Gage glanced around.Then, on a whim, he pulled Nia toward a door in the same room they’d climbed into. He opened it.
A closet.
This would work.
He pushed her inside the musty space. Moved a few boxes. Positioned her behind them. As he closed the door, he moved in himself.
“Shouldn’t we have run farther?” she whispered, her breath brushing his cheek.
“That’s what they’ll think we’re going to do. That’s why we’re hiding here instead.”
“Do you really think this is going to work?”
“I have some experience with these things,” he told her quietly. “You’re just going to have to trust me.”
Gage hoped and prayed his idea paid off.
They didn’t have time to talk anymore.
Voices sounded inthe room.
Footsteps echoed on the wooden floors.
There were at least two men. Could they be the same two men who’d been in Rob’s place earlier? Gage wasn’t sure.
“Where’d they go?” one of them yelled.
“You go left, I’ll go right,” another man responded. “Find them! Who knows what that little tramp said.”
Little tramp? Were they talking about Brittany?
Nia’s fingers dug into his arm as she stood behind him, listening also.
Seconds later, their footsteps scattered away.
But he needed to be sure they were gone.
He couldn’t risk much. Not with Nia with him.
As they stood there in the dark, he was all too aware of her presence. Of her hands clutching his arm. Of her shallow breathing. Of the subtle smell of lilacs wafting from her.
Where had the scent even come from? She didn’t have her normal toiletries with her.
It didn’t matter. He liked the fragrance.
But this wasn’t the time to think about it.
After several minutes of silence, Nia whispered, “What now?”
“Just a couple more seconds.” Gage needed to be sure that those guys were far away.
If he’d been in those men’s shoes, he would have probably separated like they did. Covered more ground. Searched the second floor. Then gone to the other floors to search as well.
That was whatGage was banking on.
Finally, enough time had passed that he felt like they could move.
“You ready?” he whispered to Nia.