It was the patience I felt rolling off him in waves that gave me the relief I needed. I felt safe with him. More than I had in ages.
“I do. It’s hard to know how things will work out in the end, but I’m curious. I want to take a chance at something different.”
Wes grinned. “This wouldn’t be all that much different than what we have going on now.”
“It would though. I’ve never been someone’s submissive like how you’re suggesting. With the dynamic I had before, it was something we slipped into. It was never as well discussed as this already has been. I think that’s probably why it was so painful in the end. Because I’d had expectations he could never meet. He didn’t even know they existed.”
“This is why I’ve been very forthright with you. I recognized the lack of communication in your past, and I didn’t want us to be that way. We need to know where we both are in this from the start. There’s no room for error when you have access to the answer key.”
I chuckled at his analogy. “True, I guess. There is one other thing though.”
“Lay it on me. I’m sure we can work through it.”
I took a deep breath. “I don’t think we should have sex. At least not all of it. Not yet. I… well, I rushed into things before. I can’t — I won’t do it again. In the shower, we —"
Wes came to sit beside me. His body pressed against mine.
“I understand what you’re saying, and I’m sorry if I took things too far. I should have stopped it sooner.”
“No!! That’s not what I’m saying. It’s just, well, the minute sex gets involved, I tend to lose my willpower.” I knew I had to be blushing scarlet. There was no way I couldn’t be after admitting to him how I would get.
He took a minute to stare deep into my eyes before nodding slowly. “I understand completely. Thank you for telling me. We’re on the same page now.”
Despite the soft smile he sent my way, I had a feeling something about what I said had a strong effect on Wes. I just couldn’t figure out what in the world it could have been.
Chapter Twenty-One
Gerald was a cock slut.
I’d known it to be true the minute he admitted he had no willpower once things turned sexual. He flat out admitted that he wouldn’t be able to think straight if we took things further.
While I admired him for sharing his truth with me, I was also a bit disappointed. I ached to show him all the ways I could make him feel good. Together we’d be combustible. I had no doubt.
I woke up with an erection every morning, cum coating my sheets from how explosive my dreams had been. My waking hours were spent keeping things casual. I let him know my interest, sure, but I buried the ravenous part of me that would have taken control the minute he stripped bare in that shower with me. The animalistic side of me had no moral code to stand by. It only wanted to claim Gerald and steal his pleasure every way possible.
He was my obsession. I knew it as well as I knew my own name.
I’d never had a relationship move at the pace we’ve been on. Compared to everything else, we were glacial. In the past, I’d have bedded the person I was interested in by the end of the first week. There’d be no longing glances or stolen touches. Nomoments where I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest if I didn’t get closer to him, if I didn’t touch him in some way.
Gerald was so much more than I could have imagined. Every minute I got with him only deepened my desire to help heal and nurture all the layers he’d revealed to me. From his pain at Clancy’s death, to his addiction and the aftermath it caused, I wanted to be there for him. No, I needed to be there.
A text alert pinged on my phone as I was mid-thought. Hoping it was the man currently on my mind, I snatched up my phone from its spot on the corner of my desk.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t Gerald.
It was my brother Robin.
I’d made it a point to avoid talking to him in the last few months. Even before the engagement ended, I built a habit of not reaching out to him like I used to.
Given there were only two of us, we’d grown up quite close. Robin was always my shadow, following and mimicking me every which way he could. I loved it back then. He made me feel invincible, like I was a superhero or something.
As we grew older, our preferences changed so sharply that we drifted apart. I hated the idea of making a mess while my brother thrived in the dirt. It was no surprise to anyone that he chose veterinary work. They were also unshocked at my career in an office setting.
Somehow, in the midst of our differences, we lost track of time. Or rather, I did.
Before I knew it, my brother was grown and had run off to build a business with some other vet I’d never heard of in a town that was… somewhere fairly close. I wasn’t all that sure. At least I hadn’t been before Preacher showed up and told Gerald that Robin was in cahoots with his friends. Now I knew exactly where he was.