Sophia growled, “Change me back!” Haley was nonplussed, “I can’t. That’s why I asked Aiden to do it.” King Aiden lost all composure, laughing so hard he couldn’t catch his breath. Cassandra sneered, “What do you mean you can’t fix her?” Haley shrugged, “I mean just that. I can’t fix her only Aiden can.” Cassandra rolled her eyes, “Aren’t you supposed to be all powerful or something?” I raised my eyebrows.

Matt linked, “Ok, it’s official. Sophia and Cassandra have LOST the reservation. I’ll give Sophia more of a pass. She’s younger, not related to Haley by marriage, and her mate’s getting closer. What did the blackmail comment mean?” I replied, “I was going to ask you.” Matt said, “The Beta Chat is on that.” Good. I wanted to know.

Alpha Eric growled, “ENOUGH MOTHER!” Cassandra shrank back. King Aiden was no longer laughing, “Haley could change Sophia back IF she took my power away from me. Which we all know she won’t do. She asked me to do it because I am the most powerful fairy around. My charms can only be undone by me or Haley if she took my powers. It’s the balance of my power. Should I grow uncontrollable she can take it all away.”

Cassandra agreed, “You’re right King Aiden, we are all aware that she can’t do a single thing to you. Or she’d have done it long ago.” Was she really implying as a child Haley should’ve fought her brother? I linked my dad, “I’m having an out of body experience. Is Cassandra suggesting an abused child should’ve fought her brother? I didn’t think he hurt her physically.” He replied, “He didn’t and I think she’s about to see his power.”

Haley gritted her teeth, “Ok, that’s fucking it.” Before she could do anything Bjourn had Cassandra by the arm. He told her, “Since you won’t listen to your son, maybe you will listen to me. Cease speaking to my sister with your hateful, vicious tone. Or you will be spending quality time with me in our realm.”

Dylan threw his popcorn in the air. He hit Alpha Lucas with both his hands pointing and gaping. My dad linked me, “Shit….” Cassandra sighed, “Everyone’s just going to take my words out of context and use them against me.”

Bjourn argued, “I took nothing out of context. You threw my sister’s fairy brother's death in her face. You used your tone and eyes to imply had she killed him sooner she would never have been taken. Then you implied she wouldn’t have had to kill him herself if she had just let him die that day at Damon’s. What you do not seem to understand is the love one has for their sibling.”

He paused then added, “Which I find odd. You give your niece chance after chance. Haley gave her brother as many chances as she possibly could. She didn’t have to kill him, and she knows that. I would have. Your son would’ve. Anyone in this damn room would’ve killed him for her.”

I linked Matt, “He’s right. Even before Lexi we’d have killed him.” Matt agreed, “Yup.” Bjourn wasn’t done though. He continued, “Do not tell me I do not understand the words and implications people use. I do. I believe Aiden told you last night. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.”

Haley whispered to Aiden, “You said that?” Aiden said, “I love you too. She’s a condescending, spiteful witch pretending to be a good person.” Haley bumped him with her arm. He said, “We really need to talk about your eyes before…”

Sophia growled, “MATE!” She ran to the door. Aiden sighed, “That she wolf has very bad timing and it’s going to be to her detriment. I just want that stated on the record.” I looked at the door and nearly fell out of my chair.

Haley shouted, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” I stood asking, “Is she?” Heath Scott stood at the door holding onto a beat up Beta Alfred Jr. The Senior Beta Alfred jumped up, “SON! You’re alright.” Haley popped over and healed Beta Alfred Jr. He said, “Thank you, Princess.”

Haley said, “Uh huh, sure. HEATH JORDAN SCOTT WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!” Heath sighed and pulled himself away from Sophia. She looked so hurt and frowned, “Wait, you’re the one I talked to on the phone? You’re the one who’s been helping me?” So, she was capable of asking for help. Just not from any of us. Bolt growled in my head. It was moderately insulting since she didn’t know he was her mate.

Heath sighed, “Haley, was turning her green with the horns necessary?” Haley hissed, “Yes and she’s lucky she’s not dead. She wrapped her legs around my fucking mate in an intimate position only I’M allowed to do. Particularly outside the gym where that move BELONGS amongst allies.”

Heath’s eyes shot over in shock to Sophia. She whimpered, “It was a fight. I was just trying to get free. I could feel you. I’ve felt you twice now, but shouldn't I have felt you more?” I rubbed my temples, “Heath, what’s going on?”

Sophia turned to me and paled. She whispered, “Heath? Wait! Haley said Scott, as in Lexi’s brother? Oh god. You hate me, don’t you?” Heath sighed, “I don’t hate you. I did just track your Beta down for you.” Sophia cringed, “But you knew about me before today…”

Heath took out a ring. Haley groaned, “Shit.” Heath explained, “I’ve known for about three years.” My eyes widened. I shouted, “WHAT THE HELL?” My dad grabbed my arm. Heath said, “I had a witch enchant my ring. The night I first saw you Sophia I saw your wedding ring. I used my connections to find out who your husband was. I was enraged and I was going crazy out of my mind over the fact that you were married. I was going to kill him.”

Haley muttered, “I totally said that would be her mate’s reaction. I called that.” If it were any other situation I would’ve laughed, but I couldn’t. Heath closed his eyes, “When I was about to walk through my door, a weird decorative ball my sister bought me flew out of nowhere and hit me in the head. It knocked me unconscious. I met my War Goddess.”

Matt linked, “A goddess had your back.” Not even ours. He continued, “She told me to look into the marriage between you and Chase. She told me that I could not kill him because he was going to be very important to someone, someone I love more than anything. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who that was.” Sophia whispered, “Lexi.”

Heath nodded, “Yes, the next day was my sister’s string ceremony. She got her heart broken and she needed me. I looked into your marriage, and I found out the reason behind it.” Sophia sounded hurt, “You didn’t come for me.” I actually couldn’t blame her for being hurt on that one. This was a whole pile of messed up.

Heath explained, “I couldn’t. I hold a position in the Shroud. I was still grieving the loss of my first string. I didn’t have the emotional capacity to deal with you being married.” My dad linked, “Opf. Those are some serious blows to the man. Loses his first string, finds out his second is married. I feel for the kid. That would’ve sent me into a rage.” It would’ve sent anyone into a rage.

Sophia asked, “Are you still grieving her loss?” Heath answered, “I always will, but I have been concealing myself from you for other reasons.” Sophia crossed her arms, “What other reasons?” Beta Dylan whispered, “I love our lives, Lucas. This is the best! God, not even I knew this twist was coming.” He munched on his popcorn.

Heath told her, “My sister needed me. I needed to make sure she was safe, and that was a full-time job. I wasn’t about to convince you to be with me instead of him. I wasn’t going to beg and pine for what should’ve been mine as your string. I did that with my first string, and I do know that’s not fair. It’s just how I feel. I couldn’t do it again. I knew you were dating your Gamma. He made it clear to everyone you were going to be his chosen mate. I didn’t want to interfere with your happiness even if it hurt me. To be blunt, I also didn’t have time to hold your hand too.”

Sophia flinched back asking, “What?” Heath said, “I’ve been waiting for you for THREE DAMN YEARS to be who you were meant to be. I gave you that information about Wallace because I couldn’t stand for your choice to be taken away. I thought that would give you the backbone you needed.” It had to hurt him hearing Wallace say that, but he could’ve asked her directly.

Bolt snorted, “You wouldn’t have been so rational in his spot.” I agreed, “No, but I’m saying he could’ve asked her directly. She didn’t know he was watching and hurting. I can’t believe the goddesses paired them. It’s cruel to them both honestly. Sophia didn’t know, and Heath is entitled to his feelings. This is dicey.” Bolt seemingly agreed.

Heath continued, “I’ve dealt with someone who had an addiction before. You can’t help them until they want help.” Sophia frowned, “I don’t have an addiction.” Heath argued, “Wallace was your addition to continue to feel nothing. To be nothing. Don’t bother denying it, I already know it’s true.” Sophia countered, “I would never have been with him if I knew about you.” That was a fair point and I knew a lot of people agreed. The Hackura were stone faced, which wasn’t surprising, so I didn’t know how they felt.

Heath shook his head, “But if you didn’t know that I held a position in the Shroud you’d still have stayed married to Alpha Chase, wouldn’t you?” Sophia yelled, “NO! No, I wouldn’t have! I always wanted my mate.” Heath argued, “But honoring your father’s wishes was more important. I asked my goddess when I saw her.”

I linked Matt, “Is it me or did their goddess set them up for failure after deciding they were mates?” He answered, “I mean I’d like to say no, but damn. Trample the dudes’ heart and not let Sophia have a chance. That’s… I have no words. To feel like your mate wouldn’t want you, and to not even be given a chance because a goddess said so. What can she even say? I’d call a goddess a liar, and risk being struck by lightning.” I would too. I would never let Lexi think some goddess knew I would hurt her.

I watched Sophia and she crumbled. Alpha Eric defended her, “She wasn’t given that chance. A goddess may have said that, but there are always choices. Alpha Sophia didn’t get the chance to make that choice, and I’d argue your goddess shouldn’t have said that. If your gut was going to bring you to Alpha Sophia to talk, and she stopped it; that’s odd.” Sophia looked grateful while Alpha Eric nodded to her.

Heath frowned, “That’s true, I guess. It did stop me from going to her, but maybe it stopped me from killing Chase.” Haley scoffed, “You wouldn’t have killed him after she told you he was important to Lexi. I have to agree with my mate. That’s an odd conversation with your goddess. I can’t say the conversations I’ve had with goddesses were overly helpful either.” She looked out the window seemingly thinking over something. Sophia looked shocked she’d spoken for her.