Sail blinked. “Th—” his voice caught, forcing him to swallow the lump in his throat. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it.”
Jack patted his son on his shoulder and offered a smile. “Let’s do this.”
Dune and Tidal hopped into the speed boat the Carter’s owned and trolled out of the marina. One of them would video Sail, giving them all something to critique and work on.
“Good luck, Sail. Stay focused,” Jack said as Sail climbed into the dingy.
Sail thanked him and hoped this competition would bring them closer or at least Jack would forgive him for being suspended and costing his father money. Sail took one last glance at his father and then headed toward the open water.
The morning air grew crisper the farther he moved away from shore, thankful to have his wetsuit on. A faint mist still clung to the water’s surface, but the sun began rising higher, promising to be a beautiful fall day.
It was quiet out there, just the soft lap of waves and the occasional squawk of a gull. The fishing boats had long left the harbor and barely a car drove across the bridge. Soon, the islands would come to life with people commuting to work and school.
Sail’s heart thumped with anticipation, and maybe a little bit of anxiety, the type that came right before a major competition. And eagerness. Sail wanted to win.
The wind fills the sail and the boat glides forward, rocking Sail gently. The mainsheet is rough, but familiar as he eases it out slightly. The boom shifts overhead as the breeze coming off the water hits him in the face.
Cool and steady.
Exactly what he’d hoped for.
And then the wind picked up.
His legs burned as his body stretched over the side. The dinghy responds, slicing through the water with purpose and grace.
“Yes,” Sail let out an exhilarating scream. He’d missed this, his true passion.
“Stay flat and balance out,” he muttered as his thighs wailed in agony. Sail was out of shape and had little time to work out, but he would. He’d find the time.
The muscle memory quickly returned. Each maneuver was like second nature to him. Sailing wasn’t just about one or two good moves, it was about stringing them together, feeling the rhythm of the wind and adjusting to the water.
Sail practiced tacking until his arms were heavy and wobbly, and blisters formed on his palms. It’d been far too long since he felt the sting of the ties trace across his skin.
After a while, each tack smoothed out and his movements came more instinctive. He was now the ebb and flow, guiding effortlessly around buoys, much to the pleasure of his brothers. They cheered. Encouraged him when he picked up speed.
Sail’s adrenaline spiked as a gust of wind hit. Salty ocean spray whipped his face, and he hollered in excitement. He didn’t care if he was cold, this was worth it.
“Hold her steady,” he said to himself. “Treat her right and she’ll love you back.”
He’d always been good to his equipment, taking pride in what he bought, earned, or had been given as a gift. All except the education his father provided for him. Now, more than ever, Sail was determined to get back to Miami, excel and finish school on time.
Despite arms burning, shaky legs, and his mind slapping him silly with realization, Sail stayed low, fluid and moved with the boat and not against it. He exhaled slowly, keeping his breathingsteady. Every move he made counted. Not just in the boat, but in life as well. Regardless of the outcome of the race, Sail would be a better person eventually.
Today, chasing the wind would be enough.
. . .
Having Sail in her bed was something Galvin could get used to. Waking to him not being there, was not. His side of the bed was cold and as unwelcoming as the sun rays trying to blind her. Instinctively, she reached for her phone, taking it off the charging cradle. There was a small glimmer of hope that there would be a text message from Sail waiting for her, until she remembered they hadn’t exchanged numbers.
She rolled her eyes at her thoughts. There hadn’t been a time when she needed to get in touch with Sail. He had impeccable timing and an uncanny way of knowing when he was on her mind. Either that, or she was constantly on his. Galvin preferred the latter because then it meant she’d been steadfast in refusing his charm.
Galvin checked her messages, saw a text from her dad that came in late last night. Thanks to the time difference of three hours, she missed it. No, that wasn’t why she missed his text. She sent him a message back, assuring him everything was going well.
“Very well,” she muttered as she typed. After pressing send, she stretched and got of out bed, thankful her bathroom was so close. She started the shower, used the facilities, and thenclimbed under the hot spray. Standing there, she closed her eyes and let the water rain down on her while her mind gave her a healthy replay of the night before.
Sail had been caring and at times rough in the way he handled her body. She never knew the two could go together, but they did, which made the night even more pleasurable. They still hadn’t had sex.