Page 27 of Guarded By Death


Pierce, meet my mom

Isqueal, jumping into his lap before my eyes are even fully opened.

"Shh, shh, babe. Your mom will hear," he laughs, keeping his tone low but the natural rumble in his voice can’t be quieted.

"Sorry! Wait, how did you get past her?" As the quiet words come out, realization hits me that he can just pop up wherever he wants. I laugh and he gives me a knowing nod before he brings his hands to hold my face while he moves toward my lips.

His kiss is different this time, almost desperate as he holds me tight around my waist. I get lost in the way his lips melt into mine, the way his hands grip me as his tongue expertly searches my mouth like we’ve been doing this for years. Like we were created specifically for each other.

He pulls away from me and looks into my eyes, his piercing green searching my dull brown. "I’ve missed you so much Scar, that was the longest two days," he sighs in relief.

"Tell me about it!" My excitement is making it hard to whisper. I don't mention that I got sick in his absence, it sounds too desperate. “Thank you for bringing Ferris.” I gesture to the bear, and he smiles at the name I chose.

He leans in closer to me, a frown taking over his face. "I wanted to talk to you about why I was gone for so long.” He takes in a long, deep breath. "I went on a mission to figure out who this demon is, his name is Preta."

A shiver runs through me and I feel Pierce rub his hands across the chill bumps. "Do you know much about him?" I wonder, not sure I want to know the answer.

"A little." He shrugs. "He's an ancient demon. When he walked the earth, he was a very corrupted and deceitful human. He did terrible things, and when he went to Hell he was the perfect candidate for a demon. After he turned, he was ravished with an insatiable hunger." He gives me an uneasy look, like he doesn’t want to tell me. "He is hungry for souls, and with you, it's the best game for him."

A shriek escapes my lips. "How do you know all of this?"

"I went to an old man; I was informed he could tell me about things like this. The library I went to was ancient, Scar. It was the oldest history I've ever seen. I know so many languages, all of them really, but this writing was from so long ago that he had to translate for me." He twirls his finger around mine while he takes in my expression.

"What can we do?" I shiver

He places his hand on my waist. "You can do nothing, I'll take care of this." He promises and when I go to argue he brings his lips to mine. The worries leave my body as he softly kisses me.

His hand clenches the fabric of my shirt. "I like you this," he smirks against my lips. I blush at the contact before I look to the clock and see that it's seven. The aroma of a home cooked meal travels from the kitchen, making my stomach growl, it's empty from throwing up last night.

"My mom will be up any minute to get me for dinner!" I shriek, a slight panic rising in me.

Pierce ignores the fear in my voice. "That smells delicious," he remarks, getting off the bed. "I'll meet you at the door in ten minutes."

I look at him, shaking my head. "Umm.. my mom is here," I whisper, my nerves shot.

"And?" He kisses my forehead, "I want to meet her," he says calmly.

My chest pounds. "You want to meet her here? Now? I've never had a boyfr.. well a guy I'm talking to? I'm sorry I don't know what to call this." I gesture between us and he laughs.

"I'm yours, babe, you can claim me however you want," he tells me as he slicks a hand through his thick black hair, the gesture makes my knees buckle.

My cheeks flush as I look into his eyes. "Okay...." I say shyly and he kisses me on my forehead.

"See you in ten," he says and when I look up to agree, he's gone.

I shake my head in disbelief. Nerves flood through me as I think of what he said. 'I'm yours, babe.' The way he’s so comfortable around me, and I with him warms my soul.

I quickly slide a brush over my unruly hair, it's tangled from me tossing and turning during my nap. Luckily, it's dry from the shower I took this morning. I must have really needed to sleep; I didn't sleep much all weekend though. I just kept throwing up everything I would eat; Liv was so sweet making me soup and bringing me Gatorade. Thank God I feel better now. I throw on a pale blue dress and glide down the stairs with a huge smile.

Mom is standing over the stove in her signature blueberry apron. It always reminds me of her pancakes, that's why I bought it for her on Mother's Day two years ago.

"Hey, mom! Pierce was... texting me and told me he wants to meet you!" I chime, filled with excitement.

"Lovely! Maybe this Friday?" she suggests as she stirs the large pot in front of her.

A nervous laugh escapes my lips. "Umm, more like in ten minutes."