Galvin was the reason.
Initially, she’d told him no. She didn’t regret saying no the first time they were together. But after night two, she was ready. Eager even.
She kept her head under the hot water, her hand rubbing at the tension in her neck. Her body ached in both good and bad ways. Her feet hurt from standing on them for hours on end, but the rest of her body longed for Sail’s touch. She was already in too deep and feared what would come next.
After her shower, she dried off and then stood in front of the mirror. She blow-dried her hair, and then did her make-up. Halfway through adding mascara, her phone rang. It was her dad and she’d never been more thankful for a phone call. Normally, he was the type to video chat.
“Hey, Dad,” she said as she answered.
“Good morning,” he said. “Well, almost afternoon. How are things there?”
“They’re great. How’s everything going there?”
“Good. Good.”
Galvin looked down at her phone and frowned. Usually, when they chatted, her dad went on and on about the happenings in town, work, and his way more active than hers, social life.
“So, what’s up?”
“Oh. Nothing. I just wanted to check in. Make sure everything is going how you expected.”
“It is,” she said as she applied eye shadow.
“Are you saving a lot?”
“Yes. Way more than I thought I ever would. The diner is always busy.”
“And Jack is treating you well?”
His son is.
“Of course. Not that I see him a lot. The Carter’s own a couple of businesses in town. He’s pretty busy,” she told her dad. “His niece, Penny, runs the diner.”
“Are you making friends?”
This question gave her pause. She wasn’t making friends and hadn’t really put herself out there. Ana, who worked for Blue Lobster Adventures had mentioned them hanging out, but nothing had come of it yet. Galvin also wouldn’t force the issue. Sail occupied most of her free time.
“Working on it,” she said honestly.
“Do you think you’ll come home for Christmas?”
Christmas was still weeks away, but Thanksgiving was creeping up on them fast. Galvin grimaced. “I’m not sure. Seems expensive, ya know.”
“Maybe, I’ll come out there.”
This made her smile. “That would be great. Then you could spend time with Jack. I think you’d like it here.”
“I’ll look into getting a ticket.”
Galvin told her dad what the nearest airport was and asked him to keep her updated on what he finds. Honestly, until he brought up the holidays, she hadn’t thought much about them. Other than Sail, they only thing that’s been on her mind is working as much as she could. The more she saved, the better off she would be when she started school in January. The loan would be what it was, and there wasn’t anything she could do to change it. She could, however, make her first year of school as comfortable as possible.
She finished up, got dressed for work, and then made her way into the kitchen. With her hand poised on the handle of the refrigerator, she paused. Sail had left her a note, with his phone number.
Call me later. Sail
Galvin took her phone out of the pocket of her apron, typed his name and number into her contacts and pressed saved. A few times to be sure. Then, she plucked the note from the refrigerator and slipped it into her pocket.
The last time a boy gave her a note, they ended up dating from sixth to eighth grade. By dating, they sat together at lunch and sometimes met at the school for a friend’s soccer game. They never held hands or kissed, and the easiest break up in the history of break-ups. He moved away, and that was that.