I was mostly right about where the demon was winding up too. Titus opened a portal and Eric and Haley’s group left with them. Alpha Kyle’s group popped away. Aiden snapped our area back to normal. I was grateful and told him so, “Thank you, Aiden.” He nodded, “I’m glad your children are alright.”
I said, “I’m sorry Haley got hurt over some weird voodoo demon and goblin magic.” Aiden frowned explaining, “Just demon and goblin magic, there was no voodoo involved. She would prefer it be her and not you.” I grumbled, “I would prefer it be me and not her.” Aiden smirked, “So very interesting, you two.” I tilted my head saying, “As long as you're aware. Though, I think you are aware of many things. You just don’t share with everyone.”
Aiden chuckled, “One can never share all they know with everyone. I watch out for the people I need to watch out for. I will inevitably miss things as will your wolf, Haley’s wolf, and her family. I wish I had sight, but I do not. That talent wasted away with my mother. I will do my best though. Stay safe, Lexi Scott. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and your children.” I said, “Thank you, Aiden.” He nodded to Chase and popped away.
My Aunt Lizzy stepped forward. She gasped, “You look just like Allison.” I greeted, “You must be my Aunt Lizzy.” She smiled, “Yes.” She hugged me whispering, “I’m so sorry about my asshole family and what they did to you and your brother. It was wrong.” She stepped back. She said, “I’d love to get to know you. Allison would’ve been so proud of her kids. Both of you. Heath, you are just as fast as your father was. Maybe faster.”
Uncle Jordan joked as if he was offended, “You hush now! I’m faster than he is.” Lizzy gave him a look that said he wasn’t. James cheered, “Let’s have a race. Down to the angry protective wolves and back. Raise your hands Kevin and Kincade.” I laughed. Kincade growled at him.
James shrugged saying, “That works too! Thank you both for your cooperation.” He turned to Uncle Jordan and Heath. He shouted, “Ready, set, RUN!” They both took off. Heath beat Uncle Jordan back by two steps. Heath taunted, “Eat my dust, old man.” Uncle Jordan scoffed, “DUST?! I wasn’t back far enough to eat your dust.”
Jasper laughed, “Someone has dethroned dad. How sweet it is. Little cousin, I missed you in my life. I may never forgive the old fogies for this and this alone. Someone beating dad in a race. You take out every other factor and this one it’s unforgivable.” Charlotte busted up laughing. We all joined her.
Eventually our group broke up. Aunt Lizzy was going back to Heath’s Shroud. I grabbed him really quickly and held him back. I questioned, “Are you ok?” Heath answered, “I’m fine, Lex. Are you?” I avoided his question, “You were upset you didn’t remember the place.” Heath admitted, “I was under a spell to forget about it. I’m sure you were too. I asked Katie about it. She said there was magic on me to forget the place until I was specifically told about it. I’m sure it was in case Noah said, he was going to family cabin or some shit.”
I nodded, “That actually makes me feel better. Are you guys merging the Shrouds?” Heath replied, “Yes, Uncle Jordan, Jasper and I are going to use our magic to expand ours so they can move in.” I nodded, “I can come home for that if you need me there.” Heath smiled, “I’d love to have you there. It’s after your wedding.” I confirmed, “We will be there then.” Heath nodded then gave me a hug.
He whispered, “Chase and I won’t ever let anything happen to your family. You know that.” I assured him, “I’m not going to let a crazy man get into my head. No one left is obsessed with Emma being theirs.” Heath kissed my forehead and took off.
Chase grabbed me and took me upstairs. The bassinets were gone. I raised an eyebrow. Chase quickly said, “I can have them put back tomorrow. I just wanted tonight….” I interrupted, “No, they are safe now. I feel ok having them in their own room.” Chase nodded, “I really was going to move them back. This was just for tonight.”
I wiggled my eyebrow, “Oh yeah? What’s tonight?” Chase smirked, “I was told I should take advantage of being your fiancé more. I intend to do that.” I smirked, “Bring it on fiancé of mine.” Chase pounced on me.
Chase took Lexi’s hand and walked back down the stairs to end this. I was trying to keep myself in check, but it was ridiculously hard. Lexi looked incredible in her BA gear. I had plans for this outfit. Heath locked eyes with me then smiled when he saw what Lexi was wearing. James and Jasper high fived. Jordan looked every bit the proud uncle.
I noticed Alpha Lucas and Beta Dylan had arrived. I linked Matt, “Did you call him?” Matt answered, “Alpha Eric called Alpha Lucas and Alpha Kyle here.” Belatedly I realized I should not be holding Lexi’s hand. The Beta’s sniped at each other. I linked Matt, “What was that comment about the memo verse?”
Matt answered, “New Year’s Eve group chat conversations. Beta Caleb wasn’t happy that we all knew about the fact that the Conners brother’s Luna’s were letting Cassandra make their decisions and didn’t tell him. He was pissed. Beta Dylan said his memo got lost in the memo verse. So, he’s throwing that back in our faces.” I grumbled, “I need to see this group chat from New Year’s Eve.” Matt admitted, “It was pretty funny.”
I let everyone know where things stood with my mate’s identity. I would break alliances if they leaked it. Matt linked me, “They won’t say anything.” I replied, “If they do, we are done with them.” Matt sighed. I was trying to will away my hard on while Lexi spoke as BA. GOD! How was a voice distorter so fucking hot? Her voice had that low sultry raspy voice in her BA suit.
Matt linked me, “Focus. We have people to kill.” I growled, “I am aware.” Matt said, “The happy guy in your pants doesn’t seem to know that. Maybe you should tell him.” I shot back, “Don’t look at my dick then.” Matt teased, “It’s practically saying hello to the room. Get it under control.” I said, “One day, I will have my revenge for this.” Matt smirked, “I’m sure you will.” We all grabbed hands and popped out.
When we were popped in Eric linked me, “We are two miles out from the property. Haley and Katie talked extensively about where she could pop once she knew the location. She warned Sharon not to pop to the exact location. I’m not sure what happened. She must have forgotten.” I asked, “Will Sharon be hurt?” Eric replied, “Yes, but Haley will fix it.”
Haley popped away then popped back holding Sharon. She was burned. Holy shit. Garrett had partially shifted in anger. His hands were claws. Peter and Drake were talking him down. Peter told him, “She’s going to be fine, man. Haley’s got her, she’s healing her.” Garrett growled, “She’s hurt!” Drake pointed out, “Not anymore. Look, she’s fine now.” Garrett calmed down and took off to Sharon, pulling her into his embrace.
I linked Eric, “Why does the ward not hurt us, but it burns fairies?” Eric gritted out, “Noah Calvert knew Haley would come for him. It’s designed to hurt her specifically. I hate that dead fucker.” I muttered, “You are not alone in that hatred.”
Garrett and Beta Dylan were bantering with each other. Dylan was trying to pump everyone up to get ready for battle. He didn’t need to do that. I was ready to defend my family and so was my pack. Eric linked me, “Haley texted Logan and his mate. That’s why they came. Katie is going to bring the ward down.” She threw dirt at the ward and it glowed red. That didn’t seem good.
I briefly wondered how this witch found her dad’s secret journals. One look at the Prince beside her told me he was why. Prince Logan had tracked them down for her. I’m sure he knew more about David Forrester than anyone ever had at this point.
Heath flashed over to Lexi. Beta Dylan whispered to Alpha Lucas, “The Hood are such a fascinating addition to my show, Lucas. Let’s get one for our pack. Alpha Baby Daddy is being so greedy! He has three AND a fairy. It’s not fair. We were here on the ground floor first. He just SWOOPED in and he’s hogging ALL the Hood members. I would like to lodge a formal complaint.” I rolled my eyes.
Haley made a comment that had everyone pausing. The way Eric and the Hackura whipped around when Haley said something about when they rescued Emmaline, and it did not bode well. Matt linked me, “Uh oh.” I replied, “Understatement.” Alpha Jackson’s jaw dropped. He and Eric locked eyes. This was not going to a good place.
Derrick linked me, “I, for one, am grateful we had nothing to do this. Alpha Eric looks like he’s going to implode. The Hackura Prince's eyes keep getting a tinge of gold to them.” I remarked, “I noticed.” Molly seemed to realize what they’d said out loud first as she looked around her. Haley didn’t though until Eric asked what they were talking about. Prince Bjourn spoke in a soft tone that I’d prefer not to hear again. Ever. It was somehow ice.
Matt linked, “This conversation should’ve stayed between the girls.” I said, “Cats out of the bag now.” Matt teased, “Do me a favor and say that out loud. Haley won’t get it.” I snorted, “Hell no. Then I’d be blamed for trying to change the subject.” Matt sighed, “Maybe Beta Dylan will say something.” I retorted, “Do you not notice who is being entirely too quiet?” Matt winced, “Beta Dylan.”
The explanation had us all in shock. I linked Matt, “Damn. That woman’s pain tolerance is out of this world.” Matt replied “She’s got some chops. That would hurt. She was in the thick of the fight too.” I said, “I read the same memo you did.” Matt snorted, “No, you MEMORIZED the damn memo. I simply read it a few times.” I grumbled, “They were talking about my mate. Of course I memorized the memo.”
I asked my Beta, “Why are they trying to pull this out of her? Everyone here understands the implications of what she’s saying.” Matt huffed, “If this was Susie, before you lost your shit, wouldn’t you want to have all the facts before assuming something?” He was right. I was surprised when they said she could pull her feelings back. Damn. She had a good grasp on the bond then despite not living with them her whole life. I didn’t even know they could do that. I thought the point was they could pull some of an emotion back, but not all of it. She was a quick study. Prince Bjourn and Prince Logan were furious.
Prince Bjourn wanted the facts not excuses. Matt linked, “Damn. They are raw about her getting hurt.” I replied, “I see that.” They argued until Haley said the burn was nothing. Matt linked me, “That burn like Sharon had? That was not nothing.” I agreed, “It definitely wasn’t.”