I slammed the door shut this time and pounced on him. He was naked, but I wasn’t. He was trying to make quick work of my clothes, but he wasn’t fast enough for me. I ground against him, moaning. He cursed, “Fuck Lexi. You’re trying to kill me.” I said, “I’m so damn horny, Chase.” Chase growled, “Fuck it.” He ripped my clothes off of me. He threw me back onto the couch and buried his head between my thighs.
I screamed and thrust my hips in rhythm with his tongue. I was hoarse from screaming his name by the time he slid up my body. I quickly reversed our positions. It was my turn, so I slid down him. I raked my nails down his chest and stomach. GOD his abs! I could buy a statue of his abs and worship them.
I began to move. Chase growled and grabbed my hips wanting me to go faster. I began to use my speed. He was cursing about how close he was. I scratched him down his chest again and he exploded. His canines came out. He jerked into a seated position and bit my mark hard. I screamed and dug my nails into his back as pleasure coursed through me. I rocked my hips, unable to stop.
I bit his mark just as hard back, and I knew Bolt took over. He threw my legs up around his shoulders and pounded into me. We didn’t make it back to the main house until almost three in the morning. Frank was laying on the couch with a monitor.
Veronica was sitting on a chair coffee. I flushed and apologized, “I am so sorry! I completely forgot you were waiting!” She laughed, “Don’t apologize, I just woke up. Frank insisted I take a guest room. Titus will be chomping at the bit to have me back in our bed. You kids did me a favor. That man is a tiger when I make him miss me for a night or two.” She winked and opened a portal, stepping through.
I said, “It’s like my aunt just told me she was going to get fucked.” Chase laughed and led us upstairs. We got several hours of sleep in. I jerked awake at nine in the morning. The twins' bassinets were empty, and I screamed in terror.
Chase jerked awake explaining, “It’s fine. Nadine and my dad have them.” I took a deep breath. He held me whispering, “Lexi, it’s fine.” I calmed down. I said, “I’m sorry... I just…. the bassinets were empty.” Chase assured me, “Hey, it’s ok. I didn’t mean to fall back asleep. My dad just offered to take them. Since we switched to formula and breastmilk, he’s been wanting to feed them one morning.” I asked, “Where are they?” Chase answered, “Down for their first nap in their room.” I nodded.
I turned towards him, “I guess we could see if the conspiracy has ended?” Chase smirked, “Oh yeah?” I said, “Yup, you better work fast Alpha, just in case.” Chase rolled on top of me and slid into me. He smiled, “You’re always so wet for me.” I moaned as he slid back out of me. He brought us both to completion quickly.
Afterwards he asked me, “Are you on birth control?” I laughed, “I got an IUD this time. I doubt anyone would tamper with my birth control here....” Chase interrupted, “Not if they wanted to live, no.” I rolled my eyes, “But I got an IUD this time.” Chase kissed me. We got in the shower together. When we got out the twins had just woken up. Chase stayed with us until their next nap. I had just put them down when my phone rang.
I didn’t even look at who was calling. I answered, “Hello?” I heard, “Hello? Is that all you have to say?” I frowned asking, “Uncle Jordan?” I heard a snort, “Yes, Uncle Jordan. Uncle Jordan who has not met his great nephew or niece yet.” I laughed, “They just went down for a nap. They are likely to get up anywhere from the next half hour to hour. You can come meet them and feel free to bring Aunt Scarlett.”
Uncle Jordan sounded appeased by my plan. He said, “Well, alright then. We will see you shortly.” I laughed. They arrived fifteen minutes later. Both hugged me. I said, “So, how are things with Noel and Charlotte?” Scarlett practically beamed, “He’s such a lovely young man.” My Uncle Jordan huffed, “Proof that the apple can fall so VERY from the tree.” I agreed, “He’s a good guy.”
Scarlett smiled, “Edgar and Jordan are having coffee together.” I smiled, “Are you?” Uncle Jordan qualified, “Just once a month. Charlotte asked me to try and mend fences. I told her it would be a process, but for her I’ll try.” I laughed, “Daddy’s and their little girls, I swear. Chase is already wrapped around Emma’s little finger.”
Uncle Jordan smiled, “Your dad would be so damn proud of you. Emma and Emmett would be his world.” I teared up, “I know.” Jordan told me, “We can’t wait for your wedding.” Scarlett asked, “Did you go dress shopping?” I explained, “I had Haley conjure my dresses due to the short turn around.” Scarlett clapped, “You have two?” I nodded, “The reception dress is a bit more risqué and daring.” Scarlett laughed, delighted.
Uncle Jordan winced, “Why Lexi? Charlotte will want to copy you, and….” I interrupted laughing, “I’m fully covered.” Uncle Jordan said, “Uh huh. I'm sure you will look gorgeous.” I smiled, “I really like both of them.” Just then a little cry sounded and Uncle Jordan’s eyes lit up.
We flashed up to the twin’s room. Nadine had two bottles ready. She winked at me and whispered, “I heard them when they got here and thought they might enjoy feeding them.” I said, “Thank you Nadine.” Uncle Jordan took one bottle and Scarlett grabbed the other. Uncle Jordan flashed to Emma and picked her up. He cooed, “Aww don’t cry, little Emma. Uncle Jordie is here. Yes, he is, and I’ve got what you want right here. That’s it beautiful. You look just like your mother did.” That surprised me.
I said, “You did say you held me as a baby.” Uncle Jordan nodded, “I did more than a few times. You were colicky for a few months. James would take you to his office so Allison could sleep. You were often there when I would visit him. Sometimes I was the only one who could calm you down. You actually were the reason your dad and I had a standing talking time from there on out.” I smiled, “Glad to be of service. Do you know my middle name?”
Uncle Jordan shook his head, “I’m the baby whisperer, and your dad never said.” Scarlett sighed, “He really is the baby whisperer. It drove me crazy with our kids. I was like I carried them and fed them, and all they want is daddy.” Uncle Jordan smirked, “At least she’s not still bitter about it.” Scarlett stuck her tongue out at him.
I told him, “My middle name is Scarlett.” Scarlett gasped and Uncle Jordan’s head jerked up. I winked, “And Heath’s is Jordan.” His jaw dropped. Scarlett wiped a tear away and I let them absorb that quietly. He asked, “What are their middle names?” I answered, “Emma Nadine and Emmett James.” He teared up, “Your dad would love that.” Eventually they switched babies.
Uncle Jordan cooed at Emmett just as he had Emma. It was a perfect moment. Chase came in and wrapped his arms around me. He smiled, “We are having burgers and hot dogs outside tonight. Why don’t you two stay and join us?” Uncle Jordan looked at me and I nodded. He answered, “We’d love too.” I said, “Tell the cousins they are free to join.” Uncle Jordan chuckled, “Well, you know James will be here.” Scarlett laughed, “All of them that can come, will.”
I grabbed Emma from Scarlett and Chase took Emmett. We played with them for a little bit before we put them down again. We both had the monitors when we went outside. Sally hugged me. She said, “Haley, man. She just knows how to get things going.” I laughed. Ted said, “And that is the weirdest fucking sentence of all time. If anyone had told me that would be the case, I’d have called them a damn dirty rotten liar. I might have kicked their ass after seeing how she used to respond to people touching her.” I smiled, “I know, right? Little Haley is getting everyone and their brother laid.”
I noticed Chase was on the grill. Ted fanned himself, “If my man doesn’t look hot as fuck working that grill.” I realized Matt was on the other end helping Chase. I said, “For a second you almost got slapped. I just saw Chase.” Ted said, “We’ve only got eyes for our wolves.” Matt growled, “You’d better only have eyes for me.” Ted blew him a sloppy kiss.
Cameron and Reagan’s pack joined us. We were moving into our new pack house next week. Things has been delayed a bit, but now that it was two weeks before the wedding it was back on track. Bexley and Haley had conjured a new building for our wedding. Ted, Sally, Haley, and Bexley told me I couldn’t see it. I blamed myself. I had been the one who told them to come up with something they thought was perfect. I’d shot myself in the foot with that one. I was dying to see what they’d come up with.
Reagan came up, “I’m so glad we will all be together next week. You just know this little man is ready for his new house.” I said, “You are due the second week of April. Haley is going to snap all our stuff into the new house. Everything will be ready.” Reagan smiled, “I know. I’m in major nesting mode. Cameron wouldn’t admit it but I’m driving him insane. I know I am.”
She explained, “I’ve cleaned our house top to bottom fifteen times in the last week. He keeps telling me we are moving. I told him I'd heard that before, and we were still in the old house. He hired a professional cleaning crew to go through the new house, so I’d stop bugging him about the dust in new houses. I swear there is a sane part of my brain that tells me I’m crazy, but the rest of my brain says clean it again.” I laughed, “Everyone deals with things differently.”
Ted jumped in, “Nesting is a real thing. I googled it.” I smiled, “Are you ready for Joanie’s due date? It’s coming up. I feel like everything is going so fast.” Ted confirmed, “I have hospital bags packed for everyone.” Reagan asked him, “Did you guys ever find out what you were having?” Ted answered, “No, Joanie wanted to be surprised. Matt wasn’t on board at first, but he and I had a come to Jesus about it. This is Joanie’s journey with us, and she’s doing this huge thing for us. She gets what she wants.” I laughed, “You guys moved into your new house already, right?”
Haley had finished it for them early so they could be there in case the baby came early. Ted said, “Yes, we did, thanks to Haley. I know everyone thinks I’m being crazy because she’s not due until late April, but you know I like to be prepared. Sue me. You’d think I was a crazy person for thinking a baby could come early.” I laughed, “You’re not crazy babies can come early.” Ted shouted, EXACTLY!”
Chase came over announcing, “The food’s ready and we need to greet everyone.” I nodded and stood with Chase. We walked to the middle of the field. Chase greeted, “Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the new pack! Alpha Cameron, Luna Reagan, Luna Lexi, and I are so excited about merging our packs. We will be stronger, safer, and united. So, everyone eat up and get to know each other and we embark on this new journey together.” Chase and I walked back to our seats.
Chase linked me, “Let’s eat quickly. We need to make the rounds with the new members from both packs. Cameron and Reagan need to do the same.” I nodded, “That sounds fine to me.” We finished eating and got up and started greeting people.
The third couple we reached wanted to show us the cottage they had requested. Chase and I followed them to their family cottage. The second we walked in I gasped when it hit me. The couple glanced at me, “Luna?” I smiled telling them, “Lexi will do just fine. This is a beautiful cottage. I’m sure your family will be happy here.” They nodded and took us on a quick tour.
Once we stepped outside Chase grabbed my hand and lead me to a secluded area. He asked, “What was that? I already know it wasn’t that their house was so great.” I admitted, “No, it wasn’t.” Chase asked, “Then what?” I explained, “I know where Noah was trying to get me to run to. The place he thought I’d feel safe.”