Reagan whimpered as Cameron picked her up. Ted showed up announcing, “I’ll take them to my fairy house. Matt and I can stay at his place tonight.” Cameron commented, “The next several days.” Ted shrugged, “Whatever. Let’s make waves, people.”
He motioned to Cameron to follow him, and they left in a flurry of movement. Kevin and Kyler walked in. I ordered, “Take them to the dungeons, I’ll deal with them later.” They nodded. I knew they couldn’t help it, but my anger at seeing Reagan down with Susie protecting her with a spatula was getting to me.
I looked Susie over head to toe. I asked, “Are you alright?” She nodded, “I’m fine. Kincade protected me.” I asked, “What did he do?” Susie explained, “I hit the one he was fighting with the spatula first. He got really mad. His hand turned into claws; he almost scratched me when Kincade tackled him to the ground.”
My dad and Isaac came running inside. My dad ran to Susie and Nadine. He asked, “Are my girls alright?” Nadine answered, “We are fine.” Susie sighed, “They ruined my dress from Lexi.” I assured her, “I’m sure we can get it fixed.”
I linked my dad, “When did Lexi get her a dress?” My dad answered, “It was one of the birthday presents she gave her.” I questioned, “And you were where exactly?” My dad answered, “Isaac and I were running a patrol.”
I nodded then a thought hit me, “Hey, is Isaac on Beta Dylan’s text group?” My dad smirked, “Yes, it’s actually hilarious. Normally the former Beta’s aren’t included, but Beta Dylan has a special side group to tell them things when it’s particularly funny.” I asked, “What happened?” My dad chuckled, “I think you should ask your mate. I couldn’t possibly spoil that for you. Plus, I just couldn’t tell it as well as Beta Dylan did.”
I pointed out, “You read the texts he sent, just repeat it.” My dad laughed, “I really can’t ruin this for you. It’s…. I want to clap for her and give her a hug. She may not be my daughter yet, but I’m damn proud of her.” I asked, “What does that mean?”
My dad just laughed and picked up Susie. He nuzzled her nose, “Let’s go find you a new party dress.” I asked him, “Is she staying up until midnight?” Susie stuck her tongue out at me, “Of course I am! I’m a big girl now!” I laughed, “Right. What was I thinking?” Susie teased, “I just don’t know what you were thinking Chase.” I laughed as my dad led her off with Nadine.
Kincade came back in. I clapped my hand on his back, “Thank you, Kincade. Susie said you saved her. I don’t know how you kept in control of yourself.” Kincade answered, “Control is my job, Alpha Chase. I saw Susie about to be attacked. You know I have my own little sisters.” I pointed out, “Your own little sisters are fifteen and seventeen.” Kincade shrugged, “Yep, and they’re still my little sisters.” I smiled, “Thank you all the same.”
Ted was back to making out with Matt so I couldn’t ask about Beta Dylan’s texting group. I sat down. I looked at the clock on the wall. There were thirty minutes until midnight. I missed Lexi. I closed my eyes then heard everyone start gasping.
My eyes flew open ready for whatever else was going down at this party. To my surprise, there stood Lexi in a long black gown. She looked stunning. I went to her in a second then kissed her as the pack howled.
I pulled back, “I thought you weren’t going to make it.” Lexi smiled and looked into my eyes, “Is this working?” I smiled as she linked me for the first time. I replied, “Yes, it’s working.” Lexi explained, “Faerie is thirty minutes ahead of this realm.”
I picked her up and spun her around. I kissed her again saying, “I missed you.” She replied, “I missed you too.” I dragged her to the kitchen. She gasped and grabbed some food. I said, “I heard someone stole your candy.” She paled, “About that…''
Ted ran in, “TELL ME EVERYHING!” She laughed, “In case it gets around who was there and what went down, we should go somewhere private.” Ted sighed dramatically, “Ok, but I saw the texts. I am SO ready for the tell all.” Lexi smirked, “You have no idea, Ted.”
I asked, “Can someone tell me what the hell happened?” Lexi teased, “My god, so many things happened I don’t know where to start. It was eventful to say the least.” I checked my phone. I’d put it on silent somehow.
Alpha Eric:That person you care about that I don’t know you care about got in a fight. That I’m pissed about so you can be too. Just not at the person I don’t know you care about. I’m handling it, I give you my word. The person you may or may not care about won. She’s fine. This place is a fucking mad house. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about what happened. It won’t happen again.
I looked up, “You got in a fight?” Lexi questioned, “How did you know that?” I said, “I have sources.” Ted squealed, “She kicked ASS!”
Everyone started counting down from ten. How did time fly with Lexi? I linked her, “Who did you fight?” Lexi smirked and joined the countdown dragging me out to the main room beside Sally, Derrick, Matt, and Ted who’d followed from the kitchen.
At midnight we all kissed our partners. Everyone was yelling ‘Happy New Year.’ Lexi smiled sexily saying, “Happy New Year, Chase.” I replied, “Happy New Year, Sweetheart.” She said, “I love you.” I nuzzled her neck, “I love you too.”
I led her up to our room. “Now, who did you get in a fight with?” Lexi smirked answering, “Cassandra Conners.” I yelled, “What?!” Alpha Eric was sorry about something his mom did? Wow. It must have been blatantly her fault. Alpha Harold usually saw her for who she was were the others were confused.
Lexi shrugged then turned, “Aren’t you going to help me out of my dress.” I growled and came up behind her. I told her, “No, first I’m going to fuck you in it THEN I’ll take it off.” She shivered against me. She whispered, “Take me, Chase.” I growled and attacked her neck.
A Fairy New Years
Lexi was totally relaxed against Chase until Cameron said Susie was the birthday girl. Birthday girl? I panicked looking at Chase, searching his eyes. Was it her birthday? I didn’t get her a birthday present. Chase stared at me as if I was losing it, but he didn’t understand. It was my first Christmas with a family, and I was messing it up. I would’ve gotten her a present for her birthday too.
I needed to get out of there. I flashed to Chase’s room unable to stop my tears. I finally had a chance to have a big family and I was blowing it. I should’ve known when Susie’s birthday was. I knew Chase was coming after me. I tried to stop my tears, but they refused to dry up. Chase was stunned by my reaction. He didn’t understand what was wrong. What was wrong? I was ruining everything by not knowing it was Susie’s birthday, and by not being able to keep myself in control.
I was normally much better than this. I was going to have to ask Haley for a charm to even out my emotions. This was hell. I felt like I couldn’t control anything. Susie said it was fine. She had no idea what was coming. I was going to order her so many presents to make up for not having some today.
When we went back downstairs everyone’s concerned stares were embarrassing me. I focused on Susie as she opened her presents to avoid their eyes. Eventually, I met both Ted and Sally’s gaze. The understanding on their faces made me want to hide. They both knew how much I’d always wanted a big family.
Heath always made a big deal about birthdays, and I knew why. Our motherlovedbirthdays. No matter where I was for mine Heath showed up. There was always a party, and there were always presents. I did the same for him. Except his was always in the Shroud, whereas mine were not. We made birthday’s a priority.
I never missed Heath, Ted, Anne, Tony, Edgar, Denise, Susanna’s, or Haley’s birthday. Haley’s last birthday, I only missed her party by an hour. I showed up to give her a present. That’s when I met Eric, and when I caught up on her life. Heath got such hell again that day.
I couldn’t believe I’d fucked up already with my new family by missing Susie’s birthday. How could I do that? I would make it up to her. I swore to myself. Part of my brain knew my reaction was not rational. So much had been going on, and no one mentioned it to me. It made sense, but I was just going to be inconsolable about it. I was going to buy Susie an insane amount of presents to make up for it.
Frank had gotten me gift cards for Christmas. Most everyone did because they didn’t really know me. Except Chase. He bought me a heart shaped diamond necklace. I couldn’t stop my tears. I took it out so he could put it on me because I was never taking it off again. He told me that I owned his heart. Ok my ovaries exploded, and my tear ducts just couldn’t dry up if I paid them. He owned me mind, body, heart, and soul. The hoodie I’d gotten him to replace the one I’d stolen really didn’t seem like much now.