Me:LOL Thank you.
Raph flirted and I knew if I had something to throw at him, I would have. It was not the moment to annoy my mate who was being RIDICULOUS about Raph. We had bigger issues. Issues the damn Angel knew about. Even Heath shook his head when Raph left.
We established we were going to save my dumb grandparents. Both Haley and I gaped at Chase when he said the plan was her to pop in and wreak havoc. Seriously? I could’ve had that plan an hour and half ago. We should use Haley being on our side to our advantage. He was right, but the men didn’t tend to go with that as Plan A.
I didn’t agree my grandpa’s were in danger but didn’t voice it. Hanson wanted to give me time to agree to come get them. Or maybe he knows I’m coming, which means the odds of him coming here went up slightly. Haley and I locked eyes. She nodded to me along and Marcus. He was staying here.
I closed my eyes. I could do this. I needed to go with them. It was a remote possibility that Hanson would come here. Chase was almost hurt the last time we came against these people. I couldn’t let him run off into a fight without me. I could tell Haley was deeply amused and excited about his plan to use her powers. She wanted to injure Donald and Dietrick and what an easy opportunity she would have to do so.
Heath and I laughed out loud when Uncle Jordan gave her such loose parameters. Bjourn was shaking in silent laughter. Someone was going to have to tell Uncle Jordan he was going to have to be more specific when dealing with Haley. Heath and I were biting our lips while Haley grinned like she’d won the lottery. Oh god she was going to electrocute them. I’d put money on it.
Or “rescue” them by having trees squeeze them a little too tightly. It was coming. Haley said she liked Uncle Jordan. I snorted because he didn’t know her well enough to be extremely specific about what was allowed to do and not do. Since she wasn’t going to kill the grandpa’s, Uncle Jordan would probably be fine with it which would make her like him more.
Haley was ready to go. I never thought I’d be glad someone wasn’t here, but I was delighted Emmaline wasn’t. She would read the terror and panic in my soul at the sheer thought of leaving. I asked for a minute and ran upstairs.
I flashed into my room and sat on the floor looking at my children. How could I leave them? How could I stay? With Chase in danger though, I couldn’t stay. The chance that they were in danger was there though. Was I a bad mother? Could I do this? Could I actually leave?
Chase came in with solutions. I knew Chester and Ithios were amazing. I’d seen them fight and fought them myself. I just didn’t know if I could leave the twins. Only a crazy person would try to come for them now, but Hanson was crazy, and I just couldn’t discount that fact.
I reached for Frank’s hand and squeezed it. He was everything I wanted in a father in law. I knew everyone here wouldn’t let anything happen to my children. I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Frank would die trying to protect the twins, and I didn’t want that. It came down to the fact that I couldn't let Chase run off and fight without me. Not with people who were wielding bullets meant to kill him.
I just needed… BA! I needed to be BA and leave Lexi’s problems behind. I flashed away to my office. I hit the buttons and put on my gear. As soon as the mask went on, I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt more like BA than I ever had.
I flashed back up to Chase and Frank. Frank teased me. I still could carry him around tonight. Just for fun. I winked at him. Chase grabbed me and slammed his lips on mine. I could feel his dick against my thigh. He was hard as a rock. Something told me he wanted to end the night by tearing this outfit off me. That wasn’t a problem since I had others. Or Haley could just snap me a new one.
We walked downstairs to take on Hanson with our friends. I was surprised to find more people were here than before we’d gone upstairs. Alpha Kyle, Peter, Drake, a man I’d seen on New Year’s, Garrett, a man I assumed was Garrett’s dad, and Sharon were there. I smiled when I saw Beta Dylan and Alpha Lucas.
Heath nodded to me. Jasper shouted triumphantly, “OH HELL YES! LET’S GO FUCK SHIT UP WITH BA!” Heath and I laughed. Beta Dylan chastised everyone, “I can’t believe you almost left WITHOUT ME! Ain’t no party like a Beta Dylan party!” I laughed, “Clearly we were not thinking.” Beta Dylan said, “As long as you admit it BA, we are still besties.”
Alpha Kyle complained, “Why am I the LAST to know things around here?” Alpha Lucas said, “Like what?” Alpha Kyle scoffed, “LIKE WHAT, LUCAS?! Alpha Chase is HOLDING HANDS with BA. Alpha Chase’s mate is Lexi. Lexi is BA?! Ben, did we know that?!” Beta McAlister said, “I didn’t. Where the fuck was my memo guys?”
Beta Caleb, who I didn’t realize was here, sarcastically said, “It must have been lost in the memo verse, Ben.” Beta Dylan howled, “Touché, Beta Caleb. Touché. Also, for the last time people. His name is Beta MCALISTER.” Clearly something went down there.
My eyes narrowed. Beta McAlister was in Faerie on New Year’s. I wondered why. Then I thought about it realized Beta Dylan was living his best life and probably bragged. Sharon was clearly in their pack and he joined to see if Beta Dylan was exaggerating. Or something. Beta Dylan turned to the Red Run group saying, “One day to be Beta Drake, do us all a favor and go by your first name. Learn from your poor father’s identity crisis.”
Chase said, “I trust that secret stays in this room about my mate.” Alpha Kyle chuckled, “I’ve got secrets about my allies, their mates, and pups coming out my ass at this point Alpha Chase. Do your pups have wolves too?” I didn’t know. Chase answered, “No, they don’t. Not yet.” Alpha Kyle said, “Well, just the fairies then. Fairies…” Beta Dylan interrupted, “Are amazing. We know.”
Haley popped to me. She asked, “Are you ready?” I took a deep breath, “Let’s end this.” She nodded. Sharon took a group and Haley did as well. Haley popped us. I looked over and frowned. I questioned, “Where are we? Where is the other group?” Haley cursed, “FUCK! I told her not to pop to the exact location. Did she try to pop to Hanson? I'll be back.” Haley popped away.
I asked, “What the hell happened?” Eric answered, “Haley has tried to pop to Noah before. She gets thrown back.” Haley popped back with the Red Run group, Blue Moon, and the Vampires. I winked at Susanna. She was in her AA gear. Haley held her hands out and healed Sharon who looked a little fried. She was fine in seconds. Sharon said, “Yeesh, these assholes aren’t messing around.” Haley apologized, “I should’ve been more specific, I'm sorry.”
Beta Dylan squealed, “WHAT A RUSH!” Garrett growled at him. Beta Dylan said, “Calm down soon to be Gamma snarly wolf. Your mate is fine now. It felt like we hit a wall, an actual invisible wall. I AM SO READY FOR THIS TO GO DOWN! BRING IT HOOD PEOPLE!”
A portal opened and Katie stepped through with Logan. She bent down and picked up a clump of dirt. She threw it like a baseball. It hit a wall and turned red. Katie rolled her eyes. I asked her, “What was that?” Katie answered, “One of my father’s protection spells. I’ve been studying his secret journals. I wanted to know what he used to keep Evie in Russia. It couldn't have just been iron down there. It’s a specific ward to block out fairies. So even if she escaped, she couldn't have gotten out of the ward.”
I smiled surmising, “Then those of us that are Hood can get in.” Katie measured her reply, “It’s likely, but we don’t know that.” I said, “David died before he could think of adding Hood members to his wards. I got past his others.” Katie pointed out, “But this is HOOD specific. My dad had no reason to think you’d come for Evie.” I frowned because she had a point. I acknowledged, “You are right. I’ll let you work.” She shot me a grin and I smiled back at her.
She got out some supplies and started chanting. Heath came up beside me, “Don’t even think about it.” I asked, “About what?” Heath said, “Trying to get in. She’ll bring it down, and then we will go in together.” I nodded, “Alright. There’s still a chance we could get in like I did to get Emmaline.”
Haley popped beside me, “If you could, you’d have to drag me through behind you like you did before.” Molly argued, “HELL no! Not when I have to deal with Eric and your brothers out here. You only got in a whole fifteen minutes sooner than the rest of us. I can deal with your brother’s mates not the brother, my mate, and brothers in law though. Don’t do that to me Haley.” Haley laughed, “Fair enough.”
Eric waited a beat then asked, “What now?” Bjourn chimed in, “I agree with Eric. What now?” I glanced at Haley, but her face showed nothing, but her ears were turning slightly red. I realized what she’d done in California. She’d pulled her feelings back from the bond so they couldn't tell when I’d pulled her through the ward.
Bjourn asked me directly, “Lexi Scott, what is she talking about?” I explained, “To be fair I feel like we discussed this already.” Molly muttered, “Not with them. The girls discussed it.” Haley said, “Its already been discussed though. Let’s all just move the fuck on.”
Eric growled, “I don’t think so. What happened?” Haley recounted, “Lexi could get in where we were blocked out through David’s ward in California. She pulled me through.” Molly bit her lip. Bjourn said, “I thought fairies were warded out.” Haley replied, “We were.”
Marcus gritted out, “Then you couldn’t get in without getting hurt.” Haley answered, “Technically that is true.” Eric growled, “How did we not feel that?” Haley didn’t say anything. Bjourn said, “You subtly pulled your feelings back so we’d only feel a minor irritation. Dad knew though. DAMN IT HALEY!” I still didn’t understand how she did it, based on what I knew about their bonds. I knew Heath wondered the same.