Page 113 of Shadow Operative

But they hadn’t been hit. Not yet.

Did these guys want her dead after all?

“This way!” Gage pulled her down another alley and around a corner.

They continued to weave between buildings.

Would they really lose the gunmen this way?

Nia would have to rely on Gage’s expertise on the matter.

The next alley they ran down ended at a brick wall, and Gage muttered beneath his breath.

Then they turned and glanced at the street.

A car appeared there.

It was them. Nia was certain of it.

“We’ve got to move!” Gage jerked her back toward the street—toward the gunmen.

What was he doing?

He paused by a fire escape next to an old, condemned apartment building. It appeared as if construction had started on the place to revitalize it.

But right now, it looked like a death trap with its broken windows and graffiti painted on the brick walls.

Nia’s eyes widened as she realized what they were about to do.

She’d only seen things like this on movies and TV shows. She never thought she would experience this in real life.

The staircase lowered with a loud clank. Then Gage pulled her up a flight of steps.

As they climbed, footsteps rushed toward them. Men grunted.

Another bullet flew, pinging on the metal fire escape.

Nia muffled a scream.

At the first platform, Gage turned to an old window and shoved at the pane.

To Nia’s surprise, it opened.

They climbed into an old apartment that looked like it hadn’t been touched in years—other than by hoodlums up to no good.

Beyond the shadows of the room, the building was dark.

Danger loomed both behind them and in front of them.

What were they going to do now?

Panic raced through her.

“Gage, please tell me you have a plan.”

