Eric looked angry. The Hackura were near going on a murderous rampage on the anger scale. I linked Matt, “Let’s hope Katie can bring this down fast. I believe Prince Bjourn really does want to go on a murderous rampage.” Matt said, “You should believe him. He’s the crown Prince of the Hackura. When he goes on murderous rampages, those in his path die horrific death. Nothing quick about it.”

Heath stepped in. I wished I could link Heath because he forgot about taking the younger Hackura Prince for their walk. Prince Logan was just as pissed he just wasn’t saying anything. Eric linked me and the other Alpha’s, “What is about to be said does NOT get repeated outside this group. I don’t need people figuring out that they can hurt my mate by taking people she cares for.” I agreed, “Of course. My pack won’t say anything.” My mate would be one of the people they would try to harm.

Haley popped away with Prince Logan and Eric. Prince Logan asked, “Haley WHY do you keep saying that?” Haley sighed, “Saying what?” Eric growled, “That your pain is nothing!” Haley answered, “To me my pain is nothing.” Prince Logan yelled, “It’s not to us, but you know that! If you didn’t you wouldn’t have pulled your feelings back so we couldn’t feel how badly you were hurt.”

Haley sighed, “I did that because you guys were fighting too. Emmaline was in there with that sick bastard! Was I supposed to wait when Lexi could get me to her faster?” Eric growled, “YES!” Haley argued, “That’s not fucking fair! Any of you would’ve made the same choice I did!” Prince Logan said, “We don’t give a shit about being fair! I would never say my pain was nothing. No one’s pain is nothing. It’s painful, Haley. Your pain... GOD! FUCK THE GODDAMN FUCKING FAIRIES!” Haley was silent. Then I heard a sniffle. Fuck. She was crying.

Eric softened, “Angel, please don’t cry.” Haley whispered, “I didn’t mean to hurt any you, but I clearly did.” Lexi wanted answers. I growled in my link with Matt, “Logan. She called a Prince by his first name.” He replied, “She does that with them all.” I growled, “Tell me his name wasn’t different. Did they…?” He answered, “I don’t know. They are clearly friends.” I snarled, “But was it with benefits?” Matt responded, “If it was it’s in the past.” GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!

I heard Prince Bjourn say, “You can’t believe this, little one. What do we have to do to explain to you that your pain and suffering is not nothing? It NEVER has been nothing.” Haley whispered, “I don’t know. It’s engrained in my head. I don’t think… It was a reflex to say it was nothing.” They all cursed. Heath returned and Lexi left. This was not the fight to get involved in.

Beta Dylan huffed, “I will have to teach my new characters the rules.” I said, “Beta Dylan, we don’t understand how they feel. We can only empathize. Can you imagine your brother saying he was seriously burned but it was nothing?” Beta Dylan chided, “Silly Alpha Baby Daddy, my brother can’t heal himself therefore he cannot say such things. Or I’d hit him upside the back of his head.”

King Arthur said, “You all do not understand Fabian Holloran. That little girl with the fairies had never had a chance, and the woman you see today is remarkable. Her pain will always be nothing to her. He had her for thirteen years. My Faelynn would’ve stopped him, I know she would’ve. She would’ve gotten Haley out of Faerie.” He really did love Faelynn.

He continued, “The depraved depths of that man cannot be understated. Or understood. She was a child, and he had her for thirteen years. She had no allies. She was taught to hide her pain. To her it is nothing. As Alpha Chase’s mate astutely concluded. Haley’s family and her Alpha can hate that fact all they like. Some things cannot be undone with anything but time. She’s made remarkable progress in the years since she freed herself from her captivity. She is very much like her aunt.”

None of us had anything to say following that speech. It was like we all got chastised by a vampire and my mate. I couldn't help but smile as Lexi took them all to task and stood up for her friend. It was hot. If this was going to take any longer, they were all going to hear Lexi scream my name. I had half a mind to throw her over my shoulder and…

James interrupted my thoughts, “Dude, I get that you’ve got a hard on for my cousin and all, but could you keep it under control?” I rolled my eyes and asked, “Can you stop flirting with my lead warrior’s little sister?” James smirked, “She’s very pretty and enjoys my flirting. Apparently, the wolves in your pack are quite scared of her brothers. The lovely little dove doesn’t get flirted with; nor does her sister. It would be a shame for such a beautiful woman to not know others find her attractive. She fears she’s an ugly duckling. We all know that’s not the case. She’s stunning.”

I gasped, “Kayla thinks she ugly?” James said, “No guy’s flirt with her or ask her out and she’s straight. OF COURSE, she thinks she’s ugly. CHRIST! I’m going to have to write down a manual for my little cousin Emma. You can’t have her getting a complex because you’re an overprotective papa.”

I growled, “My daughter was JUST born. Let’s not talk about her flirting. For the love of god, it’s bad enough my six-year-old sister already has a mate. Can’t we just leave my little girl alone?” Drake remarked, “At least your sister has a good mate.” I agreed, “I know. If she didn’t…. whatever. She does. Her mate comes from a good family, an ally even. She’s going to be a pop away from us. It doesn’t make it any less fucking weird.”

Alpha Kyle laughed, “I have never been happier that I have all boys.” I teased, “You never know. This one could be a girl.” Alpha Kyle acknowledged, “We will see.” Haley popped back with their group. Flowers flew past me to Lexi. I was astonished to realize I’d missed Beta Dylan collecting them.

I linked Matt, “He really does want Eric to punch him.” Matt linked, “He’s trying to make everyone calm down and smile. He’s good at this stuff. He times his jokes quite well. He is a glutton for punishment sometimes though.”

I asked, “Where does he come up with this shit? Growlers anonymous.” Matt shrugged, “I have no idea.” Luckily for Beta Dylan, Isaiah and several Hood members chose that moment to flash into the scene. Isaiah whispered to Heath, “I brought fifteen of our best.” Heath nodded.

Haley was on the phone speaking in Fealish. I linked Eric, “What is she saying?” Eric answered, “There is a half Fae, half human that had a conversation with her parents. She wants to meet her biological father, the on where the fairy in her blood came from. They don’t want her to. They say the man who raised her is her real father. They are hurt and so is she, so she wants Haley. They usually do want to speak with my Angel after a bad conversation with someone be it Fae or human.

Katie’s timeline threw a wrench into my sexy time with my mate plan. I linked Matt, “Damn. Katie Bishop is good.” Matt replied, “Of course she is. She’s mated to a Hackura Prince. I’m pretty sure she’s the first non Hackura mate for the Royal family in quite some time, except for Alpha Eric. She had to be epic.” He was right.

We didn’t know much about the Hackura because they were secretive. Even if you knew them, they didn’t tend to tell anyone their real names. It was only because of Haley that our group knew these men. Their names were well known throughout all the realms, but not their faces.

Bexley popped in and Isaiah gasped and turned almost against his will. Alpha Kyle laughed out loud. I whispered, “Heath, you just got a partial fairy.” Heath turned and noticed his what his Lieutenant was doing. Beta Dylan started shouting. I linked Matt, “What the fuck are Holves and Hairy’s?” Matt replied, “I could guess.” He didn’t need to in our link since Beta Dylan answered the unspoken question.

His answer made me realize what he meant at the meeting at the Conner’s home. I linked Matt, “Son of a bitch! That’s what he meant at the meeting. He said that there were two reasons Lexi would talk to me again after she found out about Sophia. He meant Emma and Emmett. He knew about my damn pups before I did.”

Matt replied, “So much of our New Year’s Eve group chat makes sense to me now. So very much.” Heath tried to get his Lieutenant to focus, but I realized his mistake. I linked Matt, “That’s not going to go the way he thinks.” Matt argued, “Isaiah will focus.” I pointed out, “Isaiah is not the problem.” I was right. The fairy popped them away.

Heath asked a question. Matt linked me, “He did not ask an IMPORTANT question.” I asked, “What question?” Matt answered, “The elemental nature of the partial fairy he just got should’ve been his first question.”

I linked Eric, “Do you know what group of fairy Bianca belongs to?” Eric answered, “She’s an earth fae.” I told my Beta, “She’s an earth fairy.” Matt said, “Well, at least he won’t come home to the Shroud being on fire.” I joked, “Just full of new plants.” Matt laughed.

He linked me, “Surely Beta Dylan knows Alpha Eric and Heath have to have each other’s numbers.” I replied, “They do.” I was confused by Katie and Prince Logan’s conversation. I didn’t know they had two kids already.

I linked Eric, “They already have two kids? Since when?” He answered me, “Logan has a child that lives in the Hackura realm along with their newborn son. Katie sees them both as her sons.” I said, “That’s great. I’m sure it’s always a worry.” Eric shrugged replying, “Not usually. Their mates are usually someone who was raised in their ways. I think Logan was a little worried for their first meeting. After that he wasn’t. She’s loved his son from the start. She’s good with him and he loves her too.” That was great.

Haley popped away to cause havoc. Lexi was sexy wielding her arrows. I was tearing her out of that outfit after this. The twins might need to go to their room tonight. We shifted for battle. All of us took off. Matt and I were guarding Lexi and Jordan who were shooting arrows with deadly accuracy. Their family was fighting in sync, almost like they instinctively anticipated the movements of one another. If they’d grown up fighting together, they’d be quite the force to be reckoned with.

I heard a woman scream at Noel. I noticed Donald and Dietrick in the air. They were flying as if they were on a ride at an amusement park. The woman, though, was lowered to the ground gently. That had to be Lizzy. Noel ran to her. The family began to clear their path to each other.

A group of warlocks seemed to realize they should target Jordan and Lexi. I linked Matt and Derrick ordering, “Take them from behind.” We circled the group. I ripped several to shreds. I stopped when I heard Lexi scream in fear for Haley. I whirled to see Jordan had jumped back in surprise. Haley popped herself and Lexi away. Eric and I snarled, our mates gone.

I shifted back. Sharon snapped clothes on us all. I asked, “What did we miss?” Matt sounded confused when he answered, “Maybe she can’t stand to be away from the twins any longer.” Jordan disagreed, “No, she was afraid.” I agreed, “She was terrified. Eric? You know their shorthand.” Eric admitted, “They didn’t give a sign.”