Page 67 of Sail Away with Me

Sail laughed. “We see this shit all the time in Miami. The older women, younger men. Vice versa. It happens. People like to feel alive.”

“Are you saying Mom is going to leave Dad for a younger man?”

The thought made Sail’s stomach twist and revolt. He couldn’t even imagine his parents splitting up. Not only would it ruin their family, but the people of Seaport would be beside themselves.

“No, I’m just saying don’t knock it until you try it.”

“Are you dating someone in Miami?”

Sail couldn’t believe the words coming from his brother. “First of all, I’m not a douche. If I had someone in Miami, I wouldn’t pursue Galvin. Second of all, see the first. I’ve made mistakes in my life, but I’ve never cheated, and I would never disrespect Galvin that way.”

He pushed past this brother and headed toward his room.

“I’m so?—”

“Can it, Tidal.”

Sail slammed his door. He sat on the edge of his bed, fuming. It would be one thing if he’d messed around with a bunch of girls back in high school, but he hadn’t. He’d never been the type. Yes, college changed people, but he wasn’t one of them.

It took him a minute to calm down. Once he had, he dressed in khaki shorts and a navy sweater with a white collared shirtunderneath. He was in desperate need of a haircut and opted to wear a navy ball cap to keep his unruly locks in place while they were out on the water.

He and Galvin had a date. Sail was very much looking forward to taking her out for her first sailing trip. The weather already looked promising. And then tonight, they’ll gather around his families table for dinner. In the morning, his life would be about the upcoming regatta. Three days of constant sailing, competing, and planning.

Before he picked up Galvin,he stopped at the local sandwich shop and ordered up their lunch. He was tempted to add a bottle of wine to his order, but then decided he’d done really well since his return and didn’t want to mess with what he had going on.

Sail stood at the helm,his fingers curled around the worn mahogany wheel, eyes squinting against the golden sunlight that danced across the waves. The sea stretched out in every direction, a vast quilt of sapphire and cerulean hues, stitched together by glimmers of white foam. The boat—his parent’s boat—cut through the water with practiced grace, its sails billowing like the wings of a swan. The wind whispered secrets only he could hear, and for a moment, Sail was entirely at home.

He turned his head and looked at Galvin. She stood at the bow, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, knuckles white as she gripped the steel railing. The sun bore down on her, making her look as majestic as he thought she was, but her face was etched with uncertainty. She stared out at the water as though it might betray her at any moment.

Sail would never let that happen.

He smiled, a mixture of amusement and love playing across his features. He’d been on boats since the day he was born. There wasn’t a time in his life he couldn’t remember being on the water, but for Galvin, this was a first. When she told him she’d never been out on the water, like this with the wind rushing through them, he wanted to be the one bring her and share this moment with her.

The deck creaked underfoot as he made his way over to her and shielded his eyes as he looked toward the sky at a flock of birds heading toward land. The scent of salt, freedom, and happiness filled him.

“Hey,” he said softly, coming up behind her.

Galvin jumped slightly, then let out a breath and laughed, though it was a little too forced. “Sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

“That’s because the boat’s behaving herself today.” He glanced at her hands, still clenched around the railing. “You don’t have to hold on so tight, you know.”

“Easy for you to say.” Her voice wavered, but she tried to mask it with a half-smile. “I feel like if I let go, I’ll go flying into the water.”

He chuckled and stood behind her, encasing her body with his arms as he gripped the railing. Sail kissed her neck, the spot near her ear which made her quiver. “The boat’s got you. And I’ve got you. You’re not going anywhere.”

Her brown eyes found his, filled with doubt and hope. “Promise?”


She nodded, taking a very slow, shaky breath. “Okay.”

Galvin pressed her back into Sail and closed her eyes. He could stay like this all day and night, if given the chance. He’ll never understand, or to even try to understand, how in such a short amount of time, she had this much hold over him. Hismom had always told him, the right one will come along when you least expect it.

Early, in his life, when he left for college, he’d promised himself he’d never look for the one. Believing no such thing existed. And yet, here he was, with the person who was undoubtedly, his one.

Sail kissed neck her again, and this time, she angled her head slightly, giving him more access. He felt her body go rigid and then pull away from him. Without letting go of the railing, she turned toward him.

“What’s wrong?”