The culprit of the stabbing was identified as Gerald. Matt growled. I linked him, “What?” Matt answered, “That’s the healer that told Ted Anne was dead. He was right there. If Lexi hadn’t been there, he might have killed Ted too.” I replied, “She was, and he didn’t.” Edgar said Gerald was Hanson. Excuse me? Edgar explained that it was some sort of mask that molded to Gerald’s skin.
Matt linked me, “Great. Just great. He can be anyone. I’m linking the pack, any stranger interested in our pack is to be watched.” I agreed, “That’s not a bad idea.” Matt said, “I know it’s not a bad idea because it’s my idea.” I rolled my eyes at him.
Matt linked me, “Edgar started the ball rolling on the whole Lizzy is still alive. AFTER his mate was the one who said she was dead. The mental gymnastics he had to jump through to not know his mate was still in touch with her brother is actually impressive. Insane, but impressive.”
I linked my dad, “Of course James cut him out of the investigation. He doesn’t have any balls when it comes to his mate.” My dad reasoned, “Son, you know that would be hard. You want to believe in your mate. He could’ve done more, but he didn’t do nothing. He was betrayed here too. Multiple times. He lost his best friend, his sons, and his string. Give the man a break.”
I argued, “I don’t think he’ll lose Noel. I think Noel genuinely loves his dad.” My dad said, “I hope so. DNA isn’t everything in some cases.” I linked Alpha Eric, “If Hammond was the wolf in our area involved what do we do?” Alpha Eric answered, “What we planned to do. Opal said it herself. Who did Hammond train?”
I answered, “Eddie.” Alpha Eric nodded, “He’d continue Hammond’s work. I’m sure he’s trying wherever he is. We put out the word with the other supernatural’s to be on the lookout. We keep trying to find more parts of this ring. We do it together.” I nodded. It was as good a plan as any.
Bolt growled, “This Hanson switched her birth control. We don’t know if he did it for Noah or himself.” That was sick but true. I linked Matt, “So he attacked Anne because she saw him. Him breaking in must have counteracted the spell. Her desire to live and fear of dying caused her to be able to fight.” Matt pointed out, “The spell was for his name being said. She actually saw him.” That didn’t make sense to me, but few spells did. They couldn’t be all encompassing, I guess.
I noticed Haley was still pale. I linked Alpha Eric, “Does she need more food?” Alpha Eric answered, “No, she’s reeling from the implications of there being more rings. She feels she abandoned others and focused on the partial fairies.” I pointed out, “She didn’t know.”
Alpha Eric said, “I know that, and you know that. Logically she knows that too. She just takes everything to heart, as though it’s her responsibility. She thinks that she should’ve outsmarted him.” Edgar’s questions pulled me back into the larger conversation.
I linked Matt, “I don’t care what anyone says or wants. Noah dies.” Matt said, “Even Edgar knows that. Look at his face.” They talked more before Edgar spotted Jordan, who had no forgiveness to offer him. He’d lost his brother and a major chunk of his niece and nephews’ lives. He wasn’t going to forgive Edgar any time soon. He didn’t look like he was actively plotting Edgar’s death though.
Jordan asked if he knew about the custody situation for Lexi and Heath. I linked Matt, “You’re the closest. If he knew you’ll have to jump in and save Edgar.” Matt grumbled, “Why?” I answered, “Noel. He’s gone through too much. He can’t lose the only real parent he’s ever had on top of all the bombs he got dropped on him today.” Matt sighed, “Fine.”
Thankfully, Edgar didn’t know. He did say he delivered the papers to the drop. I linked Matt, “Let’s all just hope to god Gerald/Hanson followed and took the custody papers. If the family did this, I’m going to tell Prince Bjourn to kill one of them.” Matt said, “I think Haley would kill them first.” I admitted, “Maybe. He was really pissed off at that family meeting. I’m certain he’s already plotting something for them.” Haley was still pale and probably not paying attention to this conversation anyway.
Everyone was silent. For Noel’s sake and the fact that Haley had been making him tell the truth, I offered to let Edgar stay here, guarded, to speak to Noel when he woke. After the conversation wrapped up, Lexi asked if we could talk. Now I was good enough to talk to? Interesting.
She took one step before I picked her up. I didn’t want her blood pressure rising. I got to the crux of this issue. She didn’t talk it through with me. We were partners and partners didn’t act unilaterally on big things.
I did admit I wouldn’t have shit sunshine or rainbows about the plan. Or been overly happy, but I can see the logic in it. I would’ve gone along with it. It just would’ve taken her a few extra minutes to get me fully on board. She finally agreed that she could see my point, and I was relieved to be making headway in communication.
She talked about Noah making her feel unsafe. I thought about that and had to agree he was. He was doing that. He was trying to take her peace of mind away. Where was he trying to get her to run? Where would she go if she didn’t feel safe in the places she should? Based on what I knew it was the Hackura realm, but he couldn’t get there. So what was his goal?
Lexi got to her deepest fears that a hit would be taken out on our pups. I linked Matt, “Discreetly look into a contract being taken out on Emmett. It would be on my unborn son since they don’t know his name.” Matt was stunned, “You think he’s that crazy? No one would take that!” I disagreed, “Someone would.” Matt growled, “I’ll tear them apart myself.” He’d have to beat me to them.
Everything calmed down. Lexi and I were ok, but I was still upset. I needed to speak to Denise too. I had another question. It didn’t make sense for Hanson to ignore Noel unless…. I just had questions. Dr. April had other plans, but they involved me still being able to see Lexi so that was fine.
My dad linked me, “The camera’s so you could see her was my idea.” I said, “A good one or I’d have said no.” My dad rolled his eyes replying, “I have met you once or twice. You do have my DNA in you.” I laughed at him.
Heath didn’t look good. I linked Matt, “What’s wrong with him?” Matt answered, “Isaiah called. Gerald killed Dani. She confronted him over her mother’s death and his section of the ring. She told him she wanted her mother’s killer, or she’d tell Heath everything. He killed her.” I winced, “Damn. Why didn’t she say anything? She thought it was cancer, right?” Matt told me, “Yes, and she left a death note for Heath. Hanson/Gerald had it.” I cringed, “Poor guy.”
Allie told Heath he'd done nothing wrong. I linked Matt, “What else did I miss?” Matt answered, “I don’t know what that’s about. Let me ask TeleTed.” He replied, “Ted said it’s about leaving her with Edgar and Denise.” Well, that was silly. It’s not like Gerald would’ve come over if Lexi didn’t call Denise out.
Matt linked me, “What bit her tit? Haley is a national treasure.” I linked Alpha Eric laughing. He replied, “Shut up. She gets mad at me when I laugh about these because hers make sense.” Haley popped us out. She and Dr April were bantering, and I could see Haley wasn’t going to let this go. This was in her control and she’d keep popping if they kept making it fun for her.
Alpha Eric linked me, “It was a mistake telling her no popping.” Haley proceeded to pop Lexi and her bed all over the room then into the hall. I asked Alpha Eric, “Does that end?” Alpha Eric answered, “I can end it.” He gave it a few more minutes before he stepped in.
Matt linked me, “I’m waiting in the hall. It seems Haley is a little triggered tonight.” I agreed, “It does seem that way.” We met up with Matt and Alpha Jackson in the hallway. I asked, “Where’s Derrick?” Matt answered, “He’s on laptop duty.” I acknowledged, “Good call.” Matt questioned, “Why are we talking to the crazy lady?” I told him, “I have questions.”
Alpha Eric surmised, “Noah.” I agreed, “That’s one of the questions.” Matt huffed, “You need a better question than Noah.” I said, “I want to know what’s so special about Noah over his own son.” Matt stopped, “You think…. EWWWW NO! Chase Daniels, no.” Alpha Eric commented, “It does make the most sense.” Matt asked, “In what warped and twisted universe does that make sense?” I shrugged, “Theirs.”
I stalked into the dungeon. Edgar was waiting on the stairs. Kincade and Ken were with him. He said, “I just want to see her.” I warned him, “You don’t want to hear what I’m about to ask her.” Edgar argued, “I’m fine.” I disagreed, “I have things to say that will rock your world.” Edgar cringed saying, “Noah.” I said, “Of course you know already.” Edgar said, “I don’t…. I was never sure.” I sighed, “Stay if you want then.”
I walked up to her cell. Denise was running in circles around the small space. I said, “Heath had a question for you.” She stopped and looked around. She shrugged, “I don’t see him.” then kept running. I questioned, “You were the leak, weren’t you? You wanted Lexi dead.”
Denise stopped and explained, “Before Noah was rejected by that wicked little girl, yes. I didn’t realize she was his second chance string; You see? I just thought he could be happy if Lexi were dead. He could’ve been happy, but now I see that was wrong. He needs her.”
I snorted, “Sure. Noah isn’t Edgar’s son, is he?” She laughed maniacally and started running again. I sighed and sat down. I pushed, “See, I think you wish he was but he’s not. He’s Hanson’s.” She didn’t stop running.
Alpha Eric sneered, “That’s disgusting, Alpha Chase.” Denise stopped running and hissed, “It’s perfectly natural between siblings! It’s normal!” I closed my eyes. He’d abused her as a child. He’d conditioned her and she never had a chance.