Haley asked, “Is everyone ready to go?” Lexi faltered, “Wait, just a minute.” She flashed upstairs. I linked my dad, “Meet me in my room.” He was right behind me on the stairs. Lexi was sitting in between the bassinets. I picked her up and brought her outside. I left the door open so she could see the twins.

My dad offered, “I’ll stay and guard them with Alpha Eric’s men’s and our own in this hallway.” Chester and Ithios stepped out, “We will stand guard as well. The Princess texted us what you think will happen. We are standing ready. Nothing will get by us.”

I questioned, “You think what now?” Lexi explained, “The plays I said downstairs are accurate but he’s a crazy person. The other option is he comes here and tries to take Emmett and Emma while we’re distracted. Or just Emma.” My dad said, “I will not let him take them while I still have breath in my lungs. I promise you that.”

Lexi cringed, “I don’t want you to get hurt either Frank.” My dad said, “I won’t be taken down by a crazy man with some warlocks.” I linked, “I mean… lately that does seem to be your MO.” He glared at me when I winked back. Ithios declared, “Neither will I. We have this here. You go and we will take care of everything here.” Lexi looked at me.

I linked her, “They are protected. If you can’t come, that's ok. You can stay with them.” Lexi shook her head, “No, I can’t let you go alone. I just need to change.” She flashed away and flashed back. My dad snorted as my mouth went dry.

He said, “It’s nice knowing who’s behind the mask as opposed to the first few times we met. I did know already but seeing is believing.” He paused then laughed, “Huh. How about that? This evening won’t end with you carrying me somewhere. It’s a good feeling.”

I grabbed her and kissed her hard. I linked her, “I’ve seen you dressed as BA in my dreams, but the reality is so much better. I have plans.” Bolt scoffed, “I have more. We have plans on plans for that outfit.” As long as we were on the same page. She smiled and we walked downstairs hand in hand ready to take on Hanson.

You’ll Never Be Free

Chase stared at me while I explained my thoughts on Noah. I can’t believe it wasn’t my first thought. Noah’s parents took us for a getaway. Denise said it was her special getaway place. How my first thought not be there? It was so obvious now. I mean part of why I didn’t think of it was because it wasn’t somewhere I equated with being safe. No place I’d been with Noah seemed safe after he broke my heart.

I could see Chase formulating a plan. This was actually new for me. Normally, I’d call Haley and pop off to check it out. Something told me Chase liked having a plan and intel first. In any other situation I’d be right there with him. This was about our kids' safety though. We needed to act fast here.

We continued the picnic rounds while he clearly processed. That might work for him, but I needed to start a plan. I sent a text to Haley letting her know I needed her. I was startled later when Susanna, Robert, and King Arthur arrived. Susanna was bright eyed. That usually meant she had good news.

The werewolves seemed leery of our guests. I think that’s actually why after another thirty minutes everyone started to filter away from our group. They knew they were here to talk to Chase. I texted Heath, and he literally showed up minutes later with Jasper and James. Something told me he’d already been told.

I smiled at Noel and Charlotte. I was so happy they were doing really well. Charlotte had moved into our Shroud. I knew her family was going to follow her. It was only a matter of time. I needed to talk to Heath about how he felt about that. Everyone else I was expected was popped in.

I was curious why the vampires were here. I didn’t really think that they would be on anyone’s list. Our apartment trap had sprung. I noticed Heath’s eyes had a hardness to them. Great. Now he was going to blame himself for forgetting about the cabin too. We did NOT need that right now.

Uncle Jordan asked about Lizzy. Could she be there? Was there some secret underground bunker to that place? Surely, we’d have noticed her if she was there before. Did Hanson move her when we were coming? Chase was ready to come up with a plan now.

Haley got my attention and pointed to Charlotte. She was studying the location on King Arthur’s phone and growing increasingly pale. That did not bode well. Haley raised her eyebrow when Charlotte announced we didn’t have time to plan. I was on board with that. I didn't want to sit around and wait. This was my children’s lives at stake. I didn’t much care if my grandpa’s were likely there. They’d do something dumb and get caught. Heath and I stared at each other before looking at Uncle Jordan. He looked pained.

Those men were giant pains in my ass lately. I liked it better when I thought they were dead. They were MUCH less obnoxious then. Haley shrugged and I barely withheld my laugh. She was saying we could let them die and she was fine with it. I saw Marcus and Bjourn hanging back in the shadows. They nodded to me. I knew they’d let me see them. They were fine with Haley’s plan for the grandfather’s dying.

If not for Charlotte’s clear pain at the thought, I might be too. My children’s safety was my top priority not theirs. They weren’t anything to me. I looked at Haley and she nodded. Everyone here was already being made to tell the truth. That meant they did this behind Uncle Jordan’s back.

The pain in my ass was getting bigger because of these two dolts. I disliked them intensely. Bjourn followed my Uncle when he left to make a call. I raised an eyebrow at Marcus who smirked. Eric caught my eye and looked back and nodded to Marcus. He’d have to have known they were here. They would’ve come with them.

Jasper was pissed pointing out we’d learned we needed to unite. When we were separated bad shit went down. The grandpa’s didn’t want to unite with Heath and me though. They wanted to get out of the doghouse with their family by finding Hanson and bringing Lizzy home. Don’t you just KNOW that’s why they did this? I do. Our cousins came in, but Noel seemed prepared. I made sure they didn’t overwhelm him. He shot me a grateful look.

Bjourn came back in seconds before Uncle Jordan did. When Charlotte’s call went unanswered I shot Heath a look. We both knew that meant they’d been caught. Idiots. My phone rang with an unknown number. Ok then. I was kicking the grandpa’s asses when we caught up to them. This was obviously Hanson calling me. Charlotte said it was Donald’s number. If my family didn’t give it to him then he could’ve only gotten the number from one person. Noah. Great, a last fuck you from my horrid ex. Because everything else he’d done wasn’t awful enough. Let’s add the icing to the cake. Hanson had my damn number.

Hanson’s crazy laugh had me considering that maybe he sold his soul too. Or he was just this crazy all along. I stalled and threw him off his game. I locked eyes with Haley. She understood my feelings knowing I was going for family. She would. She saved people she didn’t like all the damn time. Heath held Jordan back during the conversation. He knew we needed this information.

I knew the more aloof I could be about them the more he’d spiral. The longer the conversation went on I realized we were looking at crazy from a distance in the rearview mirror. Like I would give him a knife that could kill my string and the father of my children.

I saw the signs of an Angel coming. Seriously? Raph was coming NOW? His timing lately left a lot to be desired. I was still mad at him and I bet he did it on purpose. I snapped on Hanson. I would move heaven and earth to make sure he didn’t touch my daughter. He would die. Ithios would gut him like a damn fish. As long as there was breath in my lungs Emma would be safe. Maybe even after that I’d haunt his ass if I died to keep him away from Emma. I’d make a deal with any goddess or the devil himself to do it.

I stared at the phone for a second when he mentioned sharing me. Sally and I raised an eyebrow at each other. Noah didn’t share. Noel snorted. He knew Noah didn’t even share his toys. He wouldn’t even let someone borrow his cell to make a call.

I hung up and turned to Raph. He said he had our supplies from his end. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I could not yell at him just yet since he was helping us. Even though I KNEW he chose this moment to appear when he knew I’d be furious. Aiden popped in moments later. While everyone was focused on Aiden, I texted Haley.

Me:Logically Hanson would plan his next move. We should be able to ambush him.

Haley:But he’s fucking crazy, so logic is not in his wheel well.

Me:It’s a wheelhouse but exactly. What if he comes for Emma?

Haley:I have explained this, wheels do NOT have fucking houses! Ithois and Chester will KILL his fucking ass if he comes. I’ll let them know what’s going on.