Page 5 of Love, In Balance

“Huh?” is all I can muster up.

“The guy stood at the bar with you earlier”.

“Oh. Not a clue. Just a fellow nerd I suppose”.

“Well, he’s been looking at you for most of the night. You either have an extremely nice neck, or his eyes are made of iron and you’re a magnet”.

Nice little throwback to the quiz question Drew.

“I vote on the magnet” – Thanks Si.Not.He’s such a Slytherin; Ambitiously leading the debate with his opinions. Sure to be followed by his minions. Not that Slytherins are bad. He’s pretty coolmost of the time.

Just a tad infuriating.

“Me too” – Always a sheep, never a wolf, Pip.


“yep” – Drew started this and still has to have a dig. Douchebag.

“Agreed” – To round it off, thank you Reed. All four of them agree.

I thought you were better than that Reed.

“Are you saying I don’t have a sexy neck?” I say, disgusted in the lack of support from these noobs I call friends.

“No comment” Drew says.

The others all look away.

I decide not to continue with the conversation.

I’m the youngest, yet most mature. Clearly.I think as I huff and cross my arms like a child who can’t get their own way.

Since I’m sat with my back to Mr bar guys table, I have no excuse to look over, which has quite frankly saved me. The urge to peak at him has been present. I won’t lie.

Perhaps being deep in work over the last few years has numbedmy mind and body to the idea of having some romantic company in my life.

I mean, I have enough company with the four I’m sitting at this table with, not to mention Oli; the sixth friend in our group, back at home, and Flic; the seventh friend and only other female. So, there hasn’t been space in this overworking brain to consider dating or enjoying another person’s company… until him. I have had a few non-serious relationships. When I say a few, I quite literally mean two. And no. I’m not classing the boyfriend I had pre-amputation from year four, who I kissed twice and held hands with every day until he dumped me for a piece of chewing gum. That’s how much I’m worth apparently.

I’m never usually the type to just focus on looks, but it’s safe to say now that I’ve shared a few quiz questions and answers, found some common ground and spoke to him without making an idiot of myself (I hope), I’m allowed to appreciate his appearance; A delicious appearance at that.

His brown jumper looks so cosy, I want to snuggle into it. He’s well-groomed but still a little…rustic.

I mean, he could be an absolute degrading, selfish, player, asshat for all I know, but I’m allowed to dream aren’t I? Those intense yet soothing eyes… Deep Forest green with a dark brown outer ring. Specks of sage green in his left eye. Don’t even ask how I’ve grasped this from the short amount of time spent with him. I’m perceptive, ok?

He’s larger than me. Broader and taller. Not that it takes much. I’m just a speck of a human really. He looks like he could pick me up in one swoop, which sounds divine.

OK enough now Lista.

I order myself to cease thoughts regarding this delicious man and return to reality to play the game of cards that Pip just drew.




Playlist:Sparks Fly (Taylors Version)– Taylor Swift