Cassie said, “Alexander…” Alexander cut her off, “Mom thinks this is her fault. She’s hiding it because everyone is in pain. Then there’s my own feelings. I’m not even sad. Hell, I’m relieved. What does that make me? I’m sad that the people I love are hurting, but I’m not sad Grandma Cassandra isn’t around to hurt everyone I love any more. I’m not like mom. I’m selfish.”
I pointed out, “Hey, that’s not selfish. It’s honest. I didn’t like Grandma Cassandra. I’m mostly sad for our family too. There’s a small part of me that’s sad, and I feel bad because it’s not a large part. Honestly, it’s not even close. Besides, we don’t just have mom’s blood running through us. In case the mirror didn’t tell you dad’s all up in our DNA.” Alexander threw his head back and laughed.
Cassie sighed, “I feel bad because we cut her out then she died. I also feel bad because mom saw it. She crawled through the car and tried to save her even though she knew she couldn’t. I hate how sad Grandpa Nathan is. I heard dad tell Uncle Jackson that Grandpa got so drunk he doesn’t remember anything. He just goes to bars until someone brings him back to a pack house for the night and he sleeps on their couch. Dad said he doesn’t blame him but I’m worried. If you’re selfish for not being sad then we all are.” Alexander sighed and sat down.
We sat in silence for a while. Elise nudged my arm, “So, aren’t you going to ask where Melinda and Melanie are?” She was giving us the much needed subject change we were desperate for. Brutus purred, “I love mate.”
I laughed, “Let me guess, Melanie is in timeout.” Elise replied, “Nope, she’s at a dance recital and Melinda wanted to watch her. Melanie’s been teaching her all the dances.” Alexander teased her, “It must be hard to learn from someone who's imaginary. Then again, they both might not be real.”
It did seem odd they wouldn’t have her miss the recital given a death occurred. It wasn’t their family though and their reaction might be the most honest of us all. They weren’t stopping their lives for Grandma Cassandra. Sam didn’t like her which meant Drake wouldn’t either.
Elise rolled her eyes, “Just wait till you meet her. Then you’ll all be apologizing to me.” I laughed, “I won’t hold my breath for that.” I paused adding, “Mostly because I’m afraid I’d die.” Elise smiled, “You’ll love her.” Alexander laughed, “He only loves you.” I shoved his shoulder, “I love you too, you jerk.”
Cassie chimed in, “He meant the only girl you’ll love outside of family is Elise.” I smiled, “My brothers will have mates that I’ll love like sisters. I’m man enough to admit if I ever meet the imaginary Melanie, I’ll say I was wrong.”
Alexander laughed, “If I ever meet either of them, I’ll apologize for doubting you Elise. Melinda or Melanie. I might actually faint. By the way, it’s not just us either. Several people have met Melinda, but I don’t think anyone’s met Melanie.”
Elise grumbled, “I keep telling you that I have.” Alexander shrugged, “I don’t know. You, Jase, and T say there’s this Melanie character running around. They also claim there’s a Melinda. I just need proof. Do you have a picture of them?”
Elise rolled her eyes, “Well not on me, no!” Alexander shouted victoriously, “AH HA! I’m telling you all it’s an elaboratescheme. You pureblood werewolves are trying to prank those with Fairy blood. I see you Red Run, I see you.” Cassie and I laughed.
Alexander tapped his chin, “Let me guess, Jase is really the dance prodigy and he’s embarrassed. He should know we won’t judge. We are all partial Fairies who can dance too.” He winked. I raised an eyebrow. Elise laughed, “Please let me be there when you say that to him.” Alexander smirked, “Maybe.”
Elise urged, “The next time you spend the night there, just look around the house.” Alexander snorted, “I’ve never spent the night there. We always bring people here.” Elise frowned, “That’s true. Why?” I sighed, “We are part of the promised Fairy family. Our parents don’t want to put anyone in danger if someone were to say we were there.”
Elise frowned, “They won’t hurt you.” We didn’t say anything. She whispered, “Will they?” I kissed her forehead, “I’ve got skills. My girl doesn't need to worry because she has them too.” Elise sighed. Alexander linked me, “She’s worried.” I rolled my eyes retorting, “Excellent observation, little brother.” Alexander snorted, “I’m only little by a few minutes brother.” I smiled, “That still makes you my little brother.” The four of us just sat in a field until the sun set.
When we got back home Cassie asked, “Where’s Grandpa Nathan?” My dad answered, “He went out.” Translation: He was drinking again. That went on for months. It was killing everyone, even grandpa. Elise was spending the night again with Cassie. Our parents seemed to be doing that more often.
Brutus linked me, “Get up.” I bolted up in bed. I asked him, “What’s wrong?” Brutus linked, “Listen, it’s mate.” I popped out of my room. I heard Elise whispering. I watched from the top of the banister as she talked to my grandpa. He broke down in tears while she rubbed his back.
To my shock, instead of going out he turned and went to a different wing in the house. He’d been staying with us since grandma died. He and grandma had their own house, but he couldn’t stay there. Mom had snapped him his own rooms in the house with us. He’d never slept there though.
Elise crept back upstairs so I caught her on the landing. She gasped. I smiled at her, “How did you do that?” She shrugged, “I told him the truth.” I hugged her, “This is the first night he’ll be spending here since she died.” Elise hugged me, “I did it for you. I know you and your siblings are hurting. He’s hurting too. I can’t imagine losing you.”
I felt pain at the thought and hugged her tighter declaring, “No one will take you from me Elise. I won’t let them. You’re mine.” She buried her face in my chest while I inhaled her scent. She looked into my eyes, “I’m yours and you’re mine.” I nodded, “Always.” I walked her back to Cassie's room and walked into mine.
The next morning my cousin Julianna popped to me. I smiled greeting, “Good morning, cousin.” She giggled, “I got you something to cheer everyone up!” I asked, “Did you?” That was probably going to get her in trouble. She grabbed my hand and pointed excitedly outside.
When I saw what it was, I laughed. I ruffled her hair, “Of course my little Water Fairy cousin put a lazy river in the backyard.” She shrugged, “Water calms me, and I heard daddy say it was tense over here. Jayden agreed and he cannot lie.” I gave her a hug. “This is very sweet.”
My dad linked me, “I assume Julianna is here. I just got a frantic call from Lucas right before I got a link about a lazy river magically appearing in the yard.” I answered, “She heard we are tense, and she’s obviously here.”
My dad grumbled, “You pups are going to be the death of me. You know that right?” I teased, “Lighten up and have some fun,dad. It’s probably why the Moon Goddess put all of us in your life.” He barked out a laugh back.
I popped Julianna and I into Cassie’s room. Elise smiled and ran to me from the bathroom. Cassie yelled, “Hey! Knocking is a thing, EJ. We could’ve been naked.” I laughed, “You and I both know nudity doesn’t faze us.” She winked. Being wolves and partial Hackura that was natural to us.
I added, “I came for a reason though. Julianna conjured a lazy river for us to relax.” Alexander linked me, “I’m guessing Julianna is here. By the way, I’m already in the lazy river.” I snorted, “She’s here.” I snapped Cassie and Elise into swimsuits. I gulped looking at my mate. Elise was beautiful.
I shook myself, grabbed her hand, and popped us down to the lazy river. Cousin Emmaline popped in with Jade, Jayden and Jacob. She gave Julianna a stern look. Julianna of course just popped onto an innertube and floated in the lazy river.
Everyone stopped when Grandpa Nathan came out. For once he didn’t reek of alcohol. He gave my mom a hug. Then he took off running while yelling, “CANNON BALL!” He jumped into the middle of the lazy river splashing Alexander.
My brother laughed and began a splash war with him. I popped into to help him. The girls all joined grandpa. Jade was cheating by creating waves. My dad and uncles joined us and fought on our side. I saw my other cousins pop to Cousin Emmaline. They must have woken up from their nap. Aria and Aaron sat contentedly in Cousin Emmaline’s lap. They were one years old now.
My mom watched us all, smiling. Eventually my dad yelled, “Are you getting in, Angel?” She popped in beside him. He yanked her into a kiss as everyone howled. I looked at Elise knowing we’d have what they did. She’ll be my Queen. Hell, she already was.
I popped us out and conjured towels. I popped us to the living room and did my space unheard chant. She laughed and I held her in my arms. I whispered, “One day, this will be ours.” She smiled, “I know.” I offered, “You know if you want to lead your pack Alexander can handle this one.”