I admitted, “I heard about this arts school in New York.” Melanie drew into herself mumbling, “It’s a great opportunity.” I asked, “Do you want to go?” Melanie whispered, “I don't know. It’s so far away from mom, dad, T, Jase, your parents, you and….”
I finished, “Your Xander.” She smiled glancing at Ray then clearly decided he could know about her crush. She said, “He could pop there. Part of me thinks it’s how I could meet him. I could call and claim it was an emergency.” I laughed, “He’d pop right to you.” She sighed, “I know. Sometimes I think I’ll go just for that. Just so he’d pop to my side and bring me home.”
I assured her, “He’d let you live your dream.” Melanie whispered, “He’s my dream.” I smiled, “That’s cute, Mel.” She frowned, “He is. We are mates. He’s mine and I’m his. We are going to lead beside you and EJ. We will be your weapons.” They would be one hell of a weapon. I could see there would be no arguing with her, so I didn’t try.
I asked, “You read a lot of Jared’s Fairy books, right?” Melanie nodded, “Oh yeah…I didn’t like…steal them…or anything…. He said I could borrow them. Sometimes he even asks me questions about them. We still have our deal going.” Good. I asked her, “What’s the Beyond?”
Melanie answered, “It’s where Fairies go when they die, as long as they don’t belong in Hell. Their Goddess can get those there that should be in Hell if she reaches them before Death though. Well, Fairies aren’t technically the only ones there….because….well… If a Fairy shares their light with theirmate and they’re not a Fairy, they go to the Beyond too. It’s kind of beautiful.” Except for the part where Azoney could take bad children there.
She continued, “They are basically alive in the Beyond. It’s their spirits though. They have all their powers but can’t die again. They get to be with their loved ones though.” I frowned. Melanie asked, “Why?” I explained, “EJ’s Uncle Arion called him there. He mentioned it briefly, but he didn’t want to talk about it.”
Melanie frowned, “EJ could only be called if he wanted to go or if his mental defenses were lowered. He can only be called by a powerful Fairy since he’s royal….it’s harder to pull them than anyone else…for some reason…the books say it’s their mental defenses…I don’t know seems odd. Some dark charms and magic that comes with a price can keep people from pulling even Royals. Which is how Former King Fenilton’s death went unsolved. He couldn’t pull his sons to him.” Holy crap.
I asked, “Can EJ be hurt there?” Melanie shook her head, “Not physically since he’s not dead. He could hurt them, though. He could use his powers against….well anyone there. Even if it was a Fairy that was alive. He couldn’t kill them, but he could make them have a very bad day.” I laughed, “Good to know. Thanks. Beta Dylan would be jealous of your knowledge.”
Melanie snorted, “I’d never know if he was. Everyone says he’s really funny. Not that I’ll ever meet him. I really want to… I thought….I…” I interrupted, “He is pretty funny.” We talked for a couple hours before I walked her back home.
Ray said, “We’ve got to get those two together.” I snorted, “You’re preaching to the choir. I was hoping it would happen at mine and T’s first shift, but she’s got a dance competition.” Ray sighed, “They’d be something. Black Mountain is shaping up to be even more deadly than it is now.”
I looked at him realizing, “You really believe they are mates.” Ray nodded, “I do. I’ve never seen a wolf as sure as Melanie is outside of who Luna Emmaline has told they are mates. I don’t know why, but I just feel she’s right.”
I smiled, “At least we know she has a plan. If she ends up in New York, she’ll call Alexander with an emergency.” Ray raised an eyebrow, “That makes me wonder why she doesn’t do it now.” I laughed, “Now she could get in trouble for lying and having him pop here. If she was in New York who’s going to care that she lied to him?”
Ray laughed, “You two together as Luna’s are going to be diabolical. The Wolf Fairy Hybrids aren’t going to know what to do with you because you two can lie. They won’t even see it coming. Not one single part of me feels even remotely sorry for them.” I wistfully said, “It would be fun if it was her, me, and Cassie.” Ray smiled, “It will be. I feel it.” I ran inside feeling better.
The rest of the week flew by. Alexander was in one heck of a mood. He’d been in the gym every day. I’d had EJ pop us there a few times to work out my own issues. I was beginning to get nervous. What if I didn’t get a wolf? I knew that was crazy. My dad was an Alpha and my mom was from a Gamma bloodline. My Uncle Bray was going to be Jayden’s Gamma.
Logically, I knew I’d have a wolf. Then I started to get nervous and excited for after my shift. I was not looking forward to the pain of actually shifting. A pop sounded and the smell told me who it was. I turned, “Cassie?” Cassie smiled, “Yup. My brothers are off beating things up at the gym. I thought I’d come check on you.”
I hugged her, “I’m so nervous.” Cassie pulled back, “About shifting or about other sexy stuff?” I turned red, “You know?” Cassie winked, “I’m observant and sneaky. I also feel my brother's feelings. The only logical conclusion was he’s going toget lucky. About which he is ecstatic, nervous, and just dying to do. I thought I’d come see how you were feeling since I have no insight whatsoever to that.”
I laughed, “I’m excited but nervous too. I don’t want to disappoint him.” Cassie laughed, “I don’t think you could disappoint him if you tried. He’s crazy about you.” I asked somewhat hopefully, “Have you and Jase done it? I need tips.”
Cassie shook her head, “No, we haven’t. Mostly because we know we have an end date. We’ve done some stuff but neither of us want to go all the way when we know we aren’t mates. I mean, I’d have to go off books for my first time if that's what I wanted to do.”
I laughed, “Off books?” Cassie nodded, “Yeah, I feel like that would seal the deal of Jase and Alexander possibly having it out.” I frowned, “Seal the deal?” Cassie smiled, “I don’t officially know things, but I know things. One day my brothers will understand that I’m sneaky and I have my ways.”
I questioned, “Alexander is mad at Jase?” Cassie sighed, “Not exactly, but he’s getting there ish.” I frowned, “That makes no sense.” Cassie laughed, “When you know, you’ll know. It will all make sense. I promise.” I snorted, “They are such good friends though.” Cassie said, “It will get handled. Alexander loves Jase like a brother. This is not about him though. This is about you. If you want tips and advice, I do know who I can call.” I shook my head, “No, I just wanted your tips if you had them.” She shrugged.
I whispered, “What if I don’t get a wolf? Will EJ…?” Cassie held up her hand interrupting, “EJ will not care if you have a wolf or not. He thinks you hung the moon itself. You’ll have one though.” I smiled, “I’m more nervous about shifting than having sex.”
Cassie laughed, “Of course you are. It’s you and EJ. That’s something you know. Even if it’s your first time you know andtrust him. You love each other. Shifting is different. I have no inspiring words to offer because I don’t remember shifting.”
I teased, “Which is too bad because when Beta Dylan tells the story it’s pretty hilarious.” Cassie nudged me, “Hey, you should remember too. You were there.” I laughed, “I wish I did.” Cassie smiled, “I’m helping Uncle Aiden in court tonight, or I’d be staying for your shift.” I rubbed her shoulders, “I’m sure that makes your uncle happy.”
Cassie admitted, “I just don’t want my mom there right now. It’s easier for me if I help because it makes me feel like I’m helping her.” We talked for a while before Cassie popped away. I went downstairs and found the silence stifling.
Gosh, I wished Melanie was here to distract me with her rambling. She was always a chatterbox. Just talking away. Now there was nothing but silence. EJ needed to get here because I was a mess of nerves.
My dad hugged me, “It will be alright. Having your mate there makes the shift easier. I saw it myself when your Uncle Christopher shifted. I have to admit I was a little jealous. Happy for him, but it would’ve been nice if the Fairies had shown up like two years sooner.” I laughed, “Emmaline was around, she just didn’t know mum.” My dad admitted, “That’s also true.”
EJ popped into our house, and everything settled. The McAlister’s joined us. When we got to our shifting spot I started looking around. I could swear I smelled Melanie. I was right, she practically knocked me down hugging me.
Tristan linked, “I’m right here too.” I teased, “She’ll hug you too. She dropped out for us.” He replied, “And behind my parents back. She’s sneaky.” Which made the border patrol thing more insane. She pulled this off easily.
I hoped EJ would link Alexander to join us but was astonished when he said that Alexander was on a mission. These two were impossible! Coming up with missions and dancecompetitions to pout about not meeting each other. Cheese and Rice would this crap ever stop?!
Dang. Melanie might have to go with her whole get to New York and lie about an emergency plan at this rate. At least that was at least our fallback plan. Dalton linked, “What did I say wrong? Dad rolled his eyes and mom buried her head in his chest. You will be fine. Ladybug doesn’t need to worry.” I snorted, “Little brother, you need to ask your Beta.” He retorted, “He’s about to shift. I can’t have him doing anything but focusing.” I reasoned, “Ask him later then.”