Page 31 of Sail Away with Me

No, her thoughts were on the day they spent together.

Sail had shown her exactly what it felt like to be a local in Seaport. He didn’t treat her like a visitor or someone who was there to collect a paycheck and then bail. Sail showed her whatit was like to live on the island, to be one with the community, and how he couldn’t go anywhere without running into people he knew or knew his family. The Carter’s were Seaport royalty, and everyone loved them.

Before Sail guided her from the car and to the railing of the bridge, she’d never been so scared in her life. Galvin fully expected her anxiety to spike, for her body to shut down or for the fight or flight mode to kick in. She’d never been in such a dangerous situation before, and yet Sail was calm. Clearly, he’d done this before and probably many times.

Now, as she stood there remembering the moment she wondered how many times. How many other women had he taken to the top of the bridge?

No, they weren’t at the top, they were in the clouds. At least, that’s what it felt like being so high in the air. The pure thrill and exhilaration of the wind, the cars driving by, and knowing there was nothing to stop you from falling over the edge if you let go. Below, the water wouldn’t break your fall, but break you, and still, she went with Sail, willingly.

And it had been so worth it.

He’d held her. Protected her. Pressed himself into her back to keep her safe. And then he told her to look, to really see what Seaport had to offer. The place she currently called home wasn’t just some small town nestled along the coastline but had magically turned into a quaint village with homes built in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. The shops lined the original cobblestone road, and no one seemed to mind. The town she’d moved to suddenly felt like home and she wanted to explore every square inch of it.

Back in the car, Sail said, “If you ever find yourself lost follow the evacuation route. It’ll get you back to the main road.” One of the things about Seaport, there were two main roads, and everything intersected with them.

“Earth to Galvin.”

Penny’s hand waved in front of Galvin’s face, startling her. She jumped.


“Let me guess, my cousin rocked your world last night.” Penny rolled her eyes.

It took Galvin a second to register the comment and once she had, she squinted and shook her head. “What? No. We’re friends.” Even though he snuck a kiss in. It was for a good cause.

“You look . . .” Penny waved her hand frantically. “Stupefied by a Carter boy.”

“Is that a thing?”

Penny nodded. “Unfortunately. But they normally don’t date employees.”

“Well, that’s good because Sail and I aren’t dating. He gave me a tour of Seaport.”

“A tour, huh? Is that what you kids are calling it today?” Penny laughed.

“When it’s a tour, yes. He showed me around. Introduced me to people. And after work he’s taking me to the art gallery.”

Galvin wasn’t sure Penny believed her. She inhaled deeply. “My job if far too important to me. I’m not going to mess it up by dating the owner’s son.”

Penny rolled her eyes and filled a tray with salt and pepper shakers. “I’m not judging you, Galvin. Except for the dazed and confused look you have going on. Did you have a good time?”

“The best,” she said quietly as she began filling a tray with napkin dispensers. “I’m not sure I would’ve left this area had I Sail not taken me around. We ate at the other restaurant.”


“Yeah. And he took me to the beach. None of the shops were open on the boardwalk, but it was nice. I can see myself going there more than the one across the street.”

“Did you go sailing?” Penny picked her tray up and walked toward the tables. Galvin followed.

“No. He’s offered, but I’ve never been on a boat before. They make me nervous.” Although, after standing on the walkway of the bridge, she thought nothing should make her nervous anymore.

“Oh, don’t be. Sail’s an excellent boat captain.”

“That’s what he said.”

After they set each of the tables, Penny turned on the open sign and greeted the first wave of customers. Galvin had to fight for every ounce of concentration. Her thoughts drifted back to the day before more often than she cared to admit. Sail had done exactly as he promised. He gave her the tour of Seaport, but there was more. He’d made her feel welcome. Because of him, she smiled, laughed, and enjoyed her day off.

By the time her shift ended her feet were sore her legs ached and she had a raging headache. She thought about canceling her non-date with Sail but figured he would never let her live it down nor did she want to disappoint him. Galvin liked the idea of having a friend in Seaport and Sail was willing to take her to the museums, the theater, and the art gallery. She’d be foolish to pass up the opportunity. Friends were hard to come by. Friends who liked the same things she did, were near impossible.