Eric asked her, “Did you do that?” Haley reiterated, “To be fair….” Bjourn interrupted, “No, there is no to be fair. Did you do that?” I heard a crunch. I looked over to see Dylan stuffing his face with popcorn. Where did he get it? I was going to have to ask him one day.

Haley qualified, “TO BE FUCKING FAIR, you guys were fighting too.” Bjourn steamrolled on, “So, you did pull back your feelings.” Haley admitted, “Briefly, yes. I healed myself right after I was through the damn ward. Didn’t I? Someone back me the fuck up here.”

Bjourn questioned, “How bad?” I backed her up, “She did heal herself right after.” Eric turned to Molly asking, “How bad was it?” Haley tapped her thigh my sign she was annoyed. She said, “There’s no need to put her in that position. I was burned, it was nothing.” Eric’s eyes widened.

Bjourn was calm but his fury came through in his tone, “For the last and final time, you being injured is NOT nothing. To many people, you being injured is NOT and never HAS BEEN nothing. I despise, to my VERY core, that you believe that. It makes me want to go on a murderous rampage.”

Haley sighed, “I’d have her pull me through a ward for you too, brother. If I gave a single shit about anyone in danger inside this ward; I’d do it here too. Actually, I’d do it for Lizzy if we knew for certain she is in there. By all accounts she’s suffered things I would understand more than most here. She shouldn’t have to continue, but we do not have confirmation on that. So, here I am. Out here.” Bjourn looked like he was about to explode.

Heath stepped in saying, “Let’s take a walk, Bjourn.” Beta Dylan threw popcorn at Heath. He said, “Ok, you are new here. We do not take the characters away from the action! Don’t mess with my show or I’ll sic my windup toys on you! I’ll do it. Don’t test me.” Heath rolled his eyes.

Eric and Haley were clearly linking. She kept a straight face, but he was obviously pissed. I turned to see Logan’s eyes blazing. Heath might’ve thought to take him on the walk too. Haley followed my gaze. Logan jerked his chin to her. She popped to him with Eric and the three of them popped away.

I linked Chase, “Can you hear them?” Chase replied, “Yes.” I asked, “How mad is Logan?” He replied, “You call him Logan?” I answered, “I call them all by their first names.” He huffed, “You saw his eyes.” I pointed out, “They’d do the same for her.”

Chase acknowledged, “I understand that. On some level they do too. It’s about how she acts like her pain is nothing that gets to them.” I sighed, “She was told her pain was nothing for years. Now she has people she cares for and would do anything to keep them safe. I wouldn’t say it the way she did, but I’d do it. If you or any member of your family was in there, my friends, Heath, or our kids? I’d go full tilt and try to get through. We all know minutes can count when it’s life or death.”

Chase thought about it, then admitted, “I’d do the same.” I replied, “Exactly.” Heath came back without Bjourn. I asked, “Where did you leave Bjourn?” Heath snorted, “He joined the family meeting.” I frowned asking, “Where are they?” Chase warned, “Lex.” I looked at him. Heath pointed in their direction and I flashed off.

Beta Dylan yelled, “IF I DIDN’T HAVE SUPERIOR HEARING MY ADORABLE SELF WOULD FOLLOW YOU TO THE FAMILY CHAT!” I snorted as I came up to the group and stopped. I stared at them all. Haley shrugged at me.

I told them, “This is insane. We don’t have time for this shit. She made a call each of you would make if you were her and someone you loved was in danger. Should she have said it was nothing? Probably not. Should she believe her pain is nothing? No. Can you change that she feels that way? Also no. We all want to beat Fabian’s dead carcass on the regular. This is one of those times.” They agreed.

I asked, “What’s new here? She was told her entire life her pain was hers to hide. To shove down. Fairies are emotive as FUCK. They don’t hide things. She does because she did it to survive. She trained herself to not show her pain and to try to not feel it. Because if she did she would’ve been punished later or something worse.” They looked contrite.

I yelled, “GET OVER IT! She’s put back together now, and she’s learning. That doesn’t happen overnight. I’m sorry it hurt you to hear that she thought a few moments of pain to get to Emmaline was nothing. We all know it’s true though. As much as we fucking hate it a few moments of pain IS nothing to her because of Fabian’s stupid ass. I know it hurts her that it hurts you too, and so do you. This is not the place to have this conversation. We need our game faces on.”

Haley questioned, “Game faces? We aren’t playing a game. What the fuck is a game face? More like Battle face. Battle faces makes more damn sense.” Everyone started laughing. Eric kissed her. He said, “I love you something ridiculous, Angel.” Logan sighed and hugged her then Bjourn did too. Logan told her, “We do want to talk about this more, little sister.” Haley groaned, “Of fucking course you do.” Bjourn nodded to me.

Haley popped us all back. Flowers were thrown at me. I blinked in surprise. Beta Dylan had picked flowers from around and thrown them at me. He winked, “It’s all I could do in a pinch. If I knew you were going to continue your trend of putting people in their places, I’d have brought roses to throw at your feet.”

Eric warned, “Dylan.” Beta Dylan interrupted, “Right you are, SGAP. For telling you that you picked the wrong place for a conversation she deserves SO MUCH MORE than roses. I’ll have champagne and escargot delivered to Alpha Baby Daddy’s place just for you. None for anyone else, Alpha Baby Daddy. Don’t let them take BA’s goodies.” He tapped my nose with his finger.

He looked at Eric, “Satisfied, SGAP?” Eric growled at him. Beta Dylan whispered to me, “That means yes. He does that a lot in case you were curious. We have him in growlers anonymous, but between you and me it’s not working.” I laughed. Eric growled again. Beta Dylan offered, “See? Not working. We need to up your meetings, SGAP.” Heath bit his lip.

Isaiah flashed to us with some of our other people. Heath nodded to them. Haley’s phone rang. She took it out and began speaking in Fealish. She sighed then asked Katie, “How much longer until we are in?” Katie answered, “At least ten minutes.” Haley said, “Thanks.” She began speaking on her phone in Fealish again. She hung up. I asked, “What’s going on?” Haley answered, “That was Bex. There’s a partial fairy problem. She’s popping her to me so we can talk.”

Bex popped in with another girl then popped away. The girl started to speak to Haley then turned. Isaiah flashed to her. She smiled at him. He said, “It’s you.” Heath groaned, “Oh for god’s sake.” Beta Dylan said, “HOVLES AND HAIRY’S PEOPLE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!” Chase asked, “What?” Beta Dylan chastised him, “Keep up. we have your pups, the holves, Hood/wolves. Now we are going to have Hairy’s, baby Hood fairies.” I laughed.

Alpha Lucas said, “That’s what you were carrying on about on New Year’s Eve? You knew BA was pregnant with Alpha Chase’s pups?” Beta Dylan answered, “Yes Lucas. Please try to keep up, his name is Alpha Baby Daddy. When will you people learn? I KNOW ALL!”

I asked, “What are Haley and Eric’s kids?” Beta Dylan said, “Mini pricks and a mini goddess. Obviously.” I snorted, “Obviously.” He whispered, “Or Fawora’s a unique combination of the letters of their supernatural makeup. Fa first because I want their fairy DNA to SHINE for me.”

Alpha Kyle ignored him congratulating my brother, “Welcome to the strange new world, Heath Scott. Fairies make things more fun.” Beta Dylan snapped his fingers and pointed at Alpha Kyle, “SEE? He gets it. Life is better. Kiss your PPFD goodbye. Welcome to the rest of our world.”

Heath sighed, “What does that even stand for?” Beta Dylan answered, “I’m so glad you asked. It stands for pre-partial fairy days.” Heath said, “Naturally. Isaiah, you can take your string home if you can’t focus.” The girl squealed, “Really? Thanks! Bye!” She popped out with Isaiah. Haley laughed.

Heath groaned, “Christ in heaven. What’s her name?” Haley answered, “Bianca.” Heath asked, “Any idea where she just popped my Lieutenant to?” Haley seemed confused by the question, “Her home or his. You said he could go home.” Heath sighed, “I did.”

Beta Dylan threw his arm around my brother’s shoulder. He told him, “Consider me your partial fairy expert, Mr. Hood man I don’t know well enough to nickname. I have all your answers. You call Beta Dylan for anything you need with fairy explanations.” Heath warned, “I might just do that.”

Beta Dylan smiled, “See that you do. Look at how my rolodex grows, Lucas. I make friends everywhere I go. Be jealous, SGAP.” Eric rolled his eyes, “I already have his damn number, Dylan.” Beta Dylan said, “Look at how he lies. It’s ok SGAP, this is a circle of trust here. There is no judgement for your lack of having important people’s phone numbers.” Eric stared at the sky while Haley laughed.

Katie announced, “Ok, let’s go kick ass.” Logan said, “Katie.” Katie told him, “Both our sons will be asleep for another thirty minutes. We have time.” My heart warmed hearing her say both. I knew Logan had worried about his mate’s acceptance of his son Maximus. He never though his mate would be a Hackura so he worried a lot about it.

Logan kissed her hard and Bjourn laughed. Logan pulled back and said, “I love that you consider them both ours.” Katie said, “They are both ours. I’m his stepmom, he's my son. End of story. Let’s go kill people and get back to our boys.” Logan smirked, “I love you, Katie Bishop.” She flipped her hair, “You should. I’m amazing and I kind of love you too.” He followed after her as she took off.

Haley popped away. Bjourn groaned, “OH COME ON.” Logan asked, “Was that plan?” I answered, “Yup. She’s to wreak havoc, per my string’s suggestion.” I notched an arrow as people ran from the house I once thought of as beautiful. I let my them fly. Katie started chanting spells that spurred everyone into action.