‘Look, I really want to keep talking to you,’ Gib replied, ‘but I need to do something first. So fetch whatever Golly’s asked for, and I’ll speak to you in five minutes, maybe even less.’
He disconnected and Bea stared at her phone.Crap. It was Saturday morning in the States, and he was probably working. And something, or someone else, needed his attention. It was a reminder, one she didn’t need, that his work always came first.
There wasn’t much space for her in his life, and she knew she’d never be more important than his work. But she didn’t think she cared anymore. She just wanted to be with him. In any way she could. If he gave her the smallest hint he’d welcome a visit from her, she’d go to Fira and catch the first flight out.
Bea bit down on her lip, wishing she could stay in the cottage, curl up in the bed she and Gib had shared. But that would upset Golly, who’d paid a hefty amount to get them back to Santorini for their brief reunion. She’d grab the pashmina, go back, eat as much pizza as she could, and stay an hour, maybe two, then bolt.
She looked down at her phone, it had been three minutes since Gib said he’d call her back…
Bea walked into the dark cottage, not bothering to switch on a light as she could see well enough by the light of the moon. She couldn’t see the pashmina anywhere. Wait, didn’t Gib say something about fetching something for Golly? Hedid. She frowned. How did he know…
‘Took you long enough to twig.’
She looked down at her phone, checking they weren’t still connected. Nope. Joy, wild and fast and free, clobbered her, in the best way possible. Her heart triple-timed when she saw him leaning against the doorframe to the bedroom, arms folded, and one ankle crossed over the other.
‘You’re here.’ He wore dark jeans, trendy trainers on his big feet, and a white T-shirt under a navy jacket. He’d cut his hair, and his stubble was neatly trimmed. He looked… God, he lookedfantastic.
‘Yep. And you’re too far away’ He walked over to her and, without warning, he bent his knees, put his shoulder to her stomach and lifted her up and over his shoulder. Bea squealed and then laughed.
Gib. Was.Here.
Gib walked through to the bedroom and dumped her on the big bed. He loomed over her, curled his hand around the back of her neck and rested his forehead against hers. ‘That was, bar none, the longest six weeks of my life. I can’t be apart from you for that long ever again, Bea-baby.’
She had to kiss him, right now, so she lifted her mouth to his, her body sighing when he gathered her close. She fell into the kiss, completely forgetting Golly’s request, that Nadia was making pizza.
She pulled back a long while later. ‘Did Golly even need a pashmina?’
He laughed. ‘I wanted an excuse to get you here alone and, as always, she was happy to engage in a little subterfuge.’
She would think about Golly’s involvement later. All that was important was that Gib was here. Joy, relief, and contentment flooded her system. All was well with her world. In his arms was where she wanted to be, his mouth the only one she wanted to kiss. With him, her heart puzzle was no longer missing its most important piece.
Gib tasted of coffee and mints and smelt like citrus and sea-scented air. Powerful and gentle, his tongue twisted around hers, every stroke telling her how much he missed this, how much he missedher. It was ayou-are-minekiss, amissed-you-so-muchkiss and Bea understood she wasn’t the only one who’d been utterly miserable.
They might not have known each other long, but that was all the time her heart, and hopefully his, needed to know they were meant to be together. How, she didn’t know. But they were smart people, they’d figure it out.
Gib pulled back and moved his mouth to her ear. ‘I want you so goddamn much, but if we carry on, we might set this bed alight.’
Bea pushed her hand under his jacket and placed her hand over his heart. ‘I’m willing to take that risk.’
Gib smiled, his thumb drifting over her bottom lip. ‘I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more, but?—’
‘If you’re about to tell me that you can’t stay, I swear I will … I will … I’llscream.’
He grinned. ‘Oh, you’re going to scream, but not because I’m leaving,’ he promised her, lust in his eyes. ‘I was going to say that we need to talk.’
‘Oh.’ She wrinkled her nose, unsure. He might want her, but that didn’t mean he wanted her full time, or on a permanent basis. Maybe he was going to remind her that they couldn’t be anything more than bed-buddies, or friends-with-benefits or some other horseshit.
‘I still need more,’ she blurted. ‘I’m not going to push you away again, but it's only fair that you know.’
Instead of replying, Gib pulled her upright and sat down next to her on the bed.
‘This isn’t working, Bea-baby.’
Bea felt like she’d just been kicked off the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. Man, this landing was going to hurt. The ground rushed up to meet her and she tensed, bracing for the collision.
Gib’s thumb rubbed the top of her hand. ‘We need to find a way to be together, to see more of each other. I’m useless without you.’
Her downward dive was halted by his words, and she hovered there, inches from the ground, trying to make sense of what he’d said.