Page 30 of Sail Away with Me

Sail’s cheek lifted in a half smile. “You’re from California. I guess I assumed somewhere near the water.”

Galvin adjusted in her seat. “More toward the mountains.”

“Are you afraid of the water?”

She shrugged.

He peered at their hands, still connected, and squeezed lightly. “I’d never let anything happen to you out there. None of us would. We’re all very skilled boatmen. Dune and me, along with our dad, we’re on the Seaport water rescue team. It’s our job to protect you when you’re out there.”

“Maybe,” she said with a smile. “But not today. Not yet.”

“Fair enough.” Sail reluctantly let go of her hand so he could put his car into drive. “Let’s tour.”

Their first stop was sure to cause a bit of panic in Galvin. Sail had seconds to convince her that what they were going to do was okay. Not safe, but just okay. He turned onto the massive bridge that connected Seaport to another island. When he reached the peak, he pressed his hazard button, put his car in park and unbuckled his and Galvin’s seatbelts.

“What are you doing?” she screeched.

“Do you trust me?”

Galvin’s mouth dropped open as her eyes scanned the area. Panic washed over her. Sail had to act quickly. He leaned over, brought his hand up to the back of her neck and pulled her to him until their lips touched.

The kiss was brief and while unsuspected, he was happy he’d done it.

Galvin blinked in confusion.

“Trust me.”

Sail took a quick look in the side mirror and saw cars going around them, which gave him time to get out. This time he ran to the passenger side, opened the door, and grabbed Galvin’s hand.

Thankfully, she didn’t resist.

They stepped up onto the small walkway, which no one used. Only Sail would be this reckless to show someone he was interested in just how amazing Seaport was.

Sail pressed Galvin up against the rail and guarded her with his body. He pointed.

“Whoa,” she said loud enough for him to hear.

“Yeah. Other than being in a plane, you don’t get this view. I wanted you to see what Seaport looks like from up here.”

“It’s gorgeous.”

So are you.

Galvin looked over her shoulder, giving Sail a knee bending smile. He shouldn’t have kissed her back in the car because now all he wanted to do was kiss her again. Galvin made it clear to him though, they’d be nothing more than friends. He had to respect her decision.

Besides, they were on different paths, and he’d be gone after Christmas.

“Thank you for showing me.”

Sail nodded. “You’re welcome. Come on, we have a lot of other amazing places to see.” He took her hand and led her back to the car. He took a deep breath, settled his thoughts, andrushed to the other side with a smile on his face. Whether he’d ever kiss her again, they’d kissed and that was enough . . . for the moment.


. . .

The next morning, she stood at the coffee maker, staring at the black appliance that brought an insurmountable of joy to people but in a daze. Pots, pans, and other metal objects banged together, while Andy and whoever had the early morning busing shift chatted about something. Their voices were muffled or at least they sounded as such because her thoughts were elsewhere and not where they needed to be. Even when the chime on the door sounded and more lights flickered on, Galvin stood there lost in thought.

Only, she wasn’t exactly lost. Her thoughts were rampant, her mind running rapidly over the events from the day prior. Never mind the sudden and completely unexpected, albeit brief, kiss Sail planted on her lips. No, she could easily chalk that up to him shocking the crap out of her because the reality of the situation was, he parked them at the top of a freaking bridge. Not just any bridge, but an expansive one. One that was over two hundred feet above the bay.