Murmurs of distress roiled the crowd. Yet few seemed surprised – no doubt they already knew.
“The results would’ve been tragic if not for the quick work and dedication of Deputy Carter and Sheriff Sloan. If they hadn’t risked their lives, the boys would’ve most certainly lost theirs. The criminal tried to frame Sherriff Sloan for his crimes, and originally this meeting was to discuss that. Instead we’re thrilled to recognize the sheriff and Deputy Carter for their heroic actions. They saved two little boys and made this town safe again.”
As everyone cheered, the sun emerged from behind the clouds, bathing Sarah in warm sunlight. With its heated embrace came pure satisfaction. For the first time in… ever… the people truly accepted her.
“We have something special planned for Sarah, so we’ll leave her for the end.”
Sarah slid a glance at Cole. Did he have anything to do with what they had planned?
The mayor’s wink said yes. “First let me tell you about Cole Carter. There’s so much to say, I don’t even know where to begin. He ran into a flaming building, risking his life without a second thought. No one would have blamed him if he decided not to take that chance, if he decided to save his own life. But Cole wasready to make the ultimate sacrifice to rescue those kids. If that’s not above and beyond, I don’t know what is.”
Thunderous applause sounded, and Sarah suddenly stood, jumping up so quickly her chair rattled. She blushed as all eyes turned to her. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was wondering if I could say a few words about Cole – when you’re done, of course.”
The mayor gestured her forward. “How about now? As Cole’s boss, I’m sure you have a lot to say.”
The journey to the podium seemed a lifetime, amidst a lifetime of thoughts. Yet she didn’t need to plan her words. Her heart already knew them. “There are many things you can say about Cole Carter, yet only one word truly epitomizes him.Hero.You’ve heard the courageous efforts Cole made yesterday, the chances he took, but you can’t truly appreciate it if you didn’t hear the crackling fire, feel the heat scorching your skin, taste the smoke burning your lungs. If you didn’t feel the ground shake as the staircase disappeared under Cole, followed by the entire building. He risked his life not once, not twice, but three times – for the boys and me.”
She turned to Cole. “Of course, this is far from his first heroic act. Most of you know how he risked his life to save his troops. Most of you don’t know how much he does in everyday life. A hero is not solely defined as someone who risks his life to save others, although he does plenty of that. A hero is someone who brightens the lives of others, who does what is right. Cole is a hero when he builds a fence and asks for nothing in return. He’s a hero when he protects those around him, not because he has to, but because he wants to. He’s been a hero since the day I met him.”
Emotion blazed as Cole stared at her, as the crowd applauded in deafening waves. Her heart never felt so full. “He is and has always been my hero. There isn’t a man on earth more deservingof this honor.” Sarah turned away from the microphone, stopped. “And by the way, I’m in love with him.”
The crowd went wild.
Cole stared. To the others, he might appear expressionless, but Sarah saw far more. His eyes blazed with fathomless emotion. Did he feel the same way?
The mayor returned to the podium, flush with pink delight. “Well, I certainly can’t top that. Not that it was unexpected, of course.”
Sarah fought the blush, yet her efforts were hopeless. Had the whole town known?
“Stay right there, Sarah. There are some people who want to speak about you, and Deputy Carter requested to be last.”
People who wanted to speak about her? She expected a few kind words from the mayor, perhaps a nice certificate to hang in her living room. Who else would want to say anything?
Apparently everyone.
As the mayor invited those wishing to speak to approach the podium, half the town rose from their seats. Dozens of people formed a line leading down the center aisle and beyond. Walking faster than people half her age, Mrs. Carmichael was first to reach the podium.
The older woman took a moment, then spoke with a strong voice. “Thank you for always coming to help little George. You might not realize it, but I might’ve called once or twice when I shouldn’t have.” She gave a surprisingly youthful and mischievous grin, then awink. “Sometimes I just wanted the company. But you humored me and came anyways. Thank you for all the little things you think no one notices – the volunteer work you do at the senior center, the way you’re always available even on your days off, all the extra time you give. You’ll never know how much it means.” The older woman finished softly, with a warm smile. Sarah had never had grandparents in herlife, but for just a second, she knew what it felt like to have a grandmother.Beautiful.
“Oh, and by the way, it sure took you long enough to tell Cole how you feel.”
Heat made Sarah’s neck tingle, but somehow she managed not to combust. Mrs. Carmichael gave another wink, and thenskippedoff the stage.
Immediately, she was replaced by Zoe. Although it was her day off, the deputy was attired in her uniform as well. She smiled into the microphone. “My speech can be summed up in two words: thank you. When others judged me on my appearance, Sheriff Sloan took the time to see who I really am. She gave me a job, but more than that, she gave me a chance. I’ll never forget that.”
Sarah sniffed as Zoe left the podium and embraced her. Far more eyes shone in the crowd.
Thus, the parade of well-wishers continued. Sarah had known most of the speakers for many years, but the genuine and heartfelt speeches were as unexpected as they were astounding. Emotion swelled as they talked about how proud they were, both of the girl she’d been and the woman she’d become. For so many years, she thought she would never fit in. Perhaps she always had.
Even Donovan surprised her by taking a turn. As always, his gaze was direct. “I’m not a man who admits his mistakes very often, or perhaps very well, but you deserve it. I won’t make excuses. I was wrong. I judged you for so many years when it was never my place. When I heard you entered a burning building to save Cole, I saw you for who you truly are – a heroine. There’s no one more deserving of this job than you, and I look forward to serving you and the people of Harmony Creek for years to come.”
Sarah mouthed a silent a thank you. Donovan had become more than a colleague. He was a new friend.
An hour passed, filled with beautiful speeches, kind words and dozens of hugs. The line finally dwindled, until there was only one couple left. When Jack and Allison Carter came up, only love and acceptance remained. “You already know how proud we are of you.” Jack’s voice boomed with the same strength he’d given his son. “But do you realize how much we love you?”
The world grew blurry as Sarah gazed at the family that had done so much for her, who had given her a path and a place to belong. “I love you, too. Thank you for everything. I can’t imagine where I’d be if you hadn’t been there.”
Allison stepped forward and embraced her, with Jack close behind. “You’ve always been like a daughter to us. You are not like family. Youarefamily.”