Page 6 of Love, In Balance

“I’m just going to go and take this call guys” I say to my group at the table, as I put on my coat and scarf.

Outside is freezing, frosty and covered in snow. Idyllic really for a Winter holiday away. There’s a fire outside and a table with packs of marshmallows. How romantic.

I feel like I’m in The Holiday. The question is, would I be Jack Black, or Jude Law… Glad to be thinking of this internally rather than out loud.Great movie.Not that my friends would agree.

I walk to the far left, out the way of the locals’ loud and cheery chatter. A quick call to my family goes well.

I take in the view of the hills and trees covered in a white blanket of snow and take a moment to myself to inhale the cold air into my lungs. It’s nice. It’s even nicer when I head back to the pub doors and stop to the sound of a woman’s voice. It’s her, from the bar. She’s sat beside the fire alone on a high-backed cushioned rattan chair, that almost swallows her up. She looks so cosy. I kind of wish I was that chair. A beautiful woman in my lap. Wouldn’t be half bad, would it?

“Hey bar guy. How do you feel about being defeated by the locals?” she says. I turn towards her.

“My team were gutted. But then again, I blame those trivia questions” I say, smiling.I walk towards the chair next to hers, only separated by a small table and gesture towards it.

“Chair taken?”.

“Nope, feel free” she says, smiling enthusiastically.

“What’s that you’re drinking” I say. She looks so content, wrapped in a deep red cardigan and scarf, holding a large mug topped with a tower of whipped cream. She smiles.

“Hot chocolate with a dash of spiced rum. Keeps me warm” she says. “What’s your tipple?”.

“Just a simple old fashioned to do the same thing” I say with a smile. “Cheers”. I raise my glass to meet hers.

“I love a good old fashioned. I just thought I’d up the cliché cosy girl look, you know?” she says as she snuggles her hot chocolate near her face.

“Well, you’re doing a good job” I respond. She smiles and her face lights up when I ask, “Are you getting any marshmallows”.

“Yeah, I was just waiting for someone else to get one, so I look less desperate”. She laughs and looks down, embarrassed. That was my cue. I get up and grab two skewers and two marshmallows. Luckily enough the brand is one I know, so no need to be awkward about finding vegan ones.

Despite being vegetarian and vegan my whole life, I still find it awkward to bring up in certain situations.

You know those people who love to cause a scene by questioning your diet choices? Yeah. I like to avoid that as much as possible. Otherwise I just feel like punching someone in the nose for prying for no good reason.

“Well, I’m grabbing one, so, care to join?”. Her eyes brighten at my invitation. She puts her mug down and leaps up to grab one from me.

“Don’t mind if I do!” she says enthusiastically.

We toast our marshmallows successfully and take our seats again.

“So, how cheated do you feel in regard to the quiz?” she asks. I grasp my chest, faking heartbreak before being serious again.

“I mean, we clearly raised the bar in the academia section, but sadly entertainment trivia just takes over every time” I respond with shrugged shoulders and take a bite of my toasted marshmallow, letting her fill the silence.

“I know. It’s not my strong section, clearly. If it included questions about romance novels, horror movies, games and animals, I’d have more of a chance” she says, laughing into her hot chocolate.

“Same but replacing the romance novels with academic texts and comics. Also, I think we’re perhaps a few decades too young for many of the questions. So, they had the upper hand” I say, nervous about assuming her age, but she laughs, nonetheless.

“Very true. I’m not too bothered though. The locals will cherish the winner’s prize more than we would” she says through a mouthful of marshmallow. I nod in agreement, smiling and sipping my drink.

Even with so many woolly layers on, and her mouth stuffed with marshmallow, she’s genuinely gorgeous.

My mind starts wishing it was something else stuffing her mouth, but I’m quick to halt those thoughts.

I’m trying not to stare, but this view is too good to miss. She’s smiling into her hot chocolate, the light from the fire illuminating her face. Her hair, up in a messy bun with bangs hanging loosely either side of her face. Little whisps sticking out, the fire reflecting on them. She looks ethereal.

I look down at her legs and notice how one of them sits differently through her tights and the colour is just slightlydarker than her skin below the knee. I’m almost certain her leg is prosthetic below the knee, and I am in awe.

Her ocean eyes look towards me, catching me watching her. Her smile widens and my embarrassment causes me to laugh under my breath and look down at my drink. She decides to respond to my gazing.