Alpha Eric said, “Your parents should’ve stopped him. You were a child.” She screamed, “THEY TRIED TO SEPERATE US! HANSON KILLED THEM TO PROTECT ME!” I reiterated, “Noah is his son.” She said, “Of course he is!”
I heard a pained sound from the stairs. Edgar came into view. He cried, “Denise.” She turned, “Oh, hi Edgar.” He brokenly asked, “Neither of our children were mine?” Denise sighed, “Hanson, well he had a spell put on me. He just wanted me for himself. He said if I was good that he’d have it removed. We can still try for a baby. I’ve been really good. I’ve done everything he asked.” It was sick.
Edgar had tears streaming down his face. He whispered, “We never had a chance, did we?” Denise said, “Hanson promised you and I could be real, just not yet. He still needs me.” Edgar nodded, “I see.” He turned then added, “I walked through fire for you, and I wish to god you’d walked beside me, Denise.” He walked out of the dungeon.
Denise yelled, “Do come back and see me again, Edgar! Bye!” I actually felt sorry for her. I linked Matt, “Get the pack psychologist down here.” I got up and walked out with Matt following behind me. He complimented, “Good play, Alpha Eric. How did you know that would make her talk?”
Alpha Eric answered, “Abusers groom their victims saying their actions are normal. When you say their normal isn’t, they lash out. I help Haley study for her exams.” Alpha Jackson teased, “Guess what the reward is for the right answer?” I laughed because I knew exactly what it was and I really needed a laugh right now.
Matt asked me, “Are we really going to send the pack psychologist down there?” I responded, “Yes, she’s a victim. She’s done horrible things, but she was abused as a child and conditioned. We will make her as comfortable as we can here until she’s….” I trailed off. Matt supplied, “Dead.” I nodded.
Matt informed me, “I didn’t find a contract for your unborn son.” Alpha Eric stopped and growled, “What?” I explained, “Lexi seems to be having nightmares about an archer taking out Emmett while he’s playing.” Alpha Eric considered then said, “I’ll have Gunner look into it if he’s not already.”
We all were silent until Alpha Eric said, “Jackson, you can go home if you need to. Something is off with Haley.” He offered, “I can stay Eric.” Eric assured him, “I’ll figure it out. I know you wanted to run.” Alpha Jackson admitted, “I’ve been itching to run all day since we missed our morning run.” Alpha Eric chuckled, “We? No just you which we understand because the twins stayed up late.” Alpha Jackson shifted and took off.
I asked, “What’s wrong with Haley?” Alpha Eric answered, “I don’t know. She’s full of uncertainty and self-loathing. That’s never a good combination.” I was worried Haley went to kill Denise because when we got to the hospital, and she wasn’t there.
Bolt huffed, “I wish that’s where she was instead of thinking mate was mad at her.” I did too. Bolt howled in delight, “We get to give mate a ride!” My dad linked, “For god’s sake what are you sixteen?” I retorted, “Bolt is excited. Just let him have this.” He rolled his eyes at me.
Alpha Eric followed us. I stopped outside the barrier since Alpha Eric couldn’t go in. Lexi went inside. I asked him, “Could Haley really believe that? That Lexi wouldn’t like her anymore?” Alpha Eric nodded, “Haley was conditioned and abused for thirteen years. Things like this bring that all back.” I said, “She’s really well adjusted all things considering.” Alpha Eric smiled in agreement, “She is.”
We waited in silence. Alpha Eric said, “You know their next Bad Ass girls’ day is the thirteenth of February.” I was confused but answered, “Yes, I had heard that.” Alpha Eric smirked asking, “Do you know that it’s some sort of bachelorette/bachelor party for TeleTed?” I snorted, “No. That I hadn’t heard.”
Alpha Eric chuckled, “Guess who has?” I groaned, “Beta Dylan.” Alpha Eric said, “Yes, he’s throwing a bachelor party for Matt with us on the same day.” I questioned, “Does Matt know that because I had not heard about this party?” Alpha Eric shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Haley and Lexi popped out to us. Alpha Eric scooped Haley up and I wrapped Lexi in my arms. I said, “Not to pile more shit on your plate but Noah is Betty and Hanson’s son.” Lexi shivered, “EW! So, Noel is his half-brother and he still treated him like an unwanted stepchild?” I nodded.
She cursed, “He’s such an ass. As long as he’s not related to me.” I laughed, “No, he’s not.” Lexi said, “Thank god. Or I’d have to ask my little sister to come up with something epically horrible to do to him.” Haley said, “I’m going to do everything fucking horrible thing to him I can think of. I’ve been plotting for five years.” I’d feel bad for Noah if he was anyone else, but right now I was all for whatever five years of plotting from Haley meant for him. We talked for a little while longer then parted ways.
The weeks passed by quickly. Joanie's insemination went smoothly. Haley stepped in and made sure it took. It was going to shorten the pregnancy by a few weeks, but no one was upset about that. She popped Joanie and her best friend to my Virgin Island home. Neither Matt nor Ted wanted to leave with everything going on, but we’d agree they would go away when this was finished for a vacation.
I could tell Lexi was disappointed as the days and weeks passed that Noah or Hanson hadn’t come and tried to free Denise. She was speaking to the therapist, but that wasn’t always going well. We were all trying though.
The day of the Bad Ass girl’s day rolled around. Beta Dylan had plans for the guys at night. It was a quiet morning. Matt and I got paperwork done. I asked him, “Are you ready for whatever Beta Dylan has planned?” Matt snorted, “No one is ready for what he has planned.”
Around dinner time Beta Dylan skipped into my office. He chided me, “Now Alpha Baby Daddy, it’s mean to make a Beta work on his last night of singledom.” Matt pointed out, “My last night of singledom was the night before I met Ted. I haven’t been single since the day I laid eyes on him.”
Beta Dylan said, “Look at him, he’s even talking crazy. Up! Let’s go you two. All work and no play makes Yellow Hills more like bland Hills. Why are they even called Hills it more like a bump.” I groaned, “Oh lord.” We walked outside.
Sophia was standing there awkwardly. Beta Dylan said, “Don’t look at me. I didn’t invite Alpha Kaa. She was here when I got here.” Sophia walked up to us. She nervously whispered, “I can go. Lexi invited me. She said the Alpha's were getting together and since I’m an Alpha I should come.”
I said, “Stay. If Tyson is around, he can come too.” She smiled and must have linked Tyson because he showed up minutes later. He nodded to me. Heath arrived and nodded to both of them. Sophia smiled at him. I realized, “You knew she was coming.”
Heath admitted, “Lexi told me. I called and asked Sophia if she’d mind if I was here too. I know she’s building bridges and I didn’t want to stand in her way.” My dad smiled, “All my pups are being such mature adults. It’s beautiful.” Sophia laughed and just like that the tension was broken.
Dylan said, “Now that Hallmark moment is out of the way…” He looked at Oscar, “Hit us with the magic partial fairy friend of mine. I’ve got the inside track you guys. Don’t be jealous. I’ve been their biggest fan since they graced us with their presence.” I raised an eyebrow.
Oscar chanted and a giant obstacle course appeared. I mused out loud, “When the hell did this get here?” Beta Dylan answered, “It’s been here since I found out TeleTed, and I’m never forgiving Beta Mattie for not telling me was his nickname, was having a bachelorette/bachelor party. Oscar here put it together and hid it for me. Isn’t it fabulous?” It actually was.
Everyone was looking around. Sophia offered, “I think it’s great. Can I have one?” Beta Dylan said, “Since you asked so nicely Alpha Kaa, I’ll put in a good word with my partial fairy friends. I’m the resident expert you know.” Alpha Sophia smiled, “I do have a memo about that.” Dylan grinned, “Damn straight you do. GAP, you, and your brothers are up first.”
Matt yelled, “Hey! It’s my party” Beta Dylan winked, “Trust me.” Alpha Eric raised an eyebrow but got ready. Oscar was smirking. I linked my dad, “This is not a regular obstacle course.” My dad agreed, “I don’t think it is.” Oscar snapped and Dylan had a bullhorn.
Matt linked me, “Dear god help us all.” Beta Dylan yelled into the bullhorn, “GET READY, SET, RUN LIKE THE WIND GAP! GO! GO! GO!” The Conners brothers climbed the rope and were walking to the next platform when an arm reached out and pushed Alpha Eric. He couldn’t catch his balance. Alpha Jackson reached for him but missed.
I started running because that fall would break something. Alpha Eric made a splash. As soon as he hit the water the tank below them was visible. Dylan shouted, “GOTCHA YOU BEAUTIFUL SON A OF A PRICK! This is no regular obstacle course! It’s out to get you!”
I turned to face him, “You have a death wish.” Alpha Eric swam back to the platform. Prince Bjourn called, “I’ve got next.” Beta Dylan squealed, “YES! My creepy ninja assassins are here for Dylan’s obstacle course of DOOM!”