When Galvin entered the diner through the back door, Andy was in high spirits, going on about Sail being out on the water this morning. The guys in the kitchen were animatedly and saying words that made zero sense to Galvin.
She didn't know the first thing about sailing and began wondering if she should take Sail up on his offers to take her out on the boat. Although now, she imagined he wouldn’t have much time with the training he needed to do.
One look out the window at the gray sky caused her worrying to spike. Even with her lack of knowledge, the weather didn’t look favorable to sailing. She put her hand into her pocket, felt the note, and then gripped her phone. Texting him wouldn’t be suspect since he told her call her later, although he did say call, not text.
This is why you don’t date!
What was the right thing to do? Where was the etiquette book when she needed one?
She shook her head and took her hand out of her pocket, telling herself Sail would stop by or call her when he was done.They hadn’t talked about his training, other than he needed his brothers to help him. She didn’t know what it all entailed but vowed to ask questions.
The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon she worried about Sail and how things were going out on the water. Every time the door opened to the diner her heart raced thinking he was coming through the door. She didn’t understand why she was so nervous. It wasn’t like the competition was today. He was practicing.
Each time the wind blew and rattled the awnings over the windows, her heart plummeted thinking the worse. Of course, when word spread across town about Sail being out on the water with his brothers and dad, that’s all anyone wanted to chat about at the counter. Thankful or not, depending on how she looked at it, the gossips were full of information and didn’t seem to care she had her ear on them. Although, hearing that Jack had been out there helping Sail made her heart soar. Sail had told her how crappy he felt, disappointing his dad.
They rambled as she filled their coffee mugs and brought them their food. The competition would be fierce. Not only were sailors coming from all over, but sailing was wholly dependent on wind and other nautical words that didn’t make sense to her.
“Sail Carter was the best Seaport ever had,” one resident said, while the others around him agreed.
“He’ll win for sure.”
“Or die trying.”
The die trying part seized Galvin’s heart. She shuddered at the thought of anyone dying during the competition, before or after. Let alone Sail.
Mostly though, Galvin wanted the worrying to stop. She’d let him out of the friend’s zone, even though she wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. Law school was her priority. Not falling for one of the locals. Although, come January he would be gone.
And she’d be focused on school.
They’d be off doing their own thing and be nothing but a memory to each other.
She wasn’t going to let anyone, or anything come between her and her dream of living in Boston.
Except money. The bane of everyone’s existence was the only thing standing in her way.
Galvin looked at the clock and sighed. The lunch rush was almost over, and she still hadn’t seen or heard from Sail. She hadn’t necessarily expected him to come in, but hoped he would surprise her with a lunch pick up. Ana, who worked for Blue Lobster Adventures, had stopped by to get lunch for the crew. As much as Galvin wanted to ask her if Sail was there, she bit her tongue. There was no need to broadcast her crush on his coworker. In fact, the more low-key they kept their relationship, the better off they’d be.
“Why do you seem so on edge?” Penny asked as she bumped her hip against Galvin’s.
“Nothing, really.” Galvin picked up the gray tub, which was halfway full of dishes, and carried it to the back. There was a new dishwasher, and she hadn’t memorized his name yet. This position had a high turnover rate with the last one moving to cook. At least people stayed, once they started.
Galvin returned to the dining area, in time to help her next table. She went through the motions, getting their drinks, taking their orders and answering their questions about Seaport.
“What are you in town for?”
“There’s a sailing competition next week,” the man said. “I’m competing.”
“Oh, neat,” Galvin said when she really wanted to tell them to get the hell out of town. She couldn’t do that, despite the words being on the tip of her tongue. As she put their order in, the thought occurred to her that maybe Andy could poisonthem, but then he’d get in trouble. And it wasn’t like they could eliminate all of the competition without drawing a lot of suspicion to Sail.
Finally, when the door opened again, Sail walked in. She mustered every ounce she could to fight the shit eating grin that threatened to take over her lips. Galvin was happy to see him. Ecstatic, really. But there was no way to show him until they were alone later.
Sail sat on one of the stools and rapped his knuckles on the countertop. Galvin came over with a glass of ice water and set a menu in front of him for shits and giggles.
“How are you today?” she wanted to keep things coy and not give away to Penny or anyone else in the diner who happened to watch them that they were more than what they should be.