, his jaw clenched. I could feel how hard he was against my thigh. Rhea linked, “Oh, I like him. I like him a lot. He wants to claimus, but he’s asking about us first. What a gentleman. Fan your face for me.” I wanted to laugh out loud.

Rhea linked, “God damn. That purr is amazing. Jump his bones, Elise!” I replied, “We are going to.” I got things moving along. I was somewhat worried Rhea might take over and just have sex with him. Rhea teased, “Sure. Blame the wolf. I know you want to jump him just as bad as I do.” I acknowledged, “True.”

I watched the treehouse come to life. Rhea whispered, “Wow. He’s very powerful. Wow.” He definitely was. I turned around and caught EJ admiring my naked body. I walked back over and kissed him. He took his time until I begged him to claim me.

Rhea was totally sold on EJ and Brutus. She was incoherently babbling in my head as we practically melted due to orgasms. EJ finally climbed back up my body to claim me. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I was adjusting.

Once he was all the way in Rhea linked me, “In case you were wondering, our man is WELL endowed. Which isn’t surprising.” I flushed, “RHEA!” Later, I’d think I should’ve asked why it wasn’t surprising but at the time it didn’t occur to me.

Rhea snickered, “I’m just saying WOWZERS!” When he moved after I’d adjusted, he was hitting a spot inside me that was driving me wild. Rhea purred, “This is why I said wowzers.” Yeah, it was an appropriate word.

I didn’t want him to stop, ever. It felt so good. He owned me, mind, body and soul. I screamed, “EJ!” and left my body for a brief moment. I felt almost complete. He’d claimed me, and I’d claimed him. Once we were marked it would be official.

My eyes were drifting closed. Rhea purred, “He’s amazing and I’m glad you’re my human.” I sleepily replied, “I’m glad you’re with me too.” I was vaguely aware of EJ’s arms around me. It was a perfect moment in time that I wished I could freeze. Everything was perfect.

EJ gently woke me up. He whispered, “Elise, your dad wants to take you on your first run with him.” I sleepily asked, “Are you going home?” He snorted, “No, I’ll stay at your house. Let’s go get breakfast.” He snapped us into clothes, grabbed me, and popped us to the house.

Rhea purred, “Get us some food.” I was famished. EJ conjured me more waffles when I polished mine off. Cooper teased, “Breathe, jeez.” My dad defended me, “You’ll eat just as much after your first shift so huff. Because what goes around comes around, son.”

Dalton asked, “What’s your wolf’s name?” I answered, “Rhea. She’s really cool.” Rhea agreed, “Damn straight I am. I grinned at him and EJ continued to conjure me food until I was satisfied. Rhea linked, “And now we run.” I looked over at my dad who smiled at me. He came over and took my hand. He said, “Let’s go pup.”

We ran outside and he shifted into Thunder. I hesitated, remembering all the pain from the previous night. My dad linked, “It won’t hurt this time.” I nodded and let Rhea take over. It wasn’t as fast as his, but it didn’t hurt.

Rhea teased, “I told you.” I agreed, “You did.” She said, “You didn’t hesitate that long so I’m proud. You have a deep bond with your dad. I’m talking to Thunder.” I sat in the back of her mind like she usually did mine as they took off.

I squealed in my link with my dad excited because he’d led us to the trails all dad’s took their pups to in Red Run for their first time out. Rhea and I stumbled a few times following him getting used to working together.

Rhea snorted, “I’m getting my sea legs back, so to speak. I haven’t had a human over a decade and change.” I asked, “Is it normal to wait that long between humans?” She answered, “No, but I was waiting for you. I was rewarded after the clusterfuckthat was my last human.” I asked, “Do you want to talk about it?” She replied, “Not now.” I let it go.

My dad linked me, “I love running with you.” I agreed, “Even though we aren’t in control this is amazing.” I felt like I was flying and I had my dad right there to catch me if I fell. Which he did a few times. Rhea never took a full tumble and she caught her stride halfway through the course.

When we finished it there were clothes waiting for us. We both shifted back. I couldn’t wait until mine was seamless like his. Mine took longer, but once Rhea and I were in sync like Thunder and my dad, we’d shift back quickly.

I put on my clothes and smiled at my dad. He pulled me into a hug. He said, “I’m proud of you. Rhea is a beautiful wolf and I think she’s going to suit you quite well.” He handed me a folder. I asked, “What’s this?” He grinned, “Your training schedule with me worked into your regular one. We will be meeting to go over fighting in wolf form.”

I squealed and jumped into his arms, excited to start this phase of my life. I whispered, “Thank you, dad.” He squeezed me tightly, “I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.” I’d practice so hard every day. Rhea and I would be in sync so fast everyone would be stunned. Rhea cheered, “Yeah, girl! We are going to be great right alone side our yummy mate.”

I grinned and my dad shifted. He linked, “Race ya home.” I yelled, “CHEATER!” I gave control to Rhea happy that our time had already improved shifting wise. We were off and running after my dad trying to beat him home.

Here to Stay