Eventually everyone popped back. What was odd was that everyone was giving Alexander looks of awe and curiosity. When they popped out I noticed that Warriors were huddled together clearly watching him. Ray looked like the cat that ate the canary. The only ones who didn’t seem to know what everyone else did were Drake and Jason.
Tristan walked over to me and inclined his head for me to follow him. I followed him to a quiet spot. He turned, “Alexander knows about Melanie’s wolf. Doesn’t he?” I frowned, “Of course he does. He was at your parents' anniversary party. Melanie washolding that wolf in all of the pictures. Alexander looked at every picture once he came back inside.” Tristan sighed.
I asked, “What happened?” Tristan said, “I think Alexander has a different reaction to Mel’s wolf looking like him than everyone else. Other wolves want her to get rid of it. Alexander and his wolf on the other hand seems protective of Mel because of it. Which is fine by me, but he lost it. He nearly beat Alpha Johnson to death.” I pointed out, “He is a good fighter.”
He ignored me, “Based on EJ’s reaction, I think Alexander used his pushing power to kill a crap ton of people on his own. Again, I’m not complaining. But Mel will take it the wrong way when she hears about it.” I asked, “What do you mean?” Tristan sighed, “She’ll think he likes her too. She’ll just go further down the ‘Xander is mine’ rabbit hole.” I shrugged, “You don’t know he’s not hers.”
Tristan ran a hand through his hair, “I know that, but he’s just being protective. I’m worried about my little sister’s heart here.” I smiled, “Her heart belongs to her Xander. You can’t protect her from that. It’s just the way it’s been since she was three.”
Tristan groaned, “Well, I guess now I have another protector to help watch out for Mel at least. I don’t know what’s going on with these men. I know she’s cute. Hell, she’s beautiful. She’s just a pup though. What is everyone’s deal about my little sister?” I shrugged, “I really don’t know.”
Eventually I said, “Charline is jealous. Maybe because Mel is such a strong Warrior men are drawn to her. We’ve seen that. Not on this scale, but…” Tristan sighed interrupting, “Yeah, but. My little sister is a dancing prodigy who is also insanely smart. Genius level according to all her teachers. I gotta head home.” He ran off and I went back to my house.
My dad was sitting at our table with a glass of whiskey in his hand. My mom was sitting beside him. My dad looked up and gestured to a seat in front of him, so I sat down. My dad took adrink. He said, “So, for once, I think I know something my Beta doesn’t.” I looked at my mom noting her lips twitched nearly into a smile.
My dad added, “So many things lined up for me tonight. Melanie calls her wolf him and it looks identical to a wolf I saw completely lose it tonight. What’s Melanie’s stuffed wolf’s name? It does have one, right?” I nodded, “He has a name.” My dad pressed, “And it is?”
I sighed, “Dad, I can’t…” My dad cut me off, “Have they met? The wolf's name is Alexander, right? I know it is. I remember the day she got it. It was after she peppered you with questions about what the Conners wolves looked like. I thought she focused on Alexander at the time, but I shrugged it off.” I answered, “His name isn’t Alexander.”
My dad frowned then he stood exclaiming, “Oh my god. It’s Xander! That has to be it. I heard her say his name as a pup. Are they mates? Why aren’t they telling anyone?” I frowned, “They’ve never met.” My dad studied me, “Are you sure?” I nodded, “I’m positive.”
My dad sat back down, frowning as he took another pull of his drink. He asked, “Why haven’t they met?” I snorted, “You know why. Melanie has competitions or she’s grounded. Or Drake won’t let her out of the territory. Or she signs up for a dance competition because he asks Charline to a dance.” I clapped my hand over my mouth.
My dad’s head jerked to me. He smiled, “So she likes him. That’s why she’s fighting with Charline so much. That’s why she gets so upset when she gets in trouble and can’t see him. Why doesn’t she just stay out of trouble for the day?” I groaned, “I’m not sure she’s crossing the border. She’s like crazy smart, and you know that’s true. She wants to meet all the Conners, one in particular, I just don’t think she’d keep crossing the border.”
My dad argued, “My men wouldn’t lie to me.” I begrudgingly admitted, “I know. I just don’t think everything is what it seems with that situation. Maybe they think it’s her, but it’s someone else.” I could tell my dad still thought Melanie was crossing the border. She was a bit of a daredevil. I just knew something else was going on with that.
I broke the silence, “Please don’t tell Drake about it. Melanie made me promise not to tell about her wolf.” My dad sighed, “If they keep acting like that, he’ll figure it out. The only reason he didn’t is because he has blinders when it comes to Ladybug.”
I questioned, “Wouldn’t he be happy?” My mom laughed. My dad smiled, “Happy? No. Drake would be ecstatic. All the weirdness surrounding Melanie would stop. There’s not one person that is going to cross the Conners when it involves one of their mates. Melanie being Alexander’s mate would solve a lot of problems for us.” He was right.
He added, “No one would want to try and take that stuffed wolf from her because Alexander would kill them. He’s only sixteen and he’s already got a reputation. After what he did today that’s only going to grow. No one is going to want to harm his mate. It would be suicidal. Those two being mates would guarantee Melanie’s safety.”
I urged, “Then can’t we get them to meet?” My dad laughed, “They will meet. It’s only a matter of time.” I started to cry again, “What if she goes to New York for school?” My mom jumped in, “Sweetie. We can’t hold Melanie back because we love her. I’d miss her so much, but she’s a beautiful dancer. Alexander could pop to her if they’d met. The Conners wouldn’t keep them apart. They’d change their rule for them so it would all work out.”
I wiped my tears as Melanie burst into the room with a medal around her neck. She smiled declaring, “I won!” I laughed, “So you did!” She frowned, “What’s wrong?” I shook myself,“Nothing is wrong.” Then it hit me. I could get Alexander to my first shift.
I asked, “You’re coming to my shift, right? I’m going to be in the same place as T.” My dad smiled, but Melanie frowned. She had tears in her eyes, “My teacher got the dates mixed up. I have a competition, and my parents don’t want me to pull out. They haven’t decided who will take me because they can’t miss T’s shift.”
My dad sighed. I frowned, “Oh.” Melanie hugged me, “I’m really sorry.” I shrugged, “It’s ok.” Melanie tugged my hand, and we went back outside. She hugged me again and whispered, “I really am sorry. Can I see your wolf the second I get back?” I nodded, “Of course you can.” She kissed my cheek. She was about to say something when Sam called for her and she ran off.
The next day Charline, of course, had shit to say. The difference was she didn’t realize I’d been waiting for Melanie in her meadow. I heard her sneer, “I bet you think that was for you.” Melanie grumbled, “Oh good. You’re here. What do I think was for me? Because I feel like I should know… since I think it and it was for me… logically I should know what you’re talking about….but here in what we call reality….where you don’t live… I have no earthly idea what you are talking about.”
Charline snorted, “You think that Alexander killed everyone and beat up the Alpha of Two Peaks was for you.” Melanie gasped, “He did?” Charline laughed, “Oh god, you do think it’s for you. It’s not. It’s for me. He was worried about my safety.” Melanie sighed, “Sure.” She kept walking.
Then I heard her yell, “Hey!” I walked towards them with Ray right behind me. Melanie growled, “Look here wench… touch me again and I’ll end you. I’m so tired of whatever one sided problem you have with me. I was told to stay away from you… weren’t you told to stay away from me? That’s only fair. Sinceyou definitely were told to stay away just following our Alpha’s directions. Leave me alone and live in your land of delusion.”
Charline taunted her, “He thinks you're pathetic. You still have a stuffed animal. It’s tragically sad at this point. Alexander is a man who needs a real woman. Not a pup.” Melanie replied, “Then I guess you’re out as an option too. You can’t even beat an eleven year old when it’s six on one. Plus, you’re sixteen, and you act like you’re five so .... that sucks for since it’s your whole goal to be his and spend his money….because you….” Charline snarled, “You little…”
I stepped out, “Little what?” Everyone froze. Melanie smiled greeting me, “Were you waiting for me Elise?” I answered, “I was. Charline let's make something clear. You won’t get your claws into Alexander. Ever. I won’t let it happen. And if I catch you disobeying my Dad’s order to stay away from Melanie again, you can’t imagine the level of punishment that will come down on your head. Run along now.” Charline’s face turned red, and she stormed off.
Melanie giggled, “Normally I have to break her nose to get her to go away.” I frowned, “She’s just ridiculous.” Melanie skipped over to me with sparkling eyes. She whispered excitedly, “Is it true? What Charline said? Did Xander really go after the Two Peaks Alpha?”
I nodded, “He did.” Melanie smiled, “He already beat an Alpha… he is so impressive. Which isn’t surprising. He’s an Alpha Enforcer. Plus, he’s from the promised family for Faerie so he’s a double enforcer.” I had no idea what that meant.
I laughed, “He can beat his uncles in a fight too.” Melanie couldn’t stop beaming. She asked, “Was he really upset?” Ray snorted, “Upset is an understatement. He pushed at people’s heads so hard they exploded. I have rarely seen a wolf that angry. He rivals his father on the battlefield, and that is saying something. Alpha Eric is a legend.” Melanie couldn’t grin anywider. Ray added, “And he definitely did not do it for Charline.” Melanie giggled and skipped away to set her music up to dance.
Ray and I sat down and watched her dance. Ray mused, “She’s just something when she dances.” I agreed, “Yes, she is.” When she was done, she walked over. She asked, “Why were you out here waiting for me?”