Page 71 of Losing his Daddy

“Because you didn’t need my feelings influencing your decisions. Your choice to love me or not was never meant to hinge on anyone’s emotions but your own. And your past, facing it like I know you will, was another factor. We could never behappy together if you were still focused on outrunning the things that hurt you.”

I froze as I took in his words. They were true. I knew it as well as I knew my own name. It was just so insane to me how in sync we’d been without either of us sharing how we truly felt.

“Why don’t we get ready for the day, then we can figure out a plan to take some time off to visit our families? I’m sure it won’t take you long to get everything in order.”

“Of course it won’t. I already have a few ideas,” I told him.

The truth was, from the minute I’d seen the smiles on the page of the newspaper, I’d already started organizing the order of events it would take to go back. And once the thought seeped in, I couldn’t push it away.

I was going back to the Coleman Ranch.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“You’resure it won’t be an issue if we show up later tonight? We’re already going to be a shock. Catching them that far into the evening might be too much.” I’d asked him earlier in the week if the idea was sound, and he’d sworn it was. Still, I couldn’t help reiterating my questions now that the day was finally here.

We were going to go to the Coleman Ranch so Gerald could have closure. He’d coordinated everything we’d need, while I took a week off from work to ensure we’d visit for as long as he wanted to.

“I promise, Sir. Not a problem today,” he confirmed.

The new development of being Sir to him all the time was one I’d welcomed with open arms. Our dynamic wasn’t necessarily something that varied from our normal day-to-day interactions, which meant we could float with whichever titles felt best for the conversation.

Being with Gerald was different from every relationship I’d ever had. He’d captured my attention from the start, and I’d been playing catchup ever since just hoping he wanted me even a fraction of the way I wanted him.

Since today was considered a market day at the ranch, we’d planned to arrive later than normal to ensure the men wouldn’t be distracted. Convinced this was the perfect plan, Gerald declared it our best option. Mind you, I wasn’t a fan of arriving so close to bedtime since tempers could be higher. But he knew his family best, so I let him lead us.

Besides, he wasn’t so focused on the negative possibilities when he had something to take care of. He’d managed to secure road trip snacks, a rental since he said we shouldn’t take my car that far, and he’d even packed our bags. We were both hopeful they’d allow us to stay during our visit, though he had a place booked one town over in case they said no.

Everything was handled, which meant we had the entire day to busy ourselves until it was time to go. With the distance we needed to go, the ideal option was to head out shortly before dinner. That way, we’d grab food on the go and make it there not too long after sunset.

Gerald tried to focus on other things in the house, but an hour after breakfast, I saw him wiping the same spot over and over in the kitchen. Knowing he would only drive himself mad, I gathered his coat and steered him out of the apartment. We’d do a bit of window shopping to keep him occupied. If he found something he liked well enough, then great. If he didn’t, then no harm no foul.

The city was alive with the sounds of the holidays. Music blasted from speakers and people milled about the downtown space with quick steps, their coats turned up and hats tugged low to combat the cold. I’d already ensured we were both dressed for the weather.

We walked the streets for a couple of hours before stopping to get something to eat. Breakfast had worn off by then, and I could sense some hanger brewing.

When the waitress came over, Gerald told her our exact order without asking me. Of course, he got it perfect anyway. How could he possibly not after all the months we’ve spent together?

“I love when you do that,” I told him after the woman left us alone again.

“Do what?”

“When you know exactly what I want. I don’t even have to say a word, and it’s like you’re in my brain reading my thoughts.”

He grinned. “Sometimes I do feel like I can read you. Other times, not so much.”

“Like when? When’s a time you wanted to know my thoughts and couldn’t figure it out?”

“That first day I was at your place. Do you remember?”

I shook my head. “Of course I do. I overslept, then wound up opening the door in next to nothing. I was embarrassed.”

His fingers drummed along the tabletop. I could sense he had a question; one he was hesitant to ask.

“Was it only embarrassment you felt?”

Ahh. That made sense.