Sail smiled and kissed her. “You have no idea how happy that makes me.”
“Uh, I can feel how happy that makes you.”
He laughed and groaned a bit. “Wanna go see my room?”
Galvin shook her head. “No, but I’d like to eat.”
Sail slapped his forehead. “Shit, I totally forgot. Come on, everyone should be here by now. We eat and then I gotta get to work planning shit.”
“And what will I do?” she asked as they climbed the stairs.
“Sit on my lap?”
Galvin pinched his ass. He yelped and pulled her into a run.
. . .
Sail spent all of Saturday on the water. By the time he managed to put his dinghy onto the trailer, he was exhausted and slumped over in the passenger seat of Crew’s truck. When they got home, he didn’t bother to shower and barely had enough energy to climb the up the stairs to his room. He flopped on his bed, with his phone in his hand, and had every intention of texting Galvin. To his credit, they hadn’t made plans and she’d taken the late shift. They’d see each other tomorrow, and he’d hopefully get her out on the water.
When he woke the next morning, he felt crusty, sore, and swore he’d been drinking all night. His mouth tasted like he drank a gallon of moonshine, even though he’d never had it before in his life and had only heard horror stories about how it put hair on your chest. He made his way to the bathroom, smacking his lips with each step he took. Turning the shower on, he cranked the water to hot, used the facilities and stripped out of his sea dried clothes.
“I’m a mess,” he muttered as he stepped into the scalding hot shower. He let out a scream. It was neither manly nor one he hoped anyone heard and pressed himself against the shower wall to adjust the dial.
Every muscle ached. Even the aches ached. He’d lost to Crew. Every time they went out, no matter the course, Crew whooped his ass, easily. By the end of the day, Crew had taken on the role of big brother and was whipping Sail into shape.
“I should quit,” he said to the shower wall. He was lucky it didn’t talk back because it would tell him to grow up. Sail entered the contest and he needed to see it through.
After what felt like an eternity, Sail washed and rewashed every inch of his body until his skin turned red. With each pass of the washcloth, more sea junk fell off his skin. It was like Sail had swum with the fishes and nestled in a bed of seaweed.
“Stupid rain.”
Of course, the weather hadn’t helped. Sail wanted to cancel yesterday’s excursion, but Jack was against it. A little rain wouldn’t stop a regatta. Thunder and lightning were a different story.
A loud continuous knock sounded at the door. “Hurry up, I gotta go to work.”
Sail couldn’t tell which brother needed the bathroom and he thought about reminding whoever was at the door that they had two more he could use. But the likelihood was, the brother’s stuff was in this one, and that meant Sail needed to hurry.
He shut off the water, grabbed his towel, and put his disgusting clothes in the hamper. He’d start a load of laundry after he dressed because his mom shouldn’t have to clean up after him. Sail opened the door to find Tidal standing there.
“Where’s your bathrobe?”
“Don’t have one,” Sail said as he looked down at the towel around his waist. Their parents had oversized towels which seemed to cover everything. “What’s wrong with my towel?”
That’s when he heard the voices downstairs.
“Who’s here?”
“Mom’s book club.”
“She has a book club?”
Tidal nodded. “They’re all . . . I don’t even know the word for it, but they make eyes at me. Some come into the hotel and they’re all‘hey, Tidal,’and touching my arms and shit.”
“Rawr,” Sail made a clawing motion with his hand. “Sugar mama or cougar?”
Tidal’s eyes widened. “Gross. Those are my mother’s friends!”