Page 28 of Guarded By Death

She whips her head back to look at me. "Oh my! I look horrid, is he sure today? I need to get changed." She begins pacing about the kitchen.

I laugh, "Mom, you look great. He's wonderful. Please don't get worked up, I know you'll love him." I say and mean it. They will get along just fine, Pierce is a gentleman and my mom will see that.

"If you say so, I just don't want to embarrass you,” she frowns.

"You're joking, right? I should be more worried he will have a crush on you! You're the prettiest mom I know." I smile proudly.

"Stop it, Scarlett! You're making me blush," she turns back towards the food, which now that I'm closer and can smell it, it's her signature dish, chicken alfredo. My dad's favorite, she hasn't made it in so long. Only on special occasions or when she's really happy. I'm beginning to like Brian even more for bringing her happiness back.

The bell chimes and I run for the door. My mom giggles as I stumble over my bag from my sleepover with Liv on the floor. "If you would have put that where it goes..." I hear her mumble in the background. I laugh as I open the door revealing Pierce. Of course, dressed in different clothes than ten minutes ago.

His unruly hair is now styled to perfection, still messy and tousled but in a perfect way. His signature white t-shirt is exchanged for a sleek button-up that covers his tattoo. I'm sure that's why he wore it, considering it’s hot outside. Little does he know my mom adores tattoos and has one on her shoulder in memory of my father. Dark blue jeans accompanied by black boots make for a striking sight in front of me.

"Can I come in?" he asks in a quiet voice.

"Of... Of course!" I stutter as I gesture him inside. A blush rising to my cheeks from my lack of not being able to look away from him.

He bends down to whisper to me, "You look beautiful." His hand brushes mine as he walks past me towards my mom.

I walk quickly to match his long strides. "Mom, this is Pierce. Pierce, this is my mom, Stacy," I say with a proud smile, excited for two of my favorite people to meet. He greets my mother with a hug, and it makes me melt.

"Set the table will you, dear?" she suggests, and I grab plates and utensils and head for our small dining room table. I wipe down the dark stained wood with a cloth before setting the plates out. I place myself between Pierce and mom so I can make the dinner less awkward, but from the sounds of them both talking and laughing in the kitchen, I don't think it will be a problem. He fits in so well with me it only makes sense they would get along. A smile is plastered on my face and I can't seem to shake it off, I don't want to.

They walk into the small gray room, both hands full of bowls and pots. Pierce sets the large pot of noodles smothered in garlic alfredo on the table and turns to smile at me. "Thank you," I mouth to him, and he winks.

We take our seats while mom grabs all of us lemonade. I'm worried I'll get sick again, but Pierce is here so my nausea is at ease.

My stomach growls as I scoop a large portion onto my plate. We all quickly dig in, and the taste of my favorite meal warms my heart.

"This is so good!" Pierce exclaims as he shovels fork fulls into his mouth. We both laugh when a dribble of sauce drips down his chin.

"When and where did you two meet?" she asks curiously, I avoid her gaze in fear. In truth, it's a valid and normal question, but I in no way can admit to her, or myself that it's only been what, a week? It feels so much longer. The deep feelings I have for him truly can't be explained.

Pierce lets out a single cough and I look over at him. "I met her about a month ago at the Pier," he smoothly states. I instantly calm, that's a much more acceptable timeline to have him over here for dinner.

My mother nods with a smile. "So, Pierce, what do you do? I assume you’re still in college or just graduated? Because Scarlett says you're twenty-one." She gives me an odd look when I spit my lemonade back into the glass.

Pierce shoots me a perfect smile before turning back to her. "Actually, I used to be a soldier,” he tells her. My stomach drops. I detect something in his tone that piques my interest, like this was his life before. I scoot closer to listen intently.

"So was my Malcolm." Mom sighs with wonder as she stares at the green-eyed man in front of her. I'm assuming she's searching through his features and his youthful face wondering his phrase 'used to'.

Pierce looks around quizzically. "Malcolm is my father," I tell him. I haven't told him about my dad or what happened to him, but knowing he was in the military tells me when the time comes, he will understand our loss.

"How long were you enlisted?" she asks, and I give him all of my attention.

"A long time," he laughs, and it raises more questions in my already overloaded brain. Mom gives him a small nervous laugh but doesn't press the issue of his current job which I'm thankful for, what would he even say?

"And your parents?" she wonders, and I immediately go rigid. He hasn't talked about them with me yet.

I shake my head a little. "Mom, I don't think-" Pierce places his large hand on my thigh under the table to stop me, a gesture that it's okay.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry. I’m just interested in you; Scarlett isn't one to bring boys around," she admits with a small laugh and Pierce grabs my leg tighter, almost possessively, but his smile is bright. I place my hand over his and give a gentle squeeze.

"No, truly, it's okay. I don't mind," Pierce assures her and his demeanor seems comfortable enough. He takes in a deep breath, "They're in heaven."

Mom looks away and coughs, Pierce turns to me and winks. What?

"I'm so sorry, Pierce." She gives him her warm smile. He returns it.