Page 100 of Billionaire Protector

Jack nodded. “One of my friends saw some rough times in the service. He made his way through it, got a degree in the field and now helps others. He runs a group and offers a wide range of resources. It’s tough, but if you’re willing to do the work, it can make a huge difference.”

“I’m willing.” The future never seemed brighter. It was time to grasp it. “I better get home. It’s going to take hours to get this smoke off, and I have a big day tomorrow – or rather today.” He strode to the front door but didn’t walk through. Instead he turned back to his parents.

His dad stood tall, still so strong, so powerful after all these years. Yet his eyes were glassy, his voice strangely rough, as he rumbled, “Don’t forget the most important thing of all, son. How much I love you.” Then his father, iron-tough sheriff for over three decades, embraced him.

And even to a grown man, it feltwonderful. “Thanks, Dad.”

His dad patted him on the back a few times, and his mother took his place. “That goes for me, too.” She gave him a soft embrace. He hugged her tight.

“Don’t worry.” His dad winked. “I have a good feeling about tomorrow.”

Cole grinned. So did he.


Sarah Sloan AND Cole Carter’s Review

True Love:A Billion Stars

There is nothing like giving your heart in return for another. Intertwining two lives into one. Embracing the past, redefining the present, forging the future.

Beautiful. Stunning. Perfection.

It is Everything.

It was an artist’s rendering of the perfect day. Baby blue skies extended forever over the sun-splashed park, sweetened by a cool, gardenia-scented breeze. The air was fresh and sweet, the ground green and dewy, the perfect setting for woodland creatures and jewel-colored birds singing harmonic melodies. Sarah strolled over cobblestone paths bordered by sweetly babbling brooks, a storybook journey of pure peace.

Yet reality intruded at the edges, the stark reason for the gentle voyage. Unlike the world, her destination was neither magical nor enchanting, but utilitarian, the outdoor arena where the council meeting would be held. Usually reserved for concertsand other special events, the band shell was a rare place for a civic meeting. Hopefully, it meant they weren’t planning on firing her.

Or perhaps not, she amended as her destination came into view. The arena was already packed with people, with standing room only. Clearly they’d moved the meeting to accommodate the large number of people expected, which meant they might still be planning on firing her, just in front of a lot of people.

She had no regrets. She’d done her best by her hometown, and now she could only wait. She held her head high, attired in her full dress uniform, and walked to the front. She looked people straight-on, relaxing slightly as they returned wide smiles, hearty waves and even a thumbs up or two. No doubt they’d heard about last night’s events, although probably embellished small town style. The latest version likely included a fire breathing dragon and a meteor impact. Still, the support brought unexpected joy.

Of course, there was one person whose support mattered the most of all.

Where was Cole? She’d searched for him as soon as she arrived, yet his tall form was nowhere to be seen. He hadn’t left her thoughts since the fire, courtesy of their powerful connection. Truthfully, it had always been there, yet it had taken this long to realize it.

Now she only needed to tell him.

When she tried to take a spot in the back, a sing-song voice called out to her. Mayor Carol waved enthusiastically, looking nothing like the dour visitor of yesterday and everything like her usual jovial self, with a smile that could rival Santa’s. “Why are you hiding back there, Sheriff? Come up here. Everyone wants to see you.”

Sarah strode forward, forcing a smile. She’d much prefer to remain in the back to watch the proceedings, but surely it had tobe good news if the kind lady looked so happy. “Where do you want me?” she asked the beaming woman.

The mayor pointed, and front and center it was. Like a movie star, she was positioned on stage right next to the podium, in the middle of a small row of chairs. The mayor sat next to her, as did the other council members, but they left the adjoining seat empty. When a hush sounded over the crowd, its intended occupant became clear.

When Cole walked up, everyone noticed. He strode with confidence and power, resplendent in a pitch black dress uniform that outlined his body to perfection. Every person in the arena tracked him, as he waved like a king meeting his subjects. They enthusiastically returned his greeting, with adoration for their hometown hero.

He looked at her, and the worlddisappeared. The familiar connection sparked, the unbreakable bond only they could feel. Then he was sitting right beside her, surrounding her with heat and possessiveness. The seats were spaced amply so he wouldn’t need to touch her. But of course, they touched along theirentirelength.

She leaned closer, savoring the heat blazing at her side. “Aren’t you going to ask if this seat is taken?” she whispered.

“No one is sitting next to you but me.” His smile was predatory, challenging and promising. She gave a slight shiver, and it widened. Oh yeah, he knew exactly what she was imagining.

Thankfully, the mayor took the podium then, and the heat diminished to an inferno. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen. This is a very special town council meeting. I think we all know why.”

Everyone cheered except Sarah. What did everyone know that she didn’t? She could’ve called one of the town gossips, but she’d fallen into bed and hadn’t woken up until it was time for the meeting. Was the whole town in on something?

“We’re here to celebrate two exemplary members of our police force, Deputy Cole Carter and Sherriff Sarah Sloan. Aren’t they amazing?” The mayor stopped for loud applause. “As you know, a serial arsonist has been terrorizing our town. In the past, he caused little more than minor damage, but yesterday he inadvertently did something much, much worse. He set fire to the old abandoned home by Route 42, only it wasn’t as abandoned as he thought. A couple of kids had snuck in and were playing in there.”